
  • 网络Student Rights
  1. 浅析高校学生权利保护的法律缺失

    An Analysis of Legal Deficiency in Student Rights Protection

  2. 学生权利保护法的体系结构应当以此为基础而确定。

    The structure of Student Rights Protection Act should be determined on this basis .

  3. 论高校处分权与学生权利救济制度

    On the Disposing Right of Academies and Student 's Relief Right

  4. 论校园暴力&为保护学生权利而斗争

    On Campus Violence & For the Protection of Students ' Right

  5. 人本观下的教学与学生权利

    Teaching under the Human-centered Idea & the Students ' Rights

  6. 高校学生权利救济的法理分析

    Analysis of lawful theory about college students ' relieving rights

  7. 新机制办学与学生权利的保障

    Running school in new mechanism and the guarantee of students ' right

  8. 高校学生权利保护:基于利益衡量的分析

    Protection of Colleges Students ' Rights : Analysis Based on Benefits Measurement

  9. 对学生权利和学生发展关注不够等问题。

    Little attention is paid to the students ' rights and their development .

  10. 第三,指出了学生权利的层次性和复杂性特征。

    Third , point out the characteristic of students'rights in diversity and complexity .

  11. 谈构建高校学生权利保障制度

    On the Construction of the Rights Ensurance System of the Students in University

  12. 高校学生权利与高校权力

    College Students ' Rights and College s ' Authorities

  13. 试论学生权利及其司法保护

    Discussion on the Student 's Rights and Judicial Protection

  14. 第二方面是高校学生权利义务的多重性,这是相对于某一主体在具体法律关系中享有的权利和履行的义务而言的。

    The second aspect is about the multi position of the rights of students .

  15. 教学制度公平具体体现在对教学中的学生权利规定的公平性。

    The situation of students ' rights decides the institutional equity of teaching concretely .

  16. 从法律视角对学生权利受侵与学生权利滥用现象的反思

    Reflection on the Phenomenon of Infringement and Abuse of Students ' Rights & A Legal Perspective

  17. 高等学校学生权利研究

    Research On Rights of University Students

  18. 学生权利的切实维护是学生发展的有力保证。

    To safeguard the rights of the students is a powerful guarantee for the development of students .

  19. 学校教育管理权与学生权利之间是一种既对立又统一的关系;

    The relationship of both opposition and unity lies between the schooling-management right and the student right ;

  20. 因此,联邦宪法是适用于高等教育的最重要的法源,也是美国大学教师和学生权利保护的主要依据。

    The federal Constitution is the main basis to protect college teachers ' and students ' right .

  21. 究其原因,这与高校法律环境的缺失及忽视学生权利有直接的关系。

    The reason lies in the university law environment flaw and the negligence of the student right .

  22. 教师权力与学生权利相互依存、相互冲突。

    The teacher 's power and the student 's right depend upon and also clash with each other .

  23. 站在现代法律的角度,描述当代高校学生权利与高校权力状况;

    This article described college students ' rights and colleges ' authorities on the basis of modern laws .

  24. 第三部分,从现行大学制度下的学生权利状况开始分析,从中找出原因。

    In the third part , we can find some institutional reasons by analyzing the college students ' rights .

  25. 本研究探讨的主要问题是在学校教育过程中,教师权力运作与学生权利实现的关系,并深入分析了教师权力是如何影响学生权利平等实现。

    The research mainly discusses the relationship between teacher 's institutional power and student rights during the school educating .

  26. 第二部分,论述学生权利与现代大学制度的关系。

    In the second par , this paper discusses the relations between students ' rights and the university system .

  27. 只有如此,学校管理、学生权利与司法独立三者之间才能保持良性互动。

    Only in such ways can school administration , student rights and judicial independence act well with each other .

  28. 然而,我国专门保护高校学生权利的立法还是空白。

    However , the legislation for safeguard the rights of students in university is still blank in our country .

  29. 第三章主要是对学生权利的司法保障问题提出自己的建议和对策;

    In the third part , the author proposed the suggestions and tactics to the student rights ' judicial protection .

  30. 教育诉讼行为的本质是对高校与学生权利义务的调整过程。

    The essence of the educational litigations is the adjustment process to the high school and students rights and duties .