
  • 网络Book Burning;skoob
焚书 [fén shū]
  • [book burning]销毁被认为在政治上或对社会有害或具有颠覆性的著作或图片,或由有这种思想或行动的人所著的作品

  1. 亲爱的词友,你支持这种焚书行为吗?

    Dear friends , what is your feeling when seeing books in fire ?

  2. 焚书、庙,教堂和历史文物遭毁坏。

    Books were burned while temples , churches and cultural relics were also destroyed .

  3. 秦始皇接受了这一建议,于是就发生了焚书事件。

    The First Emperor accepted all these proposals , and then the event of burning books occurred .

  4. 在焚书期间唯一得以流传的书籍是有关医药、农业和占卜的。

    The only books to be spared in the destruction were books on medicine , agriculture and divination .

  5. 图书文献政策上,秦始皇焚书并颁布了挟书令。

    On book and document policies , Emperor Qin " burns books ", and promulgated " the laws of holding books " .

  6. 他试图想要劝诱盖重回他焚书的工作,但他低估了盖的决心而被他活活烧死。

    He tries to entice Guy back into the book-burning business , but is burnt alive by Montag when he underestimates Montag 's resolve .

  7. 这说明,焚书令所依托的是一个价值理性和工具理性都同样发达的意识形态秩序。

    All the above shows that Burning-Book Decree comes from an ideological order in which both the reason of value and the reason of practice are highly developed .

  8. 权力规范学术的思想史实践&从焚书令看意识形态对知识形态的区分与控制

    Power , Criterion , Learning and Practice of the History of Thought : Ideological Division and Control of Knowledge Genre from the Review of the Burning Book Decree

  9. 最后,为了避免破坏性思想的成长,李斯于公元前213年禁止教授历史并且下令“焚书”,李斯因此受到了后来所有儒生的责骂。

    Finally , in an effort to prevent the growth of subversive thought , Li in 213 B. C. forbade the teaching of history and ordered the " burning of the books , " for which he earned the opprobrium of all future generations of Confucian scholars .