
ào kè lán
  • Auckland;Oakland
  1. 获胜者将在本周末的季后赛中对阵奥克兰运动者队。

    The winner will face the Oakland A 's in the playoffs this weekend .

  2. 奥克兰中心很快就会测试GPS追踪,看看是否可能在不影响安全的前提下缩短这段缓冲距离。

    The Oakland center will soon test GPS tracking to see if it could safely reduce that buffer .

  3. 我妹妹佐伊住在奥克兰的一栋公寓里。

    My sister Zoe flats in Auckland .

  4. 奥克兰运动家队自从他转会后还没有赢过一场比赛。

    The A 's have not won a game since they traded him .

  5. 奥克兰的Imperfect公司专卖“丑”蔬果

    Oakland-Based Imperfect Will Sell Only " Ugly " Fruits And Vegetables

  6. 三年以后,阿特·谢尔(ArtShell)成为当时的美国橄榄球队的第一个黑人教练(效力奥克兰突袭者)。

    Three years later , Art Shell became the first black coach ( for the Oakland Raiders ) in the contemporary NFL .

  7. 马克•琼斯从香港乘坐国泰航空公司(CathayPacific)的航班飞抵奥克兰。

    The writer flew from Hong Kong to Auckland on Cathay Pacific

  8. 为了庆祝再次夺得NBA总冠军,勇士队在奥克兰市举行了盛大的游行活动。

    Warriors celebrate NBA title with parade through Oakland .

  9. 周四晚上,NBA总决赛的首场比赛将在奥克兰打响,拿下西部冠军对勇士来说也是一个很好的转机。

    Their reward is a quick turnaround for Thursday 's NBA Finals Game 1 in Oakland .

  10. 根据帮助无家可归者的非营利性组织东奥克兰社区项目(EastOaklandCommunityProject)提供的数据,奥克兰大约有3000名无家可归的人;

    Oakland has about 3000 homeless people , according to the East Oakland Community Project , a nonprofit organization that helps house people who live on the street ;

  11. 上午:考察美国奥克兰港与APL大型物流与集装箱运输公司。

    Morning : Visit Auckland port and APL Logistics and Container Transportation Company .

  12. 需要提醒球迷的是,从骑士队到奥克兰魔术队,他们几乎没有胜利的机会,但仍在NBA打球的理查德-杰弗森是一个十足的进攻贡献者。

    maybe short of reminding fans that Richard Jefferson still plays in the NBA and can be a solid contributor offensively .

  13. 新西兰奥克兰的创业者罗德·德鲁里(RodDrury)经常去美国。

    Rod Drury , an entrepreneur in Auckland , New Zealand , regularly visits the United States .

  14. 大约一个月前,由客房服务员丽贝卡·弗利和凯瑟琳·阿什尔斯在奥克兰创办了这个的公司,它叫MorningAfterMaids,该公司的命名符合其创立初衷。

    The properly named startup Morning After Maids was launched about 1 month ago in Auckland by room-maids Rebecca Folly and Catherine Ashers .

  15. 这样的设计与勇士队沿用数十年的经典字样“TheCity”相呼应,只是现在将“TheCity”换成了“TheTown”。(“TheTown”通常用来指代勇士队当前的主场所在地——奥克兰。)

    The design echoes the Warriors ' classic " The City " design from decades past but swaps in " The Town " ( which is the common term for Oakland , where the team currently plays ) .

  16. Brown和其同事还有加利福尼亚州伯克利奥克兰公共卫生学院皇家研究基金会的同行们指出:高同型半胱氨酸血症与胎盘功能异常以及妊娠合并症都有关系。

    Brown of Columbia University , New York and colleagues there and at the Kaiser Foundation Division of Research , Oakland , and the Public Health Institute , Berkeley , in California .

  17. 例如,奥克兰大学最近完成了从现有的专有解决方案到Ubuntu的迁移。

    For example , Oakland University recently completed a migration from an existing proprietary solution onto Ubuntu .

  18. 就在周一,奥克兰的一家初创公司Mosaic宣布,将面向全美在线筹集资金,为屋顶太阳能系统项目提供资金。

    Today mosaic , an Oakland startup , announced that it is going national in its effort to raise money from online investors to fund rooftop solar systems .

  19. APL是目前加州少数实现冷烫处理的轮船公司之一,也是奥克兰唯一的一家。

    APL is one of only a handful of carriers currently cold-ironing in California , and the only one in Oakland .

  20. 这部影片的主题是赤手空拳的22岁黑人奥斯卡•格兰特(OscarGrant)在加州奥克兰与一名白人交警发生冲突而遭到误杀,这本来可以成就一部纪录片。

    Its subject matter-the fatal shooting of Oscar Grant , a black , unarmed 22-year-old by a white transit cop in Oakland , Calif. - might have made a documentary .

  21. 金在皮德蒙特长大,那是奥克兰的一个富裕的郊区。Facebook崛起时,金正在上大学。他惊奇地看着科技初创公司变革着他周围的世界。

    Raised in Piedmont , an affluent suburb of Oakland , Kim was in college during the rise of Facebook , and he watched in amazement as tech start-ups transformed the world around him .

  22. 没错,在奥克兰的皇后街(QueenStreet)也有普拉达(Pradas)与路易维登(LouisVuitton)的门店,但即便它们的最忠实客户(来自香港与北京)也并非来此购物。

    True , there are Pradas and Louis Vuitton on Auckland 's Queen Street , but even their most loyal customers from Hong Kong and Beijing aren 't here for the shopping .

  23. 在加州北部的KP奥克兰医疗中心,一个老顾客克里斯蒂娜?阿斯特兰已经在看她的医生珍妮弗?斯劳韦斯。

    At KP 's Oakland Medical Centre in northern California , Christina Ahlstrand , a lifelong customer , has come to see her doctor , Jennifer Slovis .

  24. JohnnieBryant,爵士的助理教练,同样成长于奥克兰,利拉德将其视作可以依靠的导师和哥哥。

    Johnnie Bryant , the Jazz assistant who also grew up in Oakland and who Lillard considers a mentor and " big brother , " can relate .

  25. 影片讲述了奥克兰运动家队经理比利·比恩(BillyBeane)的故事。他希望帮助自己的球队赢得职业棒球赛的冠军。

    It is about the manager of the Oakland A 's , Billy Beane , who wants to help his team win the World Series .

  26. 麦迪基金会(Maddie’sFund)是一个救援机构,它帮助奥克兰的那家咖啡馆募集了资金。基金会的首席执行官里奇·阿万奇诺(RichAvanzino)说,以前动物收容所的旁边就是镇里的垃圾场。

    It used to be that animal shelters were located next to the town dump , said Rich Avanzino , the chief executive of Maddie 's Fund , a rescue group that has helped fund the Oakland cafe .

  27. 她原名埃拉•叶利奇-奥康纳(EllaYelich-O'Conner),于12岁时在一次才艺秀上崭露头角。过去四年间,按照与环球唱片公司(UniversalRecords)的演艺发展合约,她一直在她家附近的奥克兰郊区打磨自己的唱功。

    Discovered at a talent show when she was 12 years old , Ella Yelich-O'Conner has spent the last four years honing her skills on a development deal with Universal Records near her home on the outskirts of Auckland .

  28. 她结识了制作野猫日历的亚当·迈亚特(AdamMyatt)。日历模特都是他在奥克兰住的社区里找到的。

    She met Adam Myatt , who produced feral cat calendars , using models from his Oakland neighborhood , and shared her obsession .

  29. 加州奥克兰26岁的丹尼尔斯(DoraDaniels)说,她从旧金山市中心公交站附近的巨大广告牌上得知了三星最新的GalaxySIII。

    Dora Daniels , 26 , of Oakland , Calif. , said she learned about Samsung 's latest Galaxy S III because of giant ads plastered around a downtown San Francisco transit station .

  30. 在这个过程中,三星希望不光能与iTunes抗衡,还希望能与其他在线音乐流媒体服务较量,比如瑞典的SpotifyAB和加州奥克兰(Oakland)的PandoraMediaInc.。

    In the process , Samsung hoped to rival not only iTunes , but also online music-streaming services such as those offered by Sweden 's Spotify AB and Oakland , Calif. - based Pandora Media Inc.