
  • 网络Creative Learning;generative learning
  1. 儿童博物馆有助于促进创造性学习。

    The Children 's Museum helps lead to creative learning .

  2. 创造性学习方法的掌握,是科技时代理工院校培养高素质复合型人才的客观要求。V.C高;

    Mastering creative learning methods is an objective requirement of higher schools of science and engineering training compound talents with high quality in the sci - tech times .

  3. 支持向量机是一种基于VC理论的创造性学习方法,它能够使期望风险最小化,具有较强的推广能力。

    Support vector machine is a new learning method based on VC theory , good generalization is required by minimizing the upper abound of expected risk .

  4. 以混合学习模式实现创造性学习的设计方法

    Design and realization method of creative learning based on blended learning pattern

  5. 浅议大学生创造性学习的时代背景

    On the Period Background about Creative Learning of College Students

  6. •学习方式–人们更多是靠死记硬背,缺少“创造性学习”的引导。

    • learning style – more rote learning than ' creative learning .

  7. 高等数学教学中大学生创造性学习能力的培养

    Developing College Students ' Creative Learning Ability in Math Class

  8. 教育实习是学生创造性学习的课堂

    Teaching Practice , Classroom for Students ' Creative Study

  9. 语文创造性学习的规律与方法

    The Law and Means of the Language Creativity Study

  10. 培养学生创造性学习能力的探索

    On training students ' ability of creative learning

  11. 大学数学创造性学习的心理初析

    Psychological Analysis for Creative Learning of College Mathematics

  12. 感性认知是学生创造性学习活动的前提和基础;

    The sensitive cognition is the premise and base of students ' creative learning activity .

  13. 关于创造性学习的特征

    On The Characteristics of Creative Learning

  14. 转变刺激的顺序被认为是在创造性学习的研究中无效的方法。

    Reversing the order of stimuli is a procedure known to be ineffective in producing learning .

  15. 大学生创造性学习能力培养的改革思路

    On fostering college students creativity

  16. 远程教育更应进行创造性学习

    Creative Learning in Distance Education

  17. 创造性学习是一个被我国教育界在实践中长期忽视的重要概念。

    Creative Learning is an important concept which has ling been neglected by our educational circles in practice .

  18. 理工院校论文写作教学与创造性学习方法培养

    Thesis - writing teaching and the training of creative learning methods in higher schools of science and technology

  19. 文章认为创造性学习的提出并不是一种偶然的现象,而是有着深刻的时代背景。

    The article considers that the forwarding of creative learning is not a incidental phenomenon but a deep period background .

  20. 创造性学习与创造性教育密切相关,影响创造性学习的最重要因素是非智力因素而不是智力因素。

    It is closely related with creative education . The crucial factors that influence creative learning are nonintellectual factors , not intellectual ones .

  21. 通过论文写作教学和毕业论文指导与检验,可以有效地指导学生掌握创造性学习方法,培养创新思维能力。

    We can instruct students in their mastering creative learing methods effectively and train their creative thinking through thesis - writing teaching and graduation thesis guiding .

  22. 首先,要在教学理念上对接&在高师中文专业与中学语文教学中一线到底地实现教师的教学从传授型教学向创造型教学的转型,学生的学习从接受性学习向创造性学习的转型。

    First in our teaching concept & teachers should completely transform from traditional teaching to innovative teaching and students should transform from receptive study to innovative study .

  23. 结论在《外科护理学》教学中采用研究性学习,能激发学生学习的积极性和内在动力,培养学生独立获取知识的能力和创造性学习的精神。

    Conclusion Research-based study in the teaching of the subject Nursing in Surgery can help to motivate students and nurture their ability to think independently and study creatively .

  24. 关于人文精神培养与学术创新的思考&从本科生毕业论文写作谈起理工院校论文写作教学与创造性学习方法培养

    Some Thoughts on the Development of Humanism and Academic Creativity Thesis - writing teaching and the training of creative learning methods in higher schools of science and technology

  25. 在网络教育中以混合学习模式实现创造性学习,可根据创造性学习的阶段设计相应的学习活动、学习环境和媒体传播。为了实现相应的教学设计,还必须有网络技术的支撑。

    When realizing creative learning based on blended learning pattern , the instructional design of learning activity , learning context and communication should be worked out at corresponding stages .

  26. 教育实习是高等师范院校重要的教学环节,是“教”与“学”有机结合的重要过程,是创建“创造性学习”课堂的主要手段。

    Teaching Practice is an important teaching step in teachers colleges , a main process organically combining teaching with learning , a chief means to establish classrooms for the creative study .

  27. 通过对大学生学习观念、学习方法的分析,提出培养大学生学习能力的模式,即:创造性学习、研究性学习、合作性学习、指导性学习、实践性学习。

    By analyzing university students ' study idea and learning method , we propose the mode of training university students ' learning ability : creative study , cooperating study , guidance study and practicing study .

  28. 在中学物理教学中,首先要引导学生从传承型学习、学会型学习向创造性学习和会学型学习转变,大力开展研究性学习。

    The following are the requests for the middle school physics-teaching : Firstly , we should lead the student to change the passive studying pattern into the active studying pattern , implicate the investigative study .

  29. 要达到创新教育的目标,必须有创造型教师,创设学生开展创造性学习的文化环境,并重视倡导和培养学生的科学精神。

    Reaching the goal of the innovatory education must have creative teachers who must creat cultural surroundings for students to develop an innovatory study and pay attention to initiating and cultivating students ' spirits in science .

  30. 兴起于20世纪70年代的互动式教学,倡导教师是学生知识学习和能力发展的组织者和帮助者,学生成为自主学习、创造性学习的主体。

    The way of mutual education , which is raised up in the 70s of the 20th century , proposes that the teacher should be the organizer and the assistant to develop the student 's ability of learning .