
  • Austrian
  1. 奥地利人,她们又不是热心肠的人。

    She is austrian , they 're not exactly the warmest people .

  2. 他是不是奥地利人?

    He 's Austrian ? He 's from there ?

  3. 在争夺伦贝格的战斗中,奥地利人战败了。

    In the fight for Lemburg , the Austrians were defeated .

  4. 无家者世界杯是苏格兰人扬(MelYoung)和奥地利人施米德(HaraldSchmied)想出来的点子。

    The Homeless World Cup was the brainchild of Mel Young , from Scotland , and Austrian Harald Schmied .

  5. 异常PrP沉积形式分突触型、空泡周围型和斑块型三种,奥地利人分别为71%、38%和10%;

    There are three deposition types of prion protein ( PrP ): the synaptic , perivacuolar , and plaque . Synaptic type was 91 % in Austrian cases , 92 % in Chinese cases ;

  6. 今年38岁的意籍奥地利人PeterPilotto与他比利时与澳洲双重国籍的商业搭档、35岁的克里斯托弗德沃斯(ChristopherdeVos)在安特卫普皇家美术学院(RoyalAcademyofFineArtinAntwerp)上学时结识,他俩于2007年合伙创建PeterPilotto品牌。

    Austro-Italian Peter Pilotto , 38 , and his Belgian / Austrian business partner Christopher de Vos , 35 , met while studying at the Royal Academy of Fine Art in Antwerp . They launched Peter Pilotto in 2007 .

  7. 老公:罗伯特,奥地利人,软件工程师。

    LG : Robert , from Austria , a software engineer .

  8. 而实际上,海耶克是个奥地利人。

    Their source was Friedrich Hayek , in fact an Austrian .

  9. 奥地利人如今也对欧盟投了信任票。

    Austrians have today given the EU a vote of confidence .

  10. 我们对奥地利人一般都不十分苛求。

    We are not generally very severe with the austrians .

  11. 奥地利人讲德语,我也能讲这种语言。

    The Austrain speaks german , and I speak it , too .

  12. 奥地利人的身份并没有公布。

    An Austrian spokesperson did not identify the Austrian .

  13. 你看见奥地利人从这儿经过吗?

    Have you seen any Austrians pass by here ?

  14. 福斯莱特电子铝基板印制电路板的发明者是奥地利人保罗·爱斯勒(PaulEisler),他于1936年在一个收音机装置内采用了印刷电路板。

    He applied printed circuit board in a radio receiver device in 1936 .

  15. 在拿破仑.世的战役(1809)里的一次战斗;拿破仑.胜了奥地利人。

    A battle in the Napoleonic campaigns ( 1809 ); Napoleon defeated the Austrians .

  16. 一与奥地利人一起被杀害了,加拿大人和芬兰人。

    One was killed along with an Austrian , a Canadian and a Finn .

  17. 这些奥地利人正在山上用颤音唱。

    The Austrians were yodeling in the mountains .

  18. 然至十九世纪初时,已完全受到全奥地利人之肯定。

    By the early19th century it was completely accepted by Austrians of all social classes .

  19. 你也知道,他是奥地利人。

    He was Austrian , you know .

  20. 她的丈夫是个奥地利人。

    Her husband is an Austrian .

  21. 她把奥地利人永远赶出比利时,将荷兰变成了一个共和国。

    She drove the Austrians for ever out of Belgium , and made Holland a republic .

  22. 但由于她是奥地利人

    but as an Austrian outsider ,

  23. 奥地利人轻松的一场胜利让他今年第一次进入了决赛。

    The Austrian won comfortably to book a place in his first final of the year .

  24. 我们将进一步表明,它就是奥地利人想寻求的东西。

    We shall proceed to show that it was this which the Austrians were looking for .

  25. 除了战争,还有让奥地利人值得骄傲的是艺术,音乐和文化。

    The Austrians also have much to be proud of in the arts , music and culture .

  26. 奥地利人直截了当地拒绝按照美国人的意愿改造该国的铁路和银行系统。

    The Austrians refused point blank to reform their railways and their banking system as the Americans desired .

  27. 1859年在拿破仑领导下的佛朗哥撒丁岛武装战胜了弗朗西斯·约瑟夫领导下的奥地利人。

    A battle in 1859 in which the Franco-Sardinian forces under Napoleon III defeated the Austrians under Francis Joseph .

  28. 他的仪表威武英俊,有着奥地利人的嘴唇、鹰钩鼻子、棕黄色面皮。

    His features are strong and masculine , with an Austrian lip and arched nose , his complexion olive .

  29. 在拿破仑·波拿巴领导下的法国人在1800年大胜奥地利人的战役。

    A battle in 1800 in which the French under Napoleon Bonaparte won a great victory over the Austrians .

  30. 奥地利人跟中国人一样,喜欢吃喝、喜欢出去玩,所以,这不是个问题。

    And the Austrians love to eat and go out as much as the Chinese so this is not the problem .