
  • 网络Kachin;KACHIN HILLS
  1. 有数以万计的人,包括克钦族平民,玉矿工和贸易商和生意人。

    There are tens of thousands of people , including Kachin civilians , jade miners and traders and sellers in Hpakant .

  2. 相反,克钦族领导人提出了一个政府设立一个克钦地区卫队支持的边防力量。

    Instead , Kachin leaders have proposed a Kachin Regional Guard Force in place of a government-backed border guard force .

  3. 目前,克钦族政党都在努力从联邦选举委员会获得批准参选。

    Meanwhile , Kachin political parties are struggling to get approval from the Union Election Commission ( UEC ) to contest the election .

  4. 一名在缅中边境处理难民问题的克钦族代表最近表示,交战已停止,但双方都还没有撤军,这意味着,难民们还不能回家。

    A Kachin representative who works with refugees on the Myanmar-China border on Tuesday said that fighting had ceased but neither side had pulled back their forces , which meant that refugees cannot yet return .

  5. 政府说,禁止外人进入矿区是因为那里仍有与克钦族叛军进行的零星战斗,但活动人士看到了其中的黑暗目的:隐藏那里蓬勃发展的非法翡翠和毒品交易。

    The government says it keeps the area closed because of sporadic fighting with the Kachin rebel army , but activists see a darker purpose : to hide the illegal jade and drug trades flourishing there .

  6. 由于近日缅甸军队与该国最强大的反叛组织之一的克钦族独立军发生冲突,缅甸1万多难民逃亡至中国云南省西南部地区。

    Up to 10,000 refugees have fled to an area in southwestern Yunnan province , driven by fighting between Myanmar 's military and the Kachin Independence Army ( KIA ), one of the country 's most powerful rebel groups .

  7. 景颇/克钦族是一支历史悠久的跨境民族,居住在中国、缅甸、印度的交界地区,他们独特的社会结构和原始宗教信仰曾引起人类学和社会学研究者浓厚的研究兴趣。

    Jingpo / Kachin is a cross-border ethnic group with long history , reside in the border area among China , Myanmar and India . Their unique social structure and primitive religious belief have aroused great interests of anthropology and sociology researchers .