- Darwin;Charles Robert Darwin

[Charles Robert Darwin] (1809--1882)英国生物学家
The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike
Part of the attraction is Darwin 's proximity to Asia
Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution
Darwin must be turning in his grave at the thought of what is being perpetrated in his name .
In Melville island near darwin , australia , lives a race of aborigines called the tiwi .
Huxlay was an exponent of darwin 's theory of evolution .
We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution .
Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man .
The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist , Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden , for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park .
the theory of natural selection , first propounded by Charles Darwin
Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) is an improvement of search optimal solution method on the Darwinian natural biological evolution .
In a new book , the Darwin economy , Robert Frank sees elk antlers everywhere he looks in modern society .
Many of the great 19th-century discoveries were made by men who had independent wealth - Charles Darwin is the prototype .
Most scientists point to Charles Darwin 's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals ( 1872 ) for proof that facial expressions are universal products of natural selection .
The OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture ( DITA ) is an XML-based technical documentation framework used to map and then publish information on a given topic .
Behavior AI and evolution calculation based on the theory of evolution , broke out the limit of tradition AI , by the way of inter connection with environment .
Madeira 's ancient landscape , together with its 550 species of beetle , merits mention by Charles Darwin in On the Origin of Species ( 1859 ) .
I read a fair amount of natural history as background & Darwin , some of the early geologists , a lot of the moral philosophers .
Smith in his work 《 Evolution and the Theory of Games 》 . The expert R. Dawkins in the field of evolution thought " Evolutionary stability was one of the most important progresses since Darwin " .
I believe in information evolution , but am not so Darwinian as to think that investors should be expected to divine which outlet a company CEO will choose to utilize on a given day .
On 22 October , when Hartree enquired about progress on the ACE , Darwin had to confess that ' Post Office assistance had not been as great as was expected . '
The ID movement neither completely denied Darwinism , nor denied the existence of evolution , however , it mostly criticized Darwin and his adherents regard natural selection and random mutation as the uppermost and only root of evolution .
ETH professor Renato Paro does not believe that this opposes Darwin 's theory of evolution .
The report suggests there should be enough of these " Darwin fellowships " to bring 200 young and mid-career researchers a year from Asia to Britain .
The Ranger Mine is located about 260 kilometres east of Darwin , the capital city of the Northern Territory , Australia .
In his study , Darwin actually cited a French neurologist , Guillaume Duchenne , who sent electric jolts to facial muscles to induce and stimulate smiles .
The first part deals with the Darwinian system and Eigen model , including the concept of fitness landscape , Fisher 's theory , and the analytical solution , perturbation approximation and numerical solution for quasi-species model .
Darwin and Hartree were embarrassed not only by Mountbatten getting the wrong ends of the technical sticks , but also by his perfectly correct assertion that the ACE would exercise ' hitherto human prerogatives of choice and judgment ' .
If such planets exist , these missions NASA 's Terrestrial Planet Finder and ESA 's Darwin should be able to scan their atmospheres for the presence of gases that would indicate the existence of life .
A few days later Womersley reported to Darwin with proposals for the building of the machine , which he held to be ' of supreme importance ... in the fields of scientific research , administration , and national defence ' .