
  • 网络The Third Way
  1. 第三条道路(TheThirdWay)这一概念在历史上含义各不相同。

    The meaning in history of this concept has nothing in common with each other in The Third Way .

  2. 托尼·布莱尔(TonyBlair)和比尔·克林顿(billclinton)曾宣称第三条道路,但这一说辞已蜕变成陈词滥调和空谈。

    Tony Blair and Bill Clinton proclaimed a third way , but this degenerated into platitude and vacuity .

  3. 上世纪90年代,大西洋两岸主张第三条道路(thirdway)的进步政治人物认为,要在赢家通吃的全球市场上取得成功,需要依赖人力资本。

    According to 1990s third way progressives on both sides of the Atlantic , success in winner-take-all global markets would depend on human capital .

  4. 华盛顿研究机构第三条道路(thirdway)最新发布的一份研究报告显示,上幼儿园时,女孩比男孩更加专心,更守规矩,更具韧性,更加灵活和独立。

    By kindergarten , girls are substantially more attentive , better behaved , more sensitive , more persistent , more flexible and more independent than boys , according to a new paper from Third Way , a Washington research group .

  5. 不仅在默顿学派和SSK之间开辟了对科学本身作科学解读的第三条道路,而且,确如齐曼本人所言它已经逆转了元科学传统,开拓了一条科学学研究的讲路。

    His theory not only develops a new road between Moton School and SSK , but also inverts the tradition of metascience and initiates an approach to Science Studies .

  6. 西方当代政治发展的新趋势&第三条道路简述

    The trend of modern western policy-An introduction of the third way

  7. 文献编目的第三条道路&MODS的简介与分析

    The Third Road of Cataloging & Introduction and Analysis of MODS

  8. 第三条道路是一种伦理社会主义。

    In fact , the Third Way is an ethical socialism .

  9. 第三条道路福利改革评析

    Analysis of " the Third Road " Theory in Welfare Reform

  10. 第三条道路价值观时代背景透析

    Analysis on the Background of the " Third way " Values

  11. 论英国工党的第三条道路经验

    Discussing the Experience from the Third Way of British Labour Party

  12. 私营经济:个体经济发展的第三条道路

    Private Economy : the Third Channel for the Growth of Individual Economy

  13. 第三条道路产生的原因。

    Part three analyses reasons of emerging of " Third way " .

  14. 第三条道路与当代西方的政治包装

    The Third Road and Political Packing of the Contemporary West

  15. 第三条道路理论研究综述

    A Summary of the Studies on the Theory of the Third Way

  16. 第三条道路理论研究的路径分析

    Analysis of the Approaches to Studying ″ The Third Way ″ Theory

  17. 求新求变是第三条道路思维的核心。

    Innovation and reformation is the core of the Third Way thought .

  18. 话语理论视角中的公共政策质量问题&提升公共政策质量的第三条道路及其对当代中国的借鉴

    The Public Policy Quality Problems with Discourse Theory Visual Angle

  19. 对第三条道路的认识和评价。

    Part four makes evaluation on " Third way " .

  20. 生命美学是美学研究的第三条道路;

    Life-aesthetics is the third road of aesthetics research ;

  21. 中左派及其第三条道路评析

    An Analysis on Center left and its Third Way

  22. 英国工党第三条道路执政实践研究

    A Study on the Governing Practice of British Labor Party 's Third Way

  23. 英国工党第三条道路理论中的全球化治理理论述评

    Global Governance in the Third Way Theory Proposed by Labor Party of UK

  24. 第三条道路价值观批判

    The Critique on the Values of the Third Way

  25. 中国主流经济学家开始寻找第三条道路

    Chinese Mainstream Economists Seeking " The Third Way "

  26. 第三条道路在空虚和嘲弄中走向了灭亡。

    The third way died in vacuity and derision .

  27. 第三条道路价值观的理论来源探析

    Theoretical Sources of the " Third way " values

  28. 第三条道路成为英国新工党执政的新理念。

    " The third way " has become the main idea of New Labor .

  29. 第三条道路:当代资本主义发展的新模式

    A Third Road : New Model of Development of Capitalism in the Contemporary Era

  30. 实地研究:教育管理研究的第三条道路

    On - the - spot Research : Third Approach to the Educational Management Research