
dǎn zi
  • duster;whisk
掸子 [dǎn zǐ]
  • [whisk;duster] 用鸡毛或布等捆在柄上捆扎成的除尘工具。如:鸡毛掸子

掸子[dǎn zi]
  1. 那个女仆用掸子很快地给房间掸尘。

    The maid went over the room quickly with a duster .

  2. 我用鸡毛掸子把桌上的灰尘掸掉。

    I used a feather duster to dust the table .

  3. 我会用掸子把秋季掸掉,

    I 'd brush the summer by

  4. 那些旧掸子来掸汽车上的灰倒挺合用的。

    Those old dusters will become useful for polishing the car .

  5. 鸡毛掸子,爸爸每天都用它叫我起床。

    A feather duster , with which father wakes me up every morning .

  6. 她用掸子掸掉家具上的灰尘。

    She dusted the furniture with a duster .

  7. 她拿着鸡毛掸子的把。

    She held her feather duster by handle .

  8. 举个例子来说吧,内斯比特夫人规定,女仆,不管是哪一个都不能再拿掸子。

    For example , Mrs. Nesbitt decreed that maids could no longer carry feather dusters .

  9. 汤姆:鸡毛掸子,爸爸每天都用它叫我起床。

    Tom : a feather duster , with which father wakes me up every morning .

  10. 汤姆:“鸡毛掸子,爸爸每天都用它叫我起床。”

    Tom : " A feather duster , with which father wakes me up every morning .

  11. 用羽毛掸子轻轻扫去相框顶部和边缘的灰尘。

    Use a feather duster to lightly dust around the top and edge of the picture frame .

  12. 火炉与菜案却是新的;屋角里插着把五色鸡毛的掸子。

    The stove and chopping board were brand-new , and in one corner stood a multicolored feather duster .

  13. 在走廊的尽头,有个阿拉伯人拿着鸡毛掸子懒洋洋地掸灰尘。

    At the far end of the passage an Arab was flicking idly , with a feather duster .

  14. 在窗外抖掉掸子上的灰尘,防止灰尘颗粒落在房间内其他地方。

    Shake the duster out of the window prevent the dust particles from settling elsewhere in the house .

  15. 一双可以套进猫爪的扫地掸子,猫在闲逛的时候就能顺便把屋里的地擦干净了。

    A set of dusters that would fit into the cat 's paws and clean up the house while the cat idles around .

  16. 这不是一间象其他被拂尘、打扫天花板的掸子以及扫帚经常清理过的房间,灰尘在里面安安静静地堆积着。

    This chamber was not one of those which are harassed by the feather-duster , the pope 's head brush , and the broom .

  17. “羽毛掸:由长羽毛紧捆在棍端而制成的掸子,用于清扫细微物体.”

    " feather duster : a brush made of a bundle of long feathers fastened to the end of a stick , used for dusting delicate objects . "

  18. 为了制作用途广泛的掸子,可以混合温水,亚麻籽油,洗洁精和氨水,然后将抹布浸在里面。将抹布晾干,存放起来以备将来使用。

    To make an all-purpose duster , mix together the warm water , boiled linseed oil , dish soap , and ammonia and soak a rag in it.Let the rag dry and store for future use .

  19. 这部电影的导演比尔·康登在2006年与碧昂丝合作拍摄了《追梦女孩》,康登最近透露,他曾考虑过请这位超级明星出演这部新版的迪斯尼电影,饰演讲法语的鸡毛掸子普路美。

    The film 's director Bill Condon , who worked with Queen Bey for Dreamgirls in 2006 , recently revealed that he had the superstar in mind for the Disney reboot - as the French-speaking feather duster Plumette .

  20. 他坐到仅剩的一张椅子上,但马上又跳了起来,从屁股下面拉出一个掉毛的灰鸡毛掸子至少哈利以为那是个鸡毛掸子,随即发现它居然在呼吸。

    He sat down in the only remaining chair but leapt up again almost immediately , pulling from underneath him amolting , gray feather duster - at least , that was what Harry thought it was , until he saw that it was breathing .