
  • 网络creative products;idea goods
  1. 从这一方面可以看出,中国的文化创意产品的出口结构存在着严重的不平衡。

    From this respect , we can see that Chinese culture creative products export structure is serious imbalance .

  2. 他和他的伙伴瑞安·科尔斯顿在7年前创办了这家名叫“紫宠工作室”的小企业,专门制作激光切割工艺品,产品涉及室内装饰品、贴花和礼品等创意产品。

    He and his partner Riaan Kirstein their laser cutting business named Purple Puppy Studio 7 years ago , making home decor , decals , gifts and other creative products .

  3. 进一步将其与日、韩、印三国的创意产品贸易出口技术复杂度进行比较研究,并借助灰色GM(1,1)预测模型对各国相对出口技术复杂度进行预测。

    Then , it makes a further comparative research during Japan , China , Korea and India , forecasting the relative export technological level of four countries with gray GM ( 1,1 ) prediction model .

  4. 对超级女声的分析侧重于增强创意产品娱乐营销的可操作性,通过这个案例阐述如何应用实施娱乐营销4C组合策略。

    Through case of Super Girl , we focus on operating of creative marketing and try to explain how to apply execute 4C Combined Policy of entertainment marketing .

  5. 这些具有创造思维的独立出版商们已与布宜诺斯艾利斯DRAFTFCB广告公司合作,继续推广这一创意产品。

    The innovative independent publishers teamed up with DRAFTFCB Buenos Aires to develop this initiative .

  6. 实际上,在丹麦,创意产品的市场看上去更平民化。

    In practice , markets for creative goods in Denmark appear to be more democratic .

  7. 创意产品的独特属性对于其产品设计、开发、制造和经营的模式都产生了新的要求。

    It brings new requirements in its product design , development , manufacturing and operating modes .

  8. 同时,也创作开发创意产品及旅游纪念品、传统工艺品。

    At the same time , also creates the development creativity product and the tourist souvenirs , the traditional handicraft .

  9. 编辑部每月重点选择创意产品及消费热点,纯属个性化偏好,以感性笔触分享各自心头所好。

    The editorial team selects the monthly pick on creative product and of consumption and shares sentimental preferences with the readers .

  10. 创意产品不同成长期的价值增值评估研究&基于产品生命周期理论

    Evaluating of Rising in Value of Stages in a Creative Production 's Lifecycle & Based on the Product Life Cycle Theory

  11. 从生产的角度看,创意产品与传统产品的区别主要体现在文化附加值上,而且其价值主要由附加值决定;

    Viewing from the production , the difference between the creativity product and the tradition product mainly manifests in the cultural added value ;

  12. 相反,我国电影市场中一些中小制片企业很难通过上述融资方式筹集到电影资金,即使是他们拥有很好的创意产品。

    In contrast , it is very tough for some small producers to raise financing , even if they have a good creative product .

  13. 典型的文化创意产品,产品的类型覆盖工艺礼品、教学用具、家装及实用陈设领域。

    The typical culture and creative product , the kinds of products cover gifts , teaching apparatus , domestic outfit and practical display fields .

  14. 创意产品设计中风险控制的常用方法有功能创意、外观创意、材料创意、使用方式创意等。

    In the designing of creative product , the risk controlling often adopts the methods of functional innovation , appearance innovation , materials innovation and use pattern innovation .

  15. 基于以上研究成果,本文最后对整篇文章进行归纳总结,提出了针对性的政策建议以促进中国文化创意产品贸易的发展,以期待提升我国文化创意产业整体的竞争力。

    Put forward the corresponding policy suggestions to promote the development of Chinese culture creative product trade , in order to improve the whole competitiveness of our country culture creativity .

  16. 公司主要由广告展览,舞台艺术设计、工艺美术设计、卡通动漫先行者、创意产品开拓者组合而成。

    The company mainly by the advertisement display , the stagecraft design , the industrial art design , the cartoon animation forerunner , the creativity product earlier worker combines becomes .

  17. 而在我们生活中,可以做一些创意产品来送给一些朋友,当你周末有空的时候就可以安静舒适地在家里自创品牌设计。

    In our life , can do some creative products to some friends , when you have time this weekend when it can be quiet comfort in the home brand design .

  18. 我们将为金融机构提供税收政策优惠,贷款利率补贴,和其他优惠的财政激励,以鼓励他们为扶贫工作提供更多创意产品。

    Preferential tax policies , loan interest subsidies , and other kinds of favorable financial incentives will be provided to encourage financial institutions to offer more innovative products for poverty alleviation .

  19. 创意产品生产风险控制主要是进行生产风险的前置评估,进行生产资源及能力分析,对生产过程进行系统管理。

    In production , the risk controlling consists of the estimation of production risk in advance , the analysis of production resources and ability , and the systematic management of production process .

  20. 纵观全球,发达国家的众多创意产品、营销、服务,吸引了全世界的眼球,形成了一股巨大的创意经济浪潮,席卷世界。

    In global scale , many creative products , marketing strategies and services from the developed countries have attracted worldwide attention and aroused a huge wave of creative economy spreading throughout the world .

  21. 运用现代营销策略,构筑文化创意产品营销网络和渠道,加强国际国内合作,积极参与国内国际竞争。

    Cluster ( 8 ) using the modern marketing strategies , construct a cultural creative products marketing network and channel , strengthening the domestic and international cooperation and actively participate in the domestic and international competition .

  22. 但政府过多干预、产业规模小、产业链条不健全、企业竞争力偏弱、创意产品消费水平低,这些因素成为重庆文化创意产业发展的绊脚石。

    However , excessive government intervention , small scale industries , the industrial chain is inadequate , weak competitiveness of enterprises , low level of innovative consumer products , these factors become obstacle of the development of cultural creativity industries .

  23. 利用多向度评量法中的相似性分析(ndscal)偏好性分析(dpref)架构的偏好认知空间,进而探讨使用者对于不同类型创意产品,其创意属性的认知及影响因素。

    Using the method indscal and the MDPREF of mds , to structure the favor cognition dimension , then inquire into the cognition and the influence factor of the creativity attribute of the user , for different type creativity product .

  24. 其主要是将九连环类解环玩具的关卡难度降低,并通过观赏性,实用性,趣味性三个方面探讨传统益智类玩具与娱乐类创意产品的设计方法。

    Its main function will be to simplify the nine serial class needs its levels of difficulty , and to explore design methods with traditional educational toys entertainment through innovative product research and ornamental , practical , fun three areas .

  25. 因此,本文运用出口技术复杂度这一新视角,采用定性分析与定量检验相补充、理论分析和实证检验相结合的研究方法,研究我国创意产品贸易国际竞争力问题。

    Therefore , this paper using a new perspective of export technological level to research the international competitiveness issues of creative products trade . The research methods are complementary qualitative analysis and quantitative tests , combination of theoretical analysis and empirical .

  26. 日本公司一直在生产大量富有创意的产品。

    Japanese companies have been pumping out plenty of innovative products

  27. 影响EPC的因素有很多,包括佣金多寡、带来销售的流量类型、发行商是否尽力为代销网络上提供有创意的产品图像和内容和提供试用产品等等。

    EPC can be affected by many things including commissions , the type of traffic driving the sales , the vendor 's commitment to supplying good creative and wrapped trials within the network , etc.

  28. 文化创意旅游产品依托旅游地的历史文化积淀,在开发过程中突出地方特色和文化传承。

    Culture creative tourism products based on the historical and culture accumulation .

  29. 我们将继续致力于制定我们全新的富有创意的产品菜单。

    We will continue to focus evolving our menu with new and innovative products .

  30. 主营开发具创意性产品。

    Our main development product is the creativity .