
  1. 专业的贸易商开始研究“渡边太太”们的每个举动。

    Professional traders began to study Mrs. Watanabe , s every move .

  2. 在银行和经纪业之外,'渡边太太”们的举动成为日元走势的晴雨表。

    The lines of Mrs. Watanabes outside banks and brokerages became a barometer of what might happen to the yen .

  3. 就在拿高薪的外汇交易员们犹豫不决之时,“渡边太太”已将获利兑现,并开始博得投资天才的美名。

    While highly-paid foreign-exchange traders dithered , Mrs Watanabe cashed in and began to acquire the reputation of an investing genius .

  4. 但是,如果“史密斯夫人”想仿效“渡边太太”,将钱投资到国外,她将需要确信英镑会进一步下跌。

    But if they are thinking of emulating Mrs Watanabe by sending money abroad , they would need to be convinced that the pound has further to fall .

  5. 当高收益的外汇贸易公司犹豫不决时渡边太太”们更像是投资天才,她们总能从中获得利润,以至于一些专业人士偷偷地跟随她们倾向的投资。

    While highly-paid foreign-exchange traders dithered , Mrs. Watanabe cashed in and began to acquire the reputation of an investing genius . Some professionals quietly began to do whatever Mrs. Watanabe was doing .

  6. 日本的渡边太太是市场上的一支重要力量。包括了控制家庭财政大权的典型主妇,以及在午餐休息时间交易的商人们。

    The Mrs Watanabes of Japan , ranging from the stereotypical housewives who control the family 's finances to businessmen trading in their lunch breaks , are a significant force in the market .