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kù yāo
  • Trouser waist;waist of trousers
裤腰 [kù yāo]
  • [waist of trousers] 裤子最上端,系腰带的地方

裤腰[kù yāo]
  1. 1947年11月,伊丽莎白二世与菲利普亲王(PrincePhilip)大婚之时,英国正在经历战后裤腰带勒得最紧的一年,人们对举行婚礼庆典是否恰当以及所耗费用提出了许多尖锐的问题。

    When the Queen married Prince Philip in November 1947 , the country was experiencing its worst year of postwar belt-tightening and sharp questions were asked about the appropriateness and cost of the ceremony .

  2. MiniBobi服装系列将巴黎风格与弹性面料以及宽松的裤腰等特点结合起来,符合中国城市里越来越多的肥胖儿童的需要,这些是戈贝的点子。

    The Mini Bobi clothing range , which combines Parisian style with the stretchy materials and copious waistbands needed by the increasing number of obese children in China 's cities , was the brainchild of Ms Gob é .

  3. 这条裤子的裤腰需要放出点来。

    The waist in these pants needs to be let out .

  4. 在边上是维可牢裤腰调节扣。

    On the sides are velcro tab waist adjusters .

  5. 我在裤腰上塞了个枕头!

    I stuck a pillow inside my trousers !

  6. 他越来越胖,裤腰都得放宽了。

    He is getting so fat that his trousers have to be let out .

  7. 我就要买几条大短裤,那种裤腰很舒服的,带扣子的前裆的。

    I just need some new boxers with a comfortable waistband and a button fly .

  8. 你的衬衫从裤腰滑出来了。

    Your shirt has worked out .

  9. 上周六早晨,我丈夫的一条卡其布的裤腰上的一颗钮扣丢了。

    Last Saturday morning , my husband lost the waistband button on a pair of khakis .

  10. “歇假的兵士&散在裤腰外面的的衬衫。”①他时常说。

    " A soldier discharged is the shirt outside the breeches again ," he used to say .

  11. 她还解释说,带有弧形的或者拼接形状裤腰的牛仔裤是所有身形的理想选择。

    She also explains that a curved or pieced waistband is ideal for flattering all shapes . '

  12. 我们最难的任务还是告诉男人们,他们的裤腰上升了。

    Our hardest task continues to be persuading men to confront the fact that their waistbands have risen .

  13. 你年纪越来越大,你是“古董”,你的裤腰比他们的高。

    You are ageing and you are a curiosity , as you wear your trousers higher than they do .

  14. 到了39岁,裤腰又往上升了;45岁的时候在腰部上方两寸处了。

    But at39 , it begins to rise again and by45 it will be at least two inches above .

  15. 本实用新型涉及一种裤腰皮带,特别是指不需要皮带的裤腰扣。

    The utility model relates to a trouser waist belt , particularly a trouser waist fastener without a belt .

  16. 过后,他摸摸那军官的裤腰口袋,摸到一只表,一并拿了去。

    Then he felt of the officer 's fob , discovered a watch there , and took possession of it .

  17. 星巴克在2014年放宽了保守的着装规范,衬衫可以不必掖进裤腰,鼻钉、短裤、裙子也都被允许。

    In 2014 , Starbucks relaxed its conservative dress code to include untucked shirts , nose studs , shorts and skirts .

  18. 接着他花了几分钟把身上穿的那件女人衬衫的下摆塞进裤腰。

    Then he spent several minutes in tucking the lower part of the woman 's chemise which he wore into his trousers .

  19. 12岁以下的小男孩,裤腰差不多就在自然腰身那里&因为他们大部分的衣服都是父母为他们买的。

    Boysunder the age of12 wear their trousers around their natural waist-because most of their clothing is bought for them by their parents .

  20. 研究发现,当男人告别青春期,进入职场时,裤腰开始一寸两寸地慢慢往上升。

    The study found that waistbands slowly begin to creep up an inch or two as a man leaves his teenage years behind and enters the workplace .

  21. “裤腰后部略高于前部,这样能顺着你的腰部曲线走,不会看起来像一条直线,”她这么说道。

    This will be slightly higher at the back than the front and will curve into your waist rather than sit straight up , ' she said .

  22. 一项调查显示,青少年时期,男孩的裤腰整整下降了5寸,直到臀部上方,是一种叛逆的象征。

    As they enter their teenage years , waistbandsplunge a full five inches towards the apex of the hips as a sign of rebellion , a survey suggests .

  23. 65岁时,裤腰在腰围上三寸处;75岁时,腰围上一寸处,很少有人能把裤子穿得正好在腰身那里。

    By65 , waistbands are three inches above the natural waist , and by75 only an inch , although very few men ever return to the neutral position .

  24. 即使在露脐上衣和露脐裤子登上T型台之时,那些收臀裤的裤腰仍相当的高,就在肚脐之下的位置上。

    Even when bare-midriff tops and pants turned up on the runways , hip-hugging trousers still rose to a respectable height , stopping just under the belly button .

  25. 裤子两外侧缝与裤脚起至裤腰,分别由一整根拉链或尼龙搭扣联接。

    The two outer sides of the trousers are sewed from a trouser wrist to trouser feet , and are connected by a whole zipper or a nylon hasp .

  26. 她说:“这种款式可以保证裤腰的位置刚刚好。身材娇小的女士应该选择高腰裤,这样可以凸显腰部,并使腿显得更长。”

    She said : ' This cut keeps the waist at the right height , whereas petite girls look great in a high rise that accentuates the waist and elongates the legs . '

  27. 由于松紧带是置于后片裤腰的夹套内,故其外表同一般西裤并无异样。

    The elastic belt is arranged in the jacket of the back flap trouser waist , so that the appearance of the utility model is the same as a general pair of western trousers .

  28. 共面波导馈电矩形开口振子缝隙天线一种几乎看不见缝线迹的缝型。漏落针从衣服的正面开始缉缝。用来缉缝裤腰、克夫和滚边。

    CPW-Fed Rectangular-opening Dipolar Slot Antenna A nearly invisible machine stitch , the crack stitch is stitched from the right side of the garment and is used to finish waistbands , cuffs , and bindings .

  29. 路路通伸手从裤腰上的表口袋里掏出一只大银表,回答说:十一点二十二分。维京人号和火星探路者号传回的火星地表影像,与地球出奇类似。

    ` Twenty - two minutes after eleven , ' returned Passepartout , drawing an enormous silver watch from the depths of his pocket . The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth-like .

  30. 16岁的时候,裤腰下落到臀部以下,年轻人为了模仿饶舌歌手和不良少年,让牛仔裤的裤裆部分下垂到膝盖那,而上面露出几寸内裤出来。

    They plummet to below the hips at the age of16 as young men imitate rappers and gangsters by letting the crotch of their jeans dangle around their knees , with several inches of underpant on show .