
  1. 在克赖斯特彻奇遭遇惨败后,新西兰的投球手们还有还手之力吗?

    Can the New Zealand bowlers fight back after their thrashing at Christchurch ?

  2. 我参加了在克赖斯特彻奇举办的英联邦运动会,那是我的告别比赛。

    I competed in the Commonwealth Games in Christchurch , which was my swan song .

  3. 飞行员认为克赖斯特彻奇距离太远,为求稳妥,就降落在了惠灵顿。

    The pilot decided that Christchurch was too far away , and played it safe and landed at Wellington .

  4. 杰勒德•麦科伊(GerardMcCoy)的通勤之旅开始于他那5英亩大小的农场。从这里开车出发,经过很短的一段路程,来到新西兰克赖斯特彻奇市的机场。

    Gerard McCoy 's commute starts with a short drive from his five-acre farm to the airport in Christchurch , New Zealand .

  5. 周六早上发生的7.0级强震使克赖斯特彻奇部分地区被毁坏。

    The magnitude 7 quake devastated parts of Christchurch early Saturday .

  6. 流经一些花园和克赖斯特彻奇,汇入大海。5.

    They flow through some gardens and into the sea .

  7. 他们最长的一段旅程历经了6个小时,从克赖斯特彻奇到皇后镇。

    Their longest journey was a6 hour drive from Christchurch to Queenstown .

  8. 震中距克赖斯特彻奇市56公里。

    The epicenter was56 km from Christchurch .

  9. 克赖斯特彻奇市警方称地震发生后有抢掠行为,但是已被迅速控制。

    Police said there was some initial looting , but it was quickly brought under control .

  10. 克赖斯特彻奇毁灭性地震发生一周之际,新西兰举行一场时长为两分钟的默哀仪式。

    New Zealand has held a two-minute silence exactly a week after the devastating Christchurch earthquake .

  11. 2月22日新西兰城市克赖斯特彻奇大地震的雷达图像已经制作完成。

    The upheaval wrought by the22 February earthquake in Christchurch , NZ , is illustrated in new radar imagery .

  12. 克赖斯特彻奇已在部分地区实行宵禁。学校收容了很多无家可归的人。

    A night time curfew was imposed in parts of Christchurch , while schools offered emergency shelter to those left homeless .

  13. 然后,通过一条很深的河道。流经一些花园和克赖斯特彻奇,汇入大海。

    Then , through a deep channel they flow through some gardens , and down to Christchurch , into the sea .

  14. 周日,克赖斯特彻奇再次迎来糟糕的一天。心有余悸的居民在评估该国最强烈的地震对他们造成的损坏。

    Christchurch awoke Sunday to another day as shell-shocked residents the damage ed by one of the country 's most powerful earthquakes .

  15. 上个月新西兰克赖斯特彻奇地震后,这个工具就派上了用场,共采集了1.15万人的信息。

    It was recently deployed for the victims of the Christchurch , New Zealand quake last month which kept a registry of 11,500 people .

  16. 这场里氏6.3级的地震是克赖斯特彻奇5个月来发生的第2次地震。去年9月,克赖斯特彻奇发生了一次7.1级的地震,没有人员伤亡。

    The6.3-magnitude earthquake was the second in five months for the city , which came through a7.1-magnitude quake in September without loss of life .

  17. 大震后的克赖斯特彻奇满目疮痍。惊魂未定的居民们星期天开始面对这场罕见大地震所造成的破坏。

    Christchurch awoke Sunday to another grim day as shell-shocked residents assess the damage inflicted by one of the country 's most powerful earthquakes .

  18. 从首都惠灵顿赶到克赖斯特彻奇的新西兰总理约翰.基说,死亡人数可能会增加。

    Prime Minister John Key , who rushed to the city from the capital , Wellington , said the death toll was liable to rise .

  19. 新西兰最大城市之一的克赖斯特彻奇发生强震,造成至少75人遇难,数百人失踪。

    The powerful tremor hit Christchurch , one of New Zealand 's biggest cities . At least 75 people were killed . Hundreds of others are missing .

  20. “埃尔维斯”和伙伴们是今年9月份到达克赖斯特彻奇“国际南极中心”的。来这里后不久,其中的一些企鹅便患上了“脚病”,并可能因此引发感染。

    But not long after their September arrival in Christchurch , a few penguins started to develop calluses on their feet that could have led to infections .

  21. 照片上,刚刚穿上新鞋的小企鹅“埃尔维斯”是现居住新西兰克赖斯特彻奇“国际南极中心”18只企鹅中的一只。

    The newly shod bird , seen here , is one of18 " second chance " little penguins now living at the International Antarctic Centre in Christchurch , New Zealand .

  22. 新西兰第二大城市克赖斯特彻奇遭遇了80年来该国最严重的地震袭击,面临巨大的清理工作。

    New Zealand Begins Post-Earthquake Clean-Up New Zealand 's second-biggest city , Christchurch , is facing an clean-up after being struck by the country 's worst earthquake in 80 years .

  23. 但他的歌曲已被拾起,市政府官员在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇,谁计划爆破“曼蒂”镇商场将不守规矩的孩子了。

    But his songs have been picked up by city officials in Christchurch , New Zealand , who plan on blasting " Mandy " in the town mall to keep unruly kids away .

  24. 新西兰第二大城市克赖斯特彻奇在经历了一场大地震后正面临清理工作的巨大挑战。星期六凌晨发生的7.1级的地震是新西兰80年来第二大地震,给克赖斯特彻奇市的很多地方造成严重破坏。

    New Zealand 's second-biggest city , Christchurch , is facing an enormous clean-up after being struck by the country 's worst earthquake in 80 years . The magnitude 7 quake devastated parts of Christchurch early Saturday .

  25. 结27:35海岛的居民为你惊奇.们的君王都甚恐慌、带愁容。克赖斯特彻奇是新西兰南岛东部一城市,靠近太平洋。

    All the inhabitants of the coastlands Are appalled at you , And their kings are horribly afraid ; They are troubled in countenance . Christchurch is a city of eastern South Island , New Zealand , near the Pacific coast .