
dì rè nénɡ
  • Geothermal energy;geothermal heat supply
  1. 若2050年CO2排放控制在21亿t(以碳计),核能、水电以及风能、太阳能、地热能等新能源在一次能源消费构成中的份额需达34.91%。

    If the 2050 CO 2 emission control target is 2.1 Gt ( carbon ), the share of nuclear , hydro , wind , solar and geothermal energy sources in the primary energy consumption mix should be 35 % .

  2. 新兴的海洋可再生能源如海洋热能转换系统(OTEC)、地热能等及国际海底能源资源的开发等面临着诸多法律问题。

    The development of emerging marine renewable energy sources such as ocean thermal energy conversion systems ( OTEC ), geothermal energy and the international seabed energy resources has been faced with many legal issues .

  3. 可持续能源政策研究院负责人tetsunariiida说,日本需要一个“强势而明智的政府”来说服温泉业主和地方社区:地热能行业不会破坏他们的温泉。

    Tetsunari Iida , head of the Institute for sustainable energy policies , says the country needs a " strong and wise government " that can persuade the Onsen owners and local communities that the industry would not spoil their spas .

  4. 北京大学地热能应用的实例分析

    The applied case analysis of the geothermal energy in Peking University

  5. 地热能在供热供暖和医疗洗浴方面的应用

    Application of Geothermal Energy on Heating , Medical Care and Bathing

  6. 浅谈湖北省浅层地热能开发管理与环境保护

    Discussion on Development Management of Shallow Geothermal Energy and Environmental Protection

  7. 地热能在矿山的应用途径和方法

    Study on the methods and avenues of applying geothermal energy in mines

  8. 太阳能、风力及地热能会议

    Conference on Solar Energy , Wind Power and Geothermic Energy

  9. 太阳能与浅层地热能联合供暖运行模式分析

    Operation Mode of Solar Energy and Shallow Geothermal Energy Combing Heating System

  10. 上海浅层地热能分布规律及开发应用研究

    Shanghai Distribution of Shallow Geothermal Energy and the Development of Applied Research

  11. 深层地热能在安阳法院集中空调系统中的应用

    Deep geothermal energy application in central air conditioning system of Anyang Court

  12. 你知道地热能有多复杂么。

    Do you have any idea how complex geo-thermal .

  13. 我国土地辽阔,太阳能、地热能资源丰富。

    China is an expansive country with rich solar energy and geothermal energy .

  14. 医院改燃工程中地热能应用研究

    Application of Geothermal Energy in Heating and Cooling System Reconstruction Project in Hospital

  15. 中低温地热能螺杆膨胀发电机组与应用

    Helical Screw Expanding Power Generator for Geothermal Energy Utilization

  16. 天津市雾迷山组地热能可持续开发潜力的模糊综合评价

    The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Potential of Sustainable Development in Tianjin Wumishan Geothermal Energy

  17. 利用地热能可实现采暖、供冷和供生活热水及娱乐保健。

    Utilizing geothermal energy can realize heating , cooling and how-water and entertainment care .

  18. 中国地热能发展趋势

    Development Trend of Geothermal Energy Resource in China

  19. 低温地热能梯级利用供暖系统研究

    Study on the Gradient Utilization of Low Temperature Geothermal Energy for Space Heating System

  20. 从发展风电场到开发源自地下的地热能。

    From developing wind farms to tapping into an underground source of geothermal energy .

  21. 地热能新发展情况讨论会

    Seminar on New Developments in Geothermal Energy

  22. 地热能训练问题常设咨询委员会

    Standing Advisory Committee on Geothermal Energy Training

  23. 福建省地热能利用中腐蚀与防护的探讨

    Exploration on the Corrosion and Corrosion Control for Application of Geothermal Energy in Fujian Province

  24. 以及新能源资源:沼气、太阳能、地热能、风能等。

    New energy resources are marsh gas , solar , geothermal and wind energy etc. .

  25. 包括地下蒸汽储藏的地热能,也是无污染的。

    Geothermal energy , which involves stored underground reservoirs of steam , is also pollution-free .

  26. 地热能是一种清洁可持续利用的能源,我国有着丰富的地热资源。

    As a kind of clean and continuous energy , geothermal energy is rich in China .

  27. 太阳能、风能、地热能和潮汐能等能源形式都可以为人类所利用。

    Solar energy , wind energy , geothermal and tidal energy can be used by human .

  28. 地热能是地底深处储藏的热能,可用于发电。

    Geothermal energy is a way to generate electricity from heat stored deep in the Earth .

  29. 地热能可从热岩石或熔岩所产生的热水或蒸汽中取得。

    Geothermal energy is derived from hot water or steam created by hot or melted rock .

  30. 地热能自平衡加热采油过程数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Heating Oil Recovery Process with the Method of the Earth Thermal Energy Self-Balance