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fén xiāng
  • burn incense;burn joss sticks;light joss sticks
焚香 [fén xiāng]
  • (1) [burn joss sticks]∶烧香

  • 焚香拜佛

  • (2) [light joss sticks]∶点燃香支

  • 焚香祷告

焚香[fén xiāng]
  1. 人们开始焚香祷告,并且哭泣甚至生气。

    People began to burn incense as they prayed and wept and even raged .

  2. 首尔市区临时搭起一座祭坛,有数千人排队焚香鞠躬。

    Thousands of people queued up to burn incense and bow before a make-shift altar erected to Mr Roh in downtown Seoul .

  3. 诛仙晚上是在焚香的哪儿观看坐骑比赛

    Did you go to see the football match ye

  4. 其他的习俗还包括了焚香、祈祷及焚烧象徵性的纸钱。

    Other customs include burning incense , offering prayers and burning symbolic paper .

  5. 你应做焚香的坛,用皂荚木制造。

    Thou shalt make also an altar to burn incense , of setim wood .

  6. 焚香,药茶,素食主义者,全部东西,

    the incense , the herbal tea , the vegetarians , the whole deal ,

  7. 我焚香感动了谁?

    Who is touched by my incense ?

  8. 灯油,为制傅礼的油和焚香用的香料。

    And oil to maintain lights , and to make ointment , and most sweet incense .

  9. 大多数人家门口都坐立着财神像,守护它的是一根根燃烧的焚香。

    Figurines depicting the God of wealth sit outside most doors , attended by burning sticks of incense .

  10. 主要的活动有放烟火、焚香、烧纸钱和献祭品。

    The main activities are : setting off fireworks , burn incenses and paper money and offering oblations .

  11. 圣龛楼上有一个小小的博物馆,燃着焚香,陈列着珠宝和其他帝国时代的文物。

    Upstairs from the shrines is a small museum with incense , jewelry and other relics of the imperial era .

  12. 不能回故园为母亲尽孝,我在书房母亲的遗像前焚香默念。

    Incapable of return homeland to carry out piety , in room of study before mother 's photo I incensed saying silently .

  13. 教士和修道院士身穿白袍列队进入圣诞教堂,身后留下焚香的芬芳。

    Priests and monks in white robes held a procession into the Church of the Nativity leaving a trail of fragrant incense .

  14. 晚间亚郎换放灯盏时也要焚香:这是你们世世代代在上主前不断的焚香礼。

    And when he shall place them in the evening , he shall burn an everlasting incense before the Lord throughout your generations .

  15. 他们却没有侧耳听从,没有放弃他们向外方神只焚香的恶习。

    But they heard not , nor inclined their ear to turn from their evil ways , and not to sacrifice to strange gods .

  16. 以后又以配制香料的方法,做了为傅礼用的圣油,和为焚香用的纯香料。

    He compounded also the oil for the ointment of sanctification , and incense of the purest spices , according to the work of a perfumer .

  17. 柔和的春风中弥漫着田野间矢车菊的芳香,让我的灵魂也更加高尚,这是教堂中任何焚香都无法比拟的。

    I have never smelled incense in a church as refining to the spirit as a spring breeze laden with aroma from a field of bluebonnets .

  18. 相对安静的奥地利人称除夕为“烟夜”。他们会像举行仪式般地用焚香和圣水来熏洒房子和仓库,能这样做他们就心满意足了。

    More sedate Austrians call New Year 's Eve " smoke night , " and content themselves with ritually5 ) purifying homes and storehouses with incense6 ) and holy water .

  19. 面对着栩栩如生、惟妙惟肖的饰金大佛,多少善男信女焚香化纸,口念“南无”,虔诚地顶礼膜拜,寄托人生的期冀。

    The face of life , vividly decorated in gold Buddha , the number of Buddhists burning incense paper , I read " non-Southern ", devotion worship , hoping sustenance of life .

  20. 南非的气味捕捉了如冒险般的游猎的气息,混杂着部落的焚香、野草的气味和蹄兔香中透着的动物的麝香。(蹄兔香是一种岩石状物质,由蹄兔的排泄物形成。)

    South Africa 's smell captures the adventure of safari with notes of tribal incense , wild grass and musky animalics through the scent of Hyraceum ( a rock like substance made from the excrement of the Cape hyrax ) .

  21. 根据希斯罗机场的官网,中国神秘的寺庙焚香和淡淡的桂花香营造了一种东方的感觉,而泰国以开胃的柠檬草、姜和椰子的混合香气满足了人们的味蕾。

    According to the Heathrow Airport website : ' China 's mystical temple incense and subtle Osmanthus Fragrans flower create an orient explosion ' , and ' Thailand tantalises the taste buds with an appetising mix of lemongrass , ginger and coconut ' .