
  • 网络creative economy;creativity economy;idea-driven economy
  1. 据韩国中小企业厅(SmallandMediumBusinessAdministration)表示,中国已经深入进军“创意经济”,过去五年在游戏、电影和娱乐方面的投资达25亿美元。

    China has made deep inroads into its " creative economy , " investing $ 2.5bn in games , movies and entertainment over the past five years , according to South Korea 's Small and Medium Business Administration .

  2. 3T要素从理论层面归纳了创意经济发展、创意人才的成长和聚集所需要的环境、机制和政策。

    The " 3T " element concludes a theoretical mode of environment , mechanism and policies for the development and conglomeration of creative economy , creative classes .

  3. 当今世界已经进入了创意经济时代。

    Now the world has entered into the creative economy time .

  4. 创意经济:北部湾经济区发展新路径

    Innovative economy : north bay economy district development new route

  5. 创意经济时代与城市新机遇

    The era of Creative Economy and new opportunity for cities

  6. 创意经济中创意市场化的演化博弈分析

    The Evolution Game Analysis of Originality Marketization in Creative Economy

  7. 创意经济是现代都市的灵魂。

    Creative economy is the soul of a modern city .

  8. 创意经济时代的营销创新研究

    A Research into Marketing Innovation of the Creative Economy Times

  9. 论货币均衡以创意经济的名义山城论剑

    MONEY HISTORICAL A Discussion about Economy of Creativity in the Mountain City

  10. 发展中的中国应大力拓展创意经济。

    The developing countries should dramatically expand creative economy .

  11. 提振投资者兴趣是韩国创意经济议程的一个主要方面。

    Rallying investor interest is a major plank of the creative economy agenda .

  12. 超级女声正是创意经济的成功之作。

    Super Girls is one of the successful pieces of the creative economy .

  13. 创意经济时代中国大学与城市互动发展探讨

    Study on the Interaction Between Universities and Cities in the Creative Economy Times

  14. 创意经济的新英格兰定义

    The New England Definition on The Creative Economy

  15. 而在创意经济时代,新的公式应该是:结果=结果。

    In the creative economy , the new formula is : results = results .

  16. 创意经济条件下企业产品开发模式创新探析

    Analysis on the Innovation of Enterprise Product Development Mode under the Condition of Creative Economy

  17. 奥运经济在本质上就是文化经济,创意经济。

    In essence , the Olympic economy is a cultural economy , or creative economy .

  18. 因此,我郑重推荐本书给所有在创意经济世界中竞争的公司。

    I strongly recommend it to any company seeking to compete in our creativity-driven economy .

  19. 发展自己的创造型创意经济

    Grow our Own Creative Innovation Economy

  20. 创意经济视角下的中国创意产品娱乐营销研究

    Study on Entertainment Marketing of Creative Products in China Based on the View of Creative Economy

  21. 创意经济与品牌美学

    Originality Economy and Brand Aesthetics

  22. 作为创意经济发展的后起之秀,近年来,我国创意产业得到了空前发展。

    In recent years , creative industries achieved great success as a rising star in our country .

  23. 简论创意经济

    Brief introduction to creative economy

  24. 创意经济是一种在全球化的消费社会背景中发展起来的新兴理念、思潮和经济实践。

    Creative economy is an emerging idea , thought and economic practice developed under the background of globalized consumption .

  25. 深圳新闻网讯深圳已成为促进国际合作尤其是创意经济领域新技术合作的典范。

    Shenzhen has been a model in promoting international co-operation , especially the technical co-operation in the field of creative economy .

  26. 同时,一批竞争力较强的国有大型创意经济企业集团和民营创意经济企业至今尚未实现上市。

    In addition , a number of large state-owned competitive creative economy and private enterprises have yet to achieve the market .

  27. 其中,奥运创意经济园以奥运场馆、设施和奥运村为主体,具有鲜明的品牌效应。

    There , Olympic Games creative economic park has the bright brand affection of the main body which is made up .

  28. 自英国提出创意经济以来,短短十几年内,文化创意产业在全世界范围内迅速发展。

    Since the UK proposed creative economy , just a dozen years , the cultural creative industries have developed rapidly in worldwide .

  29. 和其他经济形式一样,按照不同的标准,创意经济风险也可以划分为不同类型的风险。

    The same as other economic forms , the risk of creative economy can be divided into different types according to different standards .

  30. 中国需要一个清晰的框架来理解和分析创意经济,以制定清晰的政策。

    So China needs a clear framework to understand and analyze the creative economy , on the base of which to enact a clear policy .