
dì yuán zhèng zhì
  • geopolitics
地缘政治[dì yuán zhèng zhì]
  1. 应对气候变化是全人类的共同事业,不应该成为地缘政治的筹码、攻击他国的靶子、贸易壁垒的借口。

    Climate change is the common cause of all humanity . It should not be a bargaining chip for geopolitics , a target for attacking other countries , or an excuse for trade barriers .

  2. 但是,以强调地缘政治的方式兜售TPP,也伴随着严重的风险。

    But selling the TPP by screaming geopolitics comes with serious risks .

  3. 匈牙利和波兰因其在欧洲地图上的极为不利的地缘政治位置而备受磨难。

    Hungary and Poland have suffered before because of their unfortunate geopolitical position on the European map .

  4. 现实是,南极洲是地缘政治的竞争目标。

    " The reality is that Antarctica is geopolitically contested . "

  5. 这个词1953年就已经出现,用来指代个人及群体组织之间的人际关系、地缘政治关系以及商业关系。

    The term is used to describe personal , geopolitical , and commercial relationships both among individuals and groups or institutions . The word has appeared in print as early as 1953 . For example :

  6. 从ENGLAND谈地缘政治名称

    On geo - political names

  7. 凯特爱德华兹已经在游戏开发业工作了16年,曾经在1992年至2005年担任微软公司(Microsoft)的地缘政治战略分析师。

    Kate Edwards has spent 16 years in the game development industry , serving as Microsoft 's geopolitical strategist from 1992 through 2005 .

  8. 但是,关于FIFA丑闻的超现实争论,已经向我们透露了许多关于当代地缘政治状况的信息。

    But the surreal debate over the FIFA scandal has already told us much about the state of contemporary geopolitics .

  9. 地缘政治本体应用了本体网络语言(OWL)1.0语言,是W3C标准。

    The geopolitical ontology is implemented in Ontology Web Language ( OWL ) 1.0 language , which is a W3C standard .

  10. 这不是(至少不仅仅是)“中国公司”(chinainc)为了惩罚力拓而策划的一个地缘政治上错综复杂的阴谋,也不只是一个中国特色的有关贪婪的故事。

    This was not or at least not only a geopolitically convoluted plan by " China Inc " to punish Rio Tinto PLC . Nor is it simply a tale of greed with Chinese characteristics .

  11. 兰迪・克吕弗(RandyKluver),德州农工大学(TexasA&MUniversity)传播学副教授:最被人忽略的影响在于互联网的地缘政治方面。

    Randy Kluver , an associate professor of communication at Texas A & M University : ' The most neglected aspect of the impact is in the geopolitics of the Internet .

  12. 美国和加拿大敦促欧盟(EU)解决内部政治分歧,并进一步刺激经济。目前各方担心随着地缘政治紧张加剧,金融市场风险增多,欧元区可能拖累全球经济复苏。

    The US and Canada have urged the EU to resolve its internal political differences and do more to stimulate its economy , amid concerns the bloc could impede a global recovery as geopolitical tensions and financial market risks grow .

  13. 俄罗斯需要减少其地缘政治野心,使其符合自身的实际份量&国内生产总值(GDP)仅占全球3%、生活水平只有美国的四分之一的新兴经济体。

    Russia needs to scale down its geopolitical ambition to its real weight – that of an emerging economy with only 3 per cent of the world 's gross domestic product and a quarter of America 's living standard .

  14. 然而,对于华盛顿和东京方面而言不幸的是,即使真的达成,TPP也没有重要到足以证明:它被寄予的所有地缘政治希望都是合理的。

    Unfortunately for Washington and Tokyo , however , the TPP even if it happens is not a significant enough step to justify all the geopolitical hopes invested in it .

  15. 此次华盛顿峰会最有价值的事,更大程度上在于地缘政治层面:这是一次g20会议,而非g7或g8会议,美国总统乔治w布什(georgew.bush)强调了这一点。

    The most valuable thing about the summit was more broadly geopolitical : it was a meeting of the G20 , as opposed to the G7 or G8 , a point emphasised by President George W. Bush .

  16. 不过,IMF总裁克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christineLagarde)警告称,持续复苏面临若干障碍,包括损害就业的欧元区低通胀和乌克兰危机引发的地缘政治紧张局面。

    However , Christine Lagarde , managing director of the IMF , warned of several obstacles to a sustained recovery including job-killing low-flation in the eurozone and geopolitical tensions stemming from the crisis in Ukraine .

  17. 德国永远保持财政盈余,欧元区其他成员国怎么办?几乎没有哪个德国联邦议院(Bundestag)的议员对此提出疑问,更不用说担忧地缘政治方面的影响了。

    There is hardly a soul in the Bundestag who questions how permanent fiscal surpluses would fit in with the rest of the eurozone , let alone worrying about the geopolitical consequences .

  18. 这些协议证明,天然气可以成为促成伙伴关系的桥梁,而这一关系是对地缘政治有正面影响的稳固商业关系,曾在美国国务院从事国际能源协调工作的卡洛斯·帕斯夸尔(CarlosPascual)说。

    What these deals demonstrate is that gas can be a tool for partnerships that are commercial with strong , positive geopolitical benefits , said Carlos Pascual , a former international energy coordinator at the State Department .

  19. 会议将于瑞典北部城市基律纳(Kiruna)召开,共14个国家和组织寻求获得所谓的观察员身份,这其中就有中国。中国对北极兴趣的增加凸显出该地区再次成为潜在地缘政治谜团的话题。

    Among the 14 countries and organizations seeking so-called observer status at the meeting in Kiruna , northern Sweden , will be China , whose increased interest in the Arctic underscores the region 's re-emergence as an area of potential geopolitical intrigue .

  20. 叙利亚事态令人想起一个残酷的事实:地缘政治不允许存在真空。

    Syria is an uncomfortable reminder that geopolitics abhors a vacuum .

  21. 这些因素涵盖地缘政治、金融、经济和政策几个方面。

    They covered geopolitical , financial , economic and policy factors .

  22. 当前地缘政治转变的核心国家是中国。

    The central nation in the ongoing geopolitical transformation is China .

  23. 武力投射及扩大地缘政治影响,最好留给他人去做。

    Power projection and geopolitical strutting are best left to others .

  24. 中国的海疆与我国海洋地缘政治战略

    Coastal areas and territorial seas and marine geopolitics strategies of China

  25. 评西方学者对中国实力地位的地缘政治分析

    Analysis on Western Scholars ' View of China 's Geopolitical Power

  26. 地域体育文化与地缘政治关系初探

    A Discussion on the Relationship between Regional Sports Culture and Geopolitics

  27. 否则,我们只能听凭地缘政治气候的摆布。

    We are otherwise at the mercy of the geopolitical weather .

  28. 阿富汗问题三十年(1979~2009):地缘政治、民族与宗教

    Afghanistan Issue Thirty Years ( 1979-2009 ): Geopolitics , Nationality and Religion

  29. 创新与超越:新地缘政治与国家安全

    To Innovate and Surpass : New Geopolitics and National Security

  30. 当代俄美地缘政治冲突:原因、特点和影响

    Contemporary Russia-US Geopolitical Conflicts : Causes , Characteristics and Impacts