
dǎ zì jī
  • typewriter;typer;marking machine
打字机 [dǎ zì jī]
  • [typewriter] 按键或把手把字和符号打印在纸上的机械,有手打和电打两种

打字机[dǎ zì jī]
  1. 她拿起一张纸,把它哗哗啦啦地塞到打字机中。

    She took up a sheet and ratcheted it into the typewriter .

  2. 最近,她坐在打字机前就开始变得无精打采的。

    She has recently begun to slouch over her typewriter .

  3. 在大多数办公室,电脑已经取代了打字机。

    Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices .

  4. 从打字机到玩具汽车这样的机械玩具和小巧装置

    mechanical toys and gadgets , from typewriters to toy cars .

  5. 有个神态安适的办事员在当班,在手动打字机上啪嗒啪嗒地打着字。

    There was a comfortable-looking clerk on duty , tapping away on a manual typewriter

  6. 打字机的噪声吵得她什么都听不见。

    The noise of the typewriters deafened her .

  7. 她递过来一张表格,随后又立刻埋头在打字机后面忙活起来。

    She handed over a form , then bobbed down again behind a typewriter .

  8. 我的秘书花了很长时间把我写的几乎无法辨认的手稿用打字机打印成易读的文本。

    My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script .

  9. 我刚买了一台旧打字机,正想办法让它能够重新正常工作。

    Having recently bought an old typewriter , I am now trying to bring it back into working order .

  10. 我们没有电脑(死了心吧),只好最近买了台电动打字机。

    We don 't have a computer ( perish the thought ) and have only recently bought an electric typewriter .

  11. 你不在时,她擅自用你的打字机。

    She took the liberty of using your typewriter while you were away .

  12. 她用打字机打出了原件及两份副本。

    She typed an original and two carbons .

  13. 打字机啪嗒啪嗒地响着。

    The typewriter was clattering away .

  14. 这架打字机老掉牙了。

    The typewriter is obsolete .

  15. 我打字机上的字体太小。

    The characters on my typewriter are too small .

  16. 所有复印稿必须用打字机打好,在星期五上午送交给编辑。

    All copy must be typewritten and sent to the editor by Friday morning .

  17. 例如,伦敦设计博物馆展示了一批批量生产的展品,包括电动打字机和一组意大利鱼缸。

    London ' s Design Museum , for example , shows a collection of mass-produced exhibits from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins .

  18. 我有一台装有微处理机的打字机。

    I 've got a typerwriter with a microprocessor .

  19. 当今许多办公室里,打字机已被电脑取代。

    In most offices , the typewriter has now been supplanted by the computer .

  20. 不要摆弄那架打字机了。

    Don 't fiddle with the typewriter .

  21. 我有一个便携式打字机。

    I have a portable typewriter .

  22. 我们也都知道那里确实是发生了什么,因为我们又听见了熟悉的打字机发出的声音。

    But we all knew something was happening when we heard the unmistakable striking8 of typewriter keys .

  23. 韦佛先生又口授了几封信,艾琳就走到打字机去誊清。

    Mr. Weaver dictates several more letters , then Arlens goes to her typewriter and transcribes them .

  24. 它看起来非常像一台打字机的键盘,上面配置着一排排典型打字机的按键,

    It looks very much like a typewriter keyboard with rows of keys arranged in the typical typewriter layout .

  25. 它看起来非常像一台打字机的键盘,上面配置着一排排典型打字机的按键,另外一些附加按键是用来输入与计算机有关的特殊代码,

    It looks very much like a typewriter keyboard with rows of keys arranged in the typical typewriter layout , as well as a number of additional keys used to enter special computer-related codes .

  26. 高精度活塞自动分选打字机CAT系统研制

    Design of a CAT System for High - precision Piston Autosorter Printer

  27. 电动打字机电传打字机LPG电喷发动机空燃比传输特性的分析

    Analysis on the Transportation Characteristics of Air Fuel Ratio of Electronic Controlled LPG Engine

  28. 一名美国的设计师发明了一种USB接口,能让你把古老的打字机链接到电脑上当键盘使。

    U.S.designer has created a USB Typewriter conversion kit that allows computer users to type on their machines using an old-school typewriter keyboard .

  29. 和控制台打字机有关的一种COBOL助记忆名。

    COBOL mnemonic name associated with the console typewriter .

  30. 布朗长期坚持用她那值得信赖的Royal打字机写信&高峰时期每周写数百封,晚年也有几十封。

    Using her trusty Royal typewriter , brown wrote letters constantly & hundreds each week in her heyday and dozens weekly in her later years .