
  • 网络shan
  1. 她共同创建了掸族妇女行动网。

    Charm Tong co-founded the Shan Women 's Action Network .

  2. 在一些场合,掸族甚至拿起武器自相残杀。

    On several occasions , the Shan even took up arms against each other .

  3. 掸族加入‘联邦巩固与发展党’(USDP)没有任何政治目标,而是为了自身的利益而已。

    Shans those join the Union Solidarity and Development Party ( USDP ) also have no political aims but for their self benefits only .

  4. 一些年轻的掸族专业人士用同一个词诡计多端来形容缅甸人。

    Several young Shan professionals used the same word " tricky " to describe the Burmese .

  5. 掸族新年庆祝活动展出掸族传统民居和用具,据当地报道。

    Samples of Shan traditional houses and utensils were also displayed in the event , locals reported .

  6. 中国西南边疆的变迁与缅甸掸族的由来

    The Changes of the Frontier Region of Southwest China and the Origin of the Shans in Burma

  7. 韩磊,44,一个土生掸族艺术家,从仰光大学美术学院毕业。

    Harn Lay , 44 , an ethnic Shan artist , graduated from the Rangoon School of Fine Arts Academy .

  8. 当地民团由大其力地区的村庄中的拉祜族,阿卡族和掸族组成。

    Many of these militia groups are made up of ethnic Lahu , Akha and Shan from villages in Tachilek District .

  9. 缅军一直有意策划制造掸族和其他民族之间的误会,相互厮杀斗争;

    Burma army has always been planning for the ethnics and the Shan to have misunderstanding among themselves and fight one another .

  10. 他热情帮助不仅是掸族人民,还帮助拉祜族人民,他总是帮助遇到困难的民众。

    He enjoys support not only from the Shans but also even from some Lahu sectors , because he had always helped out people who were in trouble in the past .

  11. 国际泰学研究领域的又一个讹误&缅甸历史上的掸族三兄弟与掸族统治时代神话探析

    An Error in the Area of International Tai Studies : A Re-analysis of the Myth of " Three Shan Brothers " and the " Shan Dominion Period " in the History of Burma