
  • 网络Participatory economics;Participatory Economy
  1. 支持者称,这些参与分享型经济(sharingeconomy)的明星公司,打破了已经变得贪婪和懒惰的垄断服务。

    Admirers say these stars of the so-called sharing economy are breaking up monopolies that have grown greedy and lazy .

  2. 参与南北型区域经济合作不仅会给发展中国家带来静态效应、动态效应还有许多非传统经济利益。

    Taking part in the North-South Regional Economic Cooperation will not only bring static effect but also dynamic effect , as well as non-traditional economic benefit to developing countries .

  3. 第四章介绍了中国参与区域经济一体化的现状,分析了中国&东盟自由贸易区的自身优势和将带来的影响,最后提出了中国参与区域经济一体化的战略选择,即参与南北型区域经济一体化。

    Chapter Four illuminates the status of China 's involvement in the process of regional economic integration and put forward the strategic choices for China .