
  • 网络Participate in management;Participative management;participation management;Management by Participation
  1. 员工参与管理的作用机制及其影响因素

    Functional mechanism and its influencing factors on workers participative management

  2. 药剂科参与管理前后抗菌药物用药分析

    Analysis of Usage of Antibiotics with or without Participative Management from Pharmacy Department

  3. 她注册学习当地的“女性参与管理”课程。

    She enrolled on a local Women Into Management course

  4. 该协议鼓励工人参与管理层的决策。

    The agreement encourages worker participation in management decisions .

  5. 俄铝则表示,德里帕斯卡并不想当ceo,但由于诺里尔斯克镍业公司表现欠佳,他试图更多地参与管理。

    Rusal says Mr Deripaska does not want to be CEO but has sought greater involvement because Norilsk is underperforming .

  6. 在我国目前条件下,信托公司参与管理者收购不失为一个上佳选择,应探讨信托参与MBO的方式,设计MBO信托解决的方案,并对该方案的可行性进行分析。

    Under present conditions , it is a suitable choice for trust and investment compary to participate in MBO . This thesis discusses the mode of this participation , contrives a schema of the mechanism of trust solution to MBO and analyses the feasibility of the schema .

  7. 职工代表大会是职工参与管理的主要形式。

    The workers congress is the main form of workers ' participation in management .

  8. 让学生参与管理,体现以学生为本的班级管理理念。

    Enable students to participate in the management , which is the student-oriented classroom management .

  9. 妇女参与管理区域训练方案

    Regional Training Programme for Women in Management

  10. 参与管理对组织效率的影响

    Involvement Management Affect the Organizational Efficiency

  11. 你可以借助读者啊,让读者帮助你参与管理。

    But you can depend on the readers , and let them help you to manage .

  12. 其中下列情形之一的,是不参与管理的计算机系统的性能?

    Which one of the following is NOT involved in the management of computer system performance ?

  13. 感情管理、参与管理和共识管理是激励性管理的主要表现形式。

    Sensational management , participation management and cognition management are the main presenting forms of incentive management .

  14. 大型建设项目需要社会化力量参与管理,协助业主实现项目目标。

    Huge construction projects need specialization enterprises take part in management to assist owners for accomplishing project aims .

  15. 各少数民族平等参与管理国家的权利得到充分保障。

    The right of the ethnic minorities to participate on an equal footing in state administration is guaranteed .

  16. 全员参与管理,加强检查考核,推动管理意识增强。

    Thirdly , increasing management consciousness by participating in management of all the staff and strengthening inspection and assessment .

  17. 对这一问题的回答直接关系着股东参与管理的积极性,进而关系着改善公司管理状况的实效性。

    The answer has great influence on the operation of a company and the enthusiasm of the shareholders ' .

  18. 有限合伙人限制了,只要他们不参与管理企业债务承担个人责任。

    Limited partners have limited personal liability for business debts as long as they don 't participate in management .

  19. 主要的挑战是保护这些现存区域,同时更全面地调动当地社区参与管理。

    The major challenge is to conserve the habitats that remain while more fully involving local communities in their management .

  20. 自然保护区的社区参与管理模式探索&以九寨沟自然保护区为例

    A Probe into Community Participation Managerial Mode of Natural Protection Zones : A Case Study of Jiuzhaigou Natural Reserve Zone

  21. 持股对职工参与管理的影响研究:以改制国有企业为例

    A Study on the Effect of Employee Sharing Ownership upon Participation in Management : Evidence from the Reformed State-owned Enterprise

  22. 盆丛又继续形成直肠丛、膀胱丛和前列腺丛,三个次级丛参与管理排尿功能和性功能。

    It subdivided into plexus rectalis , plexus bladder and plexus prostate to dominate the function of urination and sex .

  23. 简单论述了参与管理方式的概念、起源及员工参与管理过程中的关键性内容。

    This paper discusses the key points of employees participative management process as well as the concept and origin of participative management .

  24. 我方在行政程序中的介入我方不参与管理由行政专家组所进行的任何程序。

    We do not , and will not , participate in the administration or conduct of any proceeding before an Administrative Panel .

  25. 税费作为国家参与管理经济的手段,在国家的宏观调控中占据着重要的一席之地。

    Tax and fee , as the two means of State participation in the economy , are important contents of the national macro-control .

  26. 反歧视行动已经使我们妇女享有更多参与管理的机会,也禁止了性别歧视现象,但世界还是属于男人的.

    B : affirmative action has given us management quotas and bans sexual discrimination , but it 's still a man 's world .

  27. 这些人际互联的技巧是:积极倾听、沟通、团队关系、解决问题和咨询、参与管理和接口管理。

    The People Linking Skills are : Active Listening , Communication , Team Relationships , Problem-solving & Counseling , Participative Management and Interface Management .

  28. 学校活动应该成为学生实现参与管理和培育、提升主体性的基本途径。

    The activities on campus should become the basic means for them to realize the participation in cultivating and promoting the sense of subject .

  29. 酒店管理层的必须重视员工参与管理,因为提高酒店员工参与管理水平将是一个长期过程。

    The hotel staff to participate in the management level will be a long-term process , to which the hotel management must pay special attention .

  30. 本文通过让员工参与管理,满足员工个人成长、自我价值实现的需要,充分调动员工的积极性,达到组织效率提高的目的。

    This article aims at improving the organizational efficiency by letting the employee involve in management in order to satisfy growth needs or self-actualization needs .