
  1. 打车软件会知道你什么时间会结束客户会议,然后把出租车派到你面前。

    The app will know when you are leaving a client meeting and send a taxi to meet you .

  2. 随着打车软件愈发智能,专家预测,今后的打车软件将可与社交网站和用户日历实现同步,以为乘客提供更加便捷且个人化的定制服务。智能出租车将崛起。

    As taxi apps become smarter , experts predict they will sync with social networks and calendars to provide an even more efficient and tailored service to their passengers . Here comes the rise of the smart taxi .

  3. 与此同时,百度入股了美国打车软件公司优步(Uber)。

    Meanwhile , Baidu haspurchased a stake in US car-hailing company Uber .

  4. Uber等打车软件使得高档租车业务也变得平易近人。

    Uber has made black car service commonplace .

  5. 你可以把它视为医疗版的打车软件Uber。

    Think of it as Uber for doctors .

  6. 中国互联网集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)搁置了彼此间的激烈竞争,合并了各自旗下广受欢迎的打车软件。

    Chinese internet groups Alibaba and Tencent have put aside fierce rivalry to merge their popular taxi-hailing applications .

  7. 每出现一个类似打车软件制造商Uber这样市值达到190亿美元的公司,或许便有无数没有走出研发阶段的肤浅产品。

    For every $ 19 billion company like Uber , the private transportation service , there are all manner of frivolous products that never evolve past the phase .

  8. 中国打车软件滴滴出行周四表示,它在最近一轮融资中筹得73亿美元资金,投资方包括苹果(Apple)、阿里巴巴、软银(SoftBank)等。

    The Chinese car-hailing app Didi Chuxing said on Thursday that it had brought in $ 7.3 billion in its latest round of fund-raising , which included Apple , Alibaba , and SoftBank as investors .

  9. 这项举措发生在优步的竞争公司宣布成立全球打车软件合作关系以对抗优步后。这些公司包括美国的Lyft,亚洲西南地区的GrabTaxi和中国的滴滴快的。

    The move came after Uber 's rivals , including Lyft in the United States , GrabTaxi in Southeast Asia and Didi Kuaidi in China , had announced a global ride-sharing partnership to vie with Uber .

  10. 优步(Uber)透露,面对来自中国打车软件、竞争对手滴滴快的(DidiKuaidi)的激烈竞争,优步每年在华亏损超过10亿美元。

    Uber has revealed that it is losing more than $ 1bn a year in China , amid fierce competition from local taxi-booking rival Didi Kuaidi .

  11. 很多人知道,寻求讨好中国领导层的美国科技业高管会高规格地访问中国。蒂姆•库克(TimCook)昨日在这方面进一步抬高了标杆,他到达北京,大张旗鼓地为苹果10亿美元投资打车软件滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)造势。

    US technology executives seeking to ingratiate themselves with China 's leadership are known for making big entrances , and Tim Cook set the bar high yesterday after he arrived in Beijing to fanfare over Apple 's $ 1bn investment in the Didi Chuxing ridehailing app .

  12. 中国的出租车司机一直在抱怨收入低、工作时间长,但推动近期停运事件的,似乎还有优步(Uber)等打车软件的流行,以及新闻媒体对许多司机口中的不公平竞争的密集关注。

    Cabdrivers in China have long complained about low wages and long days , but the recent strikes appear to also have been fueled by the spread of ride-hailing apps like Uber and a flurry of news media attention to what many drivers say is unfair competition .

  13. 5年半前,我都还从没听过“共享经济”,手机上也没有优步或Lyft打车软件。

    Five and a half years ago , I had never heard of the " sharing economy , " nor did I have an Uber or Lyft app on my phone .

  14. 中国劳工通讯的郭展睿(GeoffreyCrothall)表示,新闻媒体对打车软件的关注掩盖了中国出租车司机的主要困扰:那些唯利是图的出租车公司经常收取巨额份子钱,让司机辛苦挣来的钱所剩无几。

    Geoffrey Crothall of China Labor Bulletin said the news media 's focus on ride-hailing apps obscured the main complaint of the Chinese taxi drivers : that rapacious fleet companies charge onerous rental fees that leave drivers with little to show for their toil .

  15. 优步打车软件覆盖了中国40多个城市。

    Uber is available in more than 40 cities in China .

  16. 我们都会找个地方停下来,把打车软件打开。

    We would all find a place to park and turn on the software .

  17. 虽然其他打车软件也为司机提供补贴,但杰基表示,优步给得最多。

    Though other ride-hailing services also offer driver bonuses , Jacky said Uber pays the most .

  18. 打车软件向记价系统提出了挑战,并且对出租车公司在市场上的份额构成了影响。

    The taxi-hailing apps have challenged the system for fare pricing and impacted market share for taxi companies .

  19. 去年,优步打车软件发表声明称其将会在未来一年内覆盖范围扩展到中国100个城市。

    It announced last year that it would expand into 100 Chinese cities over the next 12 months .

  20. 优步打车软件于2014年在中国上市,和中国最大打车软件滴滴快的形成了激烈竞争。

    US-based Uber launched in China in 2014 and competes against the country 's largest taxi app Didi Kuaidi .

  21. 交通运输部部长周一表示,由于打车软件补贴用户暴露出一些问题,政府将对私家车提供的有偿乘车服务进行更严格的监管。

    The chief of transport authority on Monday criticized subsidies car-hailing applications are offering to their users , pledging to better regulate for-profit rides by private cars .

  22. 研究人员称,感染病毒的软件包括腾讯控股有限公司十分普及的手机聊天软件微信,打车软件滴滴快的和一款来自互联网门户网站网易的音乐软件。

    Researchers said infected apps included Tencent Holdings Ltd 's popular mobile chat app WeChat , car-hailing app Didi Kuaidi and a music app from Internet portal NetEase Inc.

  23. 这款打车软件受到本地竞争对手滴滴快车强有力的竞争,滴滴快车在去年由两家公司合并以联手对付来自美国的市场闯入者。

    The taxi-hailing app has faced stiff competition from local rival Didi Kuaiche , formed of two companies that merged last year , uniting forces against the US interloper .

  24. 该报补充称:这是北京首次公开认定私家车通过打车软件拉活属于非法运营。

    The paper added : This is the first time that Beijing has publicly affirmed that private cars operating via taxi apps is considered an act of illegal operation .

  25. 但易观国际的王健表示,为了让人们继续使用打车软件,企业可能必须考虑其他没那么烧钱的方式来提高人们兴趣。

    But Ms Wang of Analysys International says that to keep people using the software the companies may have to think of other less expensive ways to drum up interest .

  26. 当时在北京几乎到了没有智能手机就打不到车的地步,而上海则在2月底禁止高峰时段使用打车软件。

    Getting a taxi in Beijing was nearly impossible without a smartphone , while Shanghai went so far as to ban taxi-hailing apps during rush hour at the end of February .

  27. 因此,在最后一个晚上,我们改变了先前计划,用打车软件优步去了里约豪华时髦逍遥自在的酒吧中心卡维亚,但是我们搜寻合适的酒吧时并非借用智能手机而是亲身体验。

    So on the last night , we go off-piste to Gavea , Rio 's posh-boho centre of bar excellence . We get there by Uber , but scout out suitable bars by sight rather than smartphone .

  28. 中国打车软件滴滴出行入选了《财富》2016年“改变世界”公司榜单,不久之前该公司才收购了优步中国,巩固了其在中国交通服务市场上的领先地位。

    Chinese ride hailing company Didi Chuxing was selected on the Fortune list of " 2016 Change the World , " shortly after the acquisition of Uber China that cemented its leading position in Chinese transportation service market .

  29. 北京——近日,中国四五座城市的出租车司机举行罢运,抗议他们眼中的问题——费用高涨、收入减少,以及层出不穷的新打车软件引发的竞争。

    BEIJING - Taxi drivers in a half-dozen cities across China have gone on strike in recent days to protest what they say are soaring expenses , shrinking incomes and the competition presented by a spate of new ride-hailing apps .

  30. 交通运输部上周四在其网站上发表声明,宣布只有通过认证的租赁车辆才能使用打车软件。这个决定似乎有利于中国本土的应用——它们允许用户通过支付额外费用的方式来招叫有牌照的出租车。

    In an announcement posted on its website last Thursday , the Ministry of Transport said that only licensed taxis could use ride-hailing apps , a ruling that would seem to favor homegrown Chinese apps that allow users to summon licensed taxis by paying an additional fee .