
  • 网络PORT VILA;Vila;Port-Vila;Port
  1. 在这里,既有维拉港和卢甘维尔的大型的豪华度假村,又有小型的,建筑在小岛上的家庭式平房。

    There is accommodation ranging from large luxury resorts in the major centres of Port Vila or Luganville through to small local family-owned bungalows on the outer islands .

  2. 很多大型国际会计公司和一些主要的国家金融机构已经在首都维拉港以及第二大城市卢甘维尔设立了自己的代表处。

    Many of the major international accounting firms and a number of major international financial institutions have representation in the capital of Port Vila , and the second city , Luganville .