
kù jiǎo
  • trouser legs;bottom of a trouser leg;bottom end of a trouser leg
裤脚 [kù jiǎo]
  • (1) [bottom end of a trouser leg]∶裤腿的最下端

  • (2) [trouser legs]∶裤腿

裤脚[kù jiǎo]
  1. 汤溢出来弄脏了他的裤脚。

    The soup spilled over and stained his trouser legs .

  2. 他很生气地问起是谁给神圣的舞台上的翼幕取了“裤脚管”的名字,他那无光却仍有魅力的眼睛,突然涌出两颗泪珠,挂在眼角上,不落下来……

    With tears brimming in his sightless yet still attractive eyes , he angrily demanded to know who nicknamed the sacred side curtains " trouser legs . "

  3. 行人们竖起了外套衣领,卷起了裤脚边

    Pedestrians had turned up collars , and trousers at the bottom .

  4. 修剪及缝挑裤脚及袖口折叠侧缝线并剪下袖窿。

    Fold the side seam under and cut out the armhole .

  5. 不小心洒在了裤脚上

    and then I spilled a little on my pant leg .

  6. 袖口及裤脚卷边位置宽度必须一致(设计有特别要求的除外)。

    Hems must be level unless uneven design feature is requested .

  7. 我像妈妈一样卷起裤脚,卷起袖子下水了。

    I like mother like trouser , furl sleeves rolled up water .

  8. 把裤脚裹进袜子或靴子里,把衣襟拢到裤子里。

    Tuck pant legs into socks or boots and shirt into pants .

  9. 天蓝色天鹅绒的短裤,裤脚管到膝头上部为止,是用钻石纽扣扣紧了的。

    Sky-blue velvet breeches , fastened above the knee with diamond buckles ;

  10. 将裤脚卷到鞋跟中间处,这样可以更好地拉长双腿线条。

    Hem your pants at mid-heel to lengthen your legs even more .

  11. 但不幸的是,马蜂从他的裤脚钻了进去。

    Unfortunately , the hornets managed to enter through his pant legs .

  12. 她弯下腰去把卷起的裤脚放下来。

    She stoops to turn down his trouser ends .

  13. 裤脚留卷边又时兴起来了。

    Turn ups are becoming fashionable again .

  14. 我现在走在雨里,鞋子撩过雨水,湿了裤脚。

    I now walk in the rain , rain over shoes tease , wet trousers .

  15. 裤子全都是歪歪斜斜的,裤脚已经磨损,上衣也已破旧并且褪了色。

    Trousers were all warped and frayed at the bottom and coats worn and faded .

  16. 过了大约一个小时,钓鱼的人觉得什么东西在拽他的裤脚。

    An hour or so later the fisherman felt a tug at his pant leg .

  17. 卷起你连体裤的裤脚边,哪怕是1英寸都能大有改观。

    Hemming those culottes jumpsuits by even just one inch could make all the difference .

  18. 妈妈边说边卷起裤脚。

    Mom say while furl trouser .

  19. 裤子虽然裁得很紧身,没有裤脚翻边,但时有长长的缘饰挂下来;

    The trousers were close-cut without cuffs , but sometimes had long fringes down the sides ;

  20. 裤脚沿边粘接带的开发

    The Developing of Cuff Binding Belt

  21. 真是个好看的裤脚。

    That 's a good-looking hem .

  22. 裤脚到膝盖上部的裤子。

    Trousers ending above the knee .

  23. 当然裤袋里一定有一条很坚韧的线连到裤脚的暗袋。

    The pockets , of course , are attached by string or strong thread to the cheaters .

  24. 他的脚做出一些奇怪的动作,就好象他的猫在他裤脚上乱抓一样。

    He made odd foot movements , as though his cats were clawing at his trouser cuffs .

  25. 他一动不动地站住了,磨破的裤脚浸在雪水里,呆头呆脑地望着里面。

    He stopped stock still , his frayed trousers soaking in the slush , and peered foolishly in .

  26. 配一对高跟鞋,裤脚最好能盖到鞋底。

    Pair heels with them , with the pants hem reaching almost to the bottom of your shoe .

  27. 行人们竖起了外套衣领,卷起了裤脚边。针织女孩外衫附塑胶衬里短裤

    Pedestrians had turned up collars , and trousers at the bottom . knit dress set with plastic lined panty

  28. 在夏天,不管什么时候坐下,你都把裤脚卷到膝盖边。

    No matter when you sit down in summer , you always roll up your pants to your keens .

  29. 他没穿鞋,裤脚也卷着,显然刚在水塘里面淌过。

    He had taken off his shoes and rolled up his jeans , having apparently been wading in the pond .

  30. 他的手用一条血迹斑斑的手帕绑着,右裤腿从膝盖到裤脚都被撕破了。

    His hand was wrapped in a bloody handkerchief , and the right trouser leg was ripped from knee to ankle .