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  • trouser belt
裤带[kù dài]
  1. 名词,高腰带吊裤带的高腰裤。

    high-waisted skiing pants with shoulder straps n.

  2. 三个月前,投资者还在勒紧裤带准备迎接另一场大萧条(greatdepression);此后亚洲股市却累计上涨近60%。

    Three months ago , investors were girding themselves for another great depression ; Asian equities have since put on almost 60 per cent .

  3. 这家百货公司表示,之前,购买深V文胸、巴斯克衫、丁字裤、长筒袜和吊裤带等性感内衣的主要消费群体都是一些20岁出头的妙龄少女。

    Previously , the store said , the main purchasers of cleavage-enhancing bras , basques , thongs , stockings and suspenders , have been women in their early 20s .

  4. 关于ISIS勒紧裤带的说法很难得到确认。

    Claims of belt-tightening are hard to confirm .

  5. 我倒宁愿系吊裤带,只不过因为橡皮筋坏得太快。

    I 'd rather wear braces , only the elastic perishes .

  6. 现在起只得勒紧裤带过活了。

    I need to live on a tight budget from now on .

  7. 对许多家庭来说,束紧裤带省吃俭用,只是为幸免于死。

    For many families , the belt-tightening is about survival .

  8. 许多家庭都在勒紧裤带,华盛顿也应该如此。

    Families are tightening their belts and so should Washington .

  9. 他辞去那份讨厌的工作,只得勒紧裤带了。

    He quitted the tiresome job and had to tighten is belt .

  10. 我在买裤带。

    I 'm , uh , buying a belt .

  11. 李老爷子身穿吊裤带,被介绍给托尼史塔克声称是拉里金(美国著名脱口秀主持人)。

    Wearing suspenders , Lee is introduced to Tony Stark as Larry King .

  12. 许多富裕的石油出口国开始勒紧裤带。

    Many wealthy oil-exporting countries are tightening their belts .

  13. 由于食品缺乏,他们只好勒紧裤带。

    As food was scarce , they had to pull in their belts .

  14. 在那艰难的岁月里,他们都只得勒紧裤带。

    In those hard times , they all had to pull in their belts .

  15. 比利大叔失业后,他的全家不得不勒紧裤带过日子。

    When Uncle Billy lost his job , his family had to tighten their belts .

  16. 我才刚买车,所以这个月我要勒紧裤带过活。

    I just bought a car , so I have to tighten my belt this month .

  17. 约翰:没错,我们可能得勒紧裤带好一阵子。

    John : Yeah , we may have to tighten our belts for quite a while .

  18. 在大批人失业期间,许多人员得勒紧裤带过日子。

    In a period of mass unemployment a lot of people have to tighten their belt .

  19. 如果失败,我们必须勒紧裤带,把这股潮流顶回去。

    If it fails , we 'll have to tighten our belts and turn the forces around .

  20. 霍华德:没有。我们也在勒紧裤带苦撑。

    Howard : Not really . We 've had to tighten our belts a bit , too .

  21. 在你们母亲找到另一份工作之前,我们都要勒紧裤带了。

    We 're all going to have to tighten our belts until your mother finds another job .

  22. 如果想储够金钱购买自己的房子,你必须勒紧裤带,省吃俭用。

    You need to tighten your belt if you want to save enough money to buy your own house .

  23. 与此同时,受到统一后副作用影响的德国,不得不勒紧裤带。

    At the same time Germany , suffering from the after - effects of reunification , had to tighten its belt .

  24. 袭人伸手与他系裤带时,不觉伸手至大腿处,只觉冰凉一片沾湿。

    As Xichun reached out to fasten his trousers for HIM , she touched his thigh and found it cold and sticky .

  25. 他们用裤带将自己吊在井壁上,逃过被大水吞噬的劫难。

    They tied themselves to the wall of the well with the belt , which freed them from being devoured by water .

  26. 2008年,签署宣言的那一年,世界前景急转直下,从繁荣昌盛直接滑向勒紧裤带的财政紧缩。

    It was issued in2008 , right at the time when the world abruptly shifted from an outlook of prosperity to belt-tightening austerity .

  27. 在经济困难日益加大之际,人们希望大公司的董事们和员工一起勒紧裤带。

    At a time of mounting economic difficulties the directors of top companies will be expected to tighten their belts along with their workforces .

  28. 之所以出现这种明显的趋势,不仅仅是因为全世界都在勒紧裤带;同时也是因为,作为一道社交风景的炫耀性奢侈品现在令人反感。

    This pronounced trend is not happening just because the world is tightening its belt ; ostentatious luxury as social spectacle is now seen as offensive .

  29. 他穿着上面有彩色条纹的海员T恤,普通长裤是用绳子而不是裤带系着的,赤着双脚。

    He was wearing a sailor 's T-shirt with colored stripes and ordinary trousers held up by a rope instead of a belt , and he was barefoot .

  30. 欧洲主要经济体迟迟没有认识到,如果能够进行有实际意义的结构性改革,就仍有可能在勒紧裤带的情况下实现经济增长。

    It is still possible to have economic growth while pursuing belt-tightening policies if meaningful structural reforms are made & something that the big European economies have been slow to recognize .