
fén huà lú
  • incinerator;cremator
  1. 医院院长JosephKété解释说,医院的焚化炉和当地的净水处理厂已有两年不能运转。

    The hospital 's incinerator and the local water treatment plant have been out of order for two years .

  2. 有邻居说看见你们把衣服拿去焚化炉烧。

    A neighbor said she saw you throwing clothes in the incinerator .

  3. 酸气是天然气加工厂进行天然气脱硫产生的副产品,主要由H2S和CO2组成,通常会送入硫回收单元以回收大部分的硫或送入火炬烟囱或焚化炉燃烧。

    Acid gas streams , consisting primarily of hydrogen sulfide ( H2S ) and carbon dioxide ( CO2 ), are commonly generated as a by-product of the gas sweetening process .

  4. 研究了固体垃圾焚化炉的释放物的物质及其对人类健康的影响。

    The impacts of waste incinerators on human health was stated .

  5. 我们要把污染物送到焚化炉

    We are gonna be taking some contaminated material to the incinerator ,

  6. 我那地方后面有个大焚化炉。

    There 's a big incinerator behind my place .

  7. 垃圾收集起来在焚化炉中烧掉。

    Trash is collected and disposed of in incinerators .

  8. 废液焚化炉系统可行性设计

    Feasible design of the waste liquid furnace system

  9. 焚化炉烟气中恶臭物质分析

    Analysis of Odorous Material in Smoke of Cremator

  10. 用焚化炉焚烧垃圾是处理垃圾的一个方法。

    Burning rubbish in an incinerator is one way to take care of garbage .

  11. 辛:这些垃圾焚化炉对我们的环境和健康都会造成不良影响。

    Zinn : These trash incinerators are bad for the environment and our health .

  12. 你可以选择在任何地方兴建焚化炉,但不能建在我的后院!

    You can build the incinerator anywhere you like , but not in my backyard !

  13. 淤泥焚化炉开始被当作主要污染源而致使很多家都被关闭。

    Sludge incinerators began to be recognized as major polluters , and many were shut down .

  14. 篝火、花园里的焚化炉和户外烧烤都有可能产生大量烟雾和难闻的味道。

    Bonfires , garden incinerators and barbecues can be a significant local smoke and odour nuisance .

  15. 按照特定的时间表,封闭或改进所有公寓已有的家用焚化炉装置。

    All existing apartment house incinerators were to be closed or improved according to a specific timetable .

  16. 这些焚化炉运行费用昂贵,并且为资本密集型,需要大型烟囱。

    These incinerators are costly to run and capital intensive in cost and require large chimney stacks .

  17. 船用焚化炉-锅炉组合装置

    Marine incinerator-boiler composite plant

  18. 自2003年以来,台北县政府提供服务,代表祭拜者在焚化炉焚烧纸钱。

    Since 2003 , the government has offered worshippers the facility of burning the money on their behalf in incinerators .

  19. 当仅知道焚化炉出口烟气各组分流量和温度时,能近似地计算出力。

    If gas composition flow rate and temperature at incinerator exit are given only , the capacity can be calculated approximately .

  20. 这是我们首选方案建造更多的焚化炉,由于广州正面临着不断上升的垃圾成堆。

    It is a preferred option for us to build more incinerators , since Guangzhou is facing rising piles of garbage .

  21. 中义把有毒气体或蒸气在焚化炉中去除的装置,印刷中在轮转印刷机上可见到此装置。

    An air pollution device that removes noxious gases and vapors through incineration . Afterburners are found on web presses in particular .

  22. 他补充说,焚化炉附近的居民们被迫从村外的,因为担心对水质污染的饮用水。

    He added that residents near the incinerator were forced to get drinking water from outside the village because of fear about water pollution .

  23. 降低发热量,焚烧时不滴油、冒黑烟,无二次公害产生,且不损伤焚化炉。

    To prevent emission problems by generating less heat , no oil dripping and less smoke when burning . No damage to the incinerator .

  24. 从学校操场可以清晰地看见,在远处,一个垃圾焚化炉不断将褐色的烟雾送往天空。

    In the distance , and plainly visible from school grounds , a trash incinerator sends a steady plume of brown smoke into the sky .

  25. 他指出政府对于关闭不能符合二恶荚排放量要求的旧式焚化炉,态度严谨。

    He noted that the government had been rigorous in closing down old incinerators that could not comply with requirements for control of dioxin emissions .

  26. 他们的抱怨是关于计划在城市的北方西边建造一个废物焚化炉,他们说这样将使有毒的化学制品传播。

    Their complaint was about plans to build a waste incinerator in the north-west of the city , which they said could spread toxic chemicals .

  27. 含有机成分的气体则进入二次焚化炉燃烧后,再经急冷塔、除尘过滤处理后排放。

    Gas containing organic components is burned in the secondary incinerator , and then discharged after the treatment of the washing tower and dust filtration .

  28. 承上题,如果您支持焚化,您认为焚化炉有潜力融入香港,一个地少人多的社会吗?

    Hence , if yes , do you agree that Hong Kong , such a densely-populated city , has potentials to merge incinerators into the society ?

  29. 假若香港以焚化炉作为主要的都市固体废物处理方法,你认为对本港空气质素造成甚麽影响?

    What do you think about the effect of the air quality , if Hong Kong using the incinerator to be the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment ?

  30. 失败者将被火葬——或者被安排躺在将他们送到虚拟殡仪馆焚化炉的传送带上以模拟死亡仪式。

    Losers get cremated -- or are at least madeto lie on a conveyor belt that transports them through a fake funeral homeincinerator to simulate death rites .