
  1. 贵州省重点贫困县打工经济发展思考

    A Consideration of the Development of Economy Created by Migrant Peasants in the Key Poverty-stricken Counties in Guizhou

  2. 消费文化、面子竞争与农村的孝道衰落&以打工经济中的顾村为例

    Culture of Consumerism , Face Competition and the Decline of Filial Norm in Contemporary Rural China & Taking the Example of Village Gu in the Migrant Economy

  3. 沔城商贸经济和乡村工业化的发展,以及打工经济、旅游经济的出现,构成了当地回族社会生活变迁加剧的主要因素。

    With the development of commercial economy and village industrialization , and the appearance of tourism economy and part-time economy , the social life has also undergone radical change .

  4. 农村人口外出从总体上提高了农村人均户均的现金收入,打工经济己成了农村当地的支柱经济。

    On the rural population from the overall increase in the rural per capita cash income of Household , " wage economy " has become a pillar of the local rural economy .

  5. 随着农民打工经济的发展,农村留守儿童的家庭抚养问题、教育问题、心理健康问题、越轨与犯罪问题等引起社会的广泛关注。

    The problems such as children 's upbringing , education , psychological and physical health and committing a crime , of rural children left behind has been drawn great concern with the development of peasants ' working economy .