
  • 网络reference rate
  1. 大部分贷款采用或参照政策利率;而高风险的借款人一般被完全拒绝得到资金。

    By far the bulk of loans are made at or around the policy rate ; riskier borrowers tend to be refused funds altogether .

  2. 浮动利率债券:这种债券的息票是定期确定的,并参照短期资金利率来计算。

    Floating rate Bond : Bond on which the coupon is established periodically and calculated with reference to short-term interest rates .

  3. 利率是调节实际产出的最重要手段,因为所有金融资源的走向的基本参照物是利率。

    In view of the fact that it represents the basic object of reference in judging the trend of all financial resources , interest rate is always considered as the most important means for adjusting actual output .