
  • 网络local government competition
  1. 合约理论视野中的地方政府竞争制度分析

    Institutional Analysis of Local Government Competition from the Perspective of Contract Theory

  2. 地方政府竞争行为下的软件产业布局研究

    Research on Software Industrial Distribution under Local Government Competition

  3. 地方政府竞争对区域经济发展的效应

    The Effect of Competition among Local Governments for Regional Economic Development

  4. 地方政府竞争与区域经济协调发展

    The Competition among Local Governments and Coordinated Development of Regional Economy

  5. 我国地方政府竞争行为的制度分析

    A Study on the System in the Competition among Local Governments

  6. 土地价格、地方政府竞争与政府失灵

    Land Price , Competition Among Local Governments and Governance Failure

  7. 地方政府竞争与市场秩序的重构

    Local Governments ' Competition and Reconstruction of Market Order

  8. 财政分权体制下地方政府竞争行为是否扭曲了产业分工结构?

    Whether local government competition behaviors have distorted the structure of industrial specialization ?

  9. 地方政府竞争策略选择的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Competition Strategy Selection by Local Governments

  10. 在竞争中当这些原则不被遵守时,地方政府竞争便是一种无序竞争。

    When these principles are not followed in the competition , the competition is disordered .

  11. 地方政府竞争的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Local Government Competition

  12. 可持续发展背景下地方政府竞争过程中的合作困境剖析&博弈论的分析视角

    Cooperation Predicament Anatomy in Process Local Government Competition & Analysis Visual Angle of Game Theory

  13. 从制度语境到公共行政语境下地方政府竞争的演化研究

    Evolutionary Research on Local Government Competition from Institution Context to the Perspective of Public Administration

  14. 地方政府竞争与区域制度转型

    Government Competition and Regional Institutional Change

  15. 地方政府竞争研究述评

    A Review of Local Inter-governmental Competition

  16. 我国地方政府竞争和地方治理的形成有着共同的制度背景和制度基础。

    In China , the local government competition and local governance have the same system platform background .

  17. 南北地方政府竞争的比较与东北老工业基地的振兴

    A Comparison of the Competition of Local Governments and the Reinvigoration of the Outmoded Industrial Base of Northeast

  18. 地方政府竞争与经济发展模式趋同:基于苏南和温州的分析

    Local Government Competition and Convergence of Economic Development Mode : A Case of Southern Jiangsu Province and Wenzhou

  19. 因此,地方政府竞争必然通过公共品提供竞争和制度竞争两种竞争手段产生或正或负的外部性。

    Therefore , there must be positive or negative externalities in local governments ' competition by supply of public goods and institutions .

  20. 目前,这一研究主要涉及地方政府竞争理论的缘起、影响要素以及地方政府竞争的效应。

    Currently , this research mainly involves the origin of the theory , the impact factors and the effect of local inter-governmental competition .

  21. 蒂布特提出地方政府竞争理论后,很多学者对此理论进行了验证,并对其正效应予以认可。

    Since Tiebout raised the theory of local government competition , some scholars validated the theory and affirmed the positive effects of it .

  22. 财政分权程度越大,地方政府竞争辖区外流动性要素的程度就越大。

    With the fiscal decentralization proceeds more and more , the local governments intensively contest for all sorts of the flowing economy resources .

  23. 但竞争并不必然是有益的,地方政府竞争的增长方式同样带来了许多问题。

    But competition is not always beneficial , the growth pattern of the competition among local governments also bring a lot of problems .

  24. 我国地方政府竞争的趋势将愈演愈烈,地方政府竞争带来了不同的竞争效应。

    Increasingly fierce competitions are taking place among China 's local governments . However , the fierce competitions have led to different effective consequences .

  25. 在这种规则条件下分析了我国地方政府竞争的表现形式与特征。

    Under this condition , this article makes an analysis for the form and the character of the competition among local governments in our country .

  26. 我国地方政府竞争的研究、规范与发展,有利于国家长治久安、繁荣富强。

    Competition norms of local government in our country and development of the future are conducive to the national long-term stability , prosperity and strength .

  27. 所以振兴东北老工业基地,完善市场经济体制,必须从改变地方政府竞争方式入手。

    In order to reinvigorate the outmoded industrial base of Northeast and improve market economy we must first make a change in the competition way of local government .

  28. 那么,不同地区财政支出之间是否存在着联系?加入地方政府竞争效应后财政支出与经济增长的关系如何?这些都是需要研究的问题。

    In that case , whether there was a link between different regions ' fiscal expenditure ? How is the relationship between government expenditure and economic growth if the Neighbor Competitive Effects added ?

  29. 认为地方政府竞争主要表现在地方公共物品竞争、税收竞争、招商引资竞争、产品与要素市场竞争四个方面。

    The article thought that the competition express mostly on four aspects : public goods competition , revenue competition , the competition of attract business and capital , products and operating factors competition .

  30. 但需要注意的是,由于约束地方政府竞争行为制度安排上的缺失,使得地方政府的竞争行为对地区经济转型和经济增长也产生了一些不容忽视的负面影响。

    However , it should to be noticed that the lack of institutional restriction to the competition behavior of the local government results in a negative effect to the regional economic transition and economic growth .