
  • 网络history of jurisprudence
  1. 《马氏文通》是我国语法学史上第一部系统性的语法著作。

    Ma Shi Wen Tong is the first systematic grammar works in Chinese grammar history .

  2. “波士顿扼杀犯”是法学史上最著名的犯罪案件之一。

    The case of the Boston Strangler is one of the most famous crime cases in legal history .

  3. 黑格尔法哲学思想是西方法学史上的一座丰碑,近代法哲学的最高成就。

    Hegel 's philosophy of jurisprudence is a milestone in Western legal history and the most successful achievement in modern philosophy of jurisprudence .

  4. 道德与法律的关系问题,是中外政治学史、法学史和伦理学史上一个经久不衰的研讨课题。

    The relationship between morality and law is an endless study topic in the history of political science , the science of law and ethics at home and abroad .

  5. 将具有法学史涵的“地役权”改称为“邻地利用权”的科学依据值得商榷。

    The scientific basis for the change of " easement ", which represents the law history , to the " exploitation right of adjacent land " is open to discussion .

  6. 在法学史上,自然法学派和分析实证法学派的划分,主要在于他们在法律和道德关系问题上观点的对立。

    In jurisprudence history , the classification of the natural law school and the analytic positive law school is mainly based on their antagonistic views upon the relations between law and morality .

  7. 边沁所开创的功利主义法学派,从普通人的角度追问法律的本质,因之成为法学史上的重要流派之一。

    The utilitarianism school of law created by Jeremy Bentham has become one of the most important schools in jurisprudential history for its exploring the nature of law from a ordinary 's perspective .

  8. 在近现代西方法学史上,新康德主义法学流派虽不占主导性地位,但是却写下了浓墨重彩的一笔,成为我们对法学进行反思的丰富的智识之源。

    In modern Western legal history , neo-Kantian schools of jurisprudence have not occupied a dominant position , but they have a profound impact , as well as providing the rich source of intellectual for us to reflect .

  9. 结语对本文关于律令学的研究进行了总结,分别就选题的重要性、律令学与经学的关系以及律令学在中国古代法学史上的地位进行了阐发。

    The concluding part makes a summary to this dissertation . It explains respectively the importance to choose this subject , the relationships between Lv-ling Xue and study of Confucian classics and its position in ancient Chinese history of law .

  10. 在西方法学史上对法律效力问题作过充分研究,提出了许多独特理论和观点并因之而具有典型意义的当属凯尔森纯粹法学的法律效力论。

    In the history of western jurisprudence , Hans Kelsen is the one who studied this problem sufficiently and provided many distinctive theories and ideas . Therefore , his validity theory of pure theory of law has a typical meaning for analyzing and solving this problem at present .

  11. 自然法学发展史是一部人类权利观念的发展史。

    The development of natural law is the history of human right idea .

  12. 在西方法学思想史上,卢梭一直是位重要的人物。

    In the history of Western legal thought , Rousseau has been an important character .

  13. 在法学研究史上,因对这两种方法取舍的不同而形成了不同的法学流派。

    In the history of the legal studies , some law schools were formed by using either the two kinds of methods .

  14. 这在中世纪欧洲的刑事法学发展史上起到了承前启后的作用。

    , which serves as a link between past and future in the history of the science of criminal law in medieval Europe .

  15. 史以为鉴,在晚清法学翻译史上,梁启超的译书三义,严复的译事三难等翻译理论和标准具有鲜明的时代特征。

    In the history of legal translation in later Qing Dynasty , some translation theory and criterion proposed by famous translation jurists such Liang Qichao and Yanfu had distinct character in that epoch .

  16. 从某种程度上来说,马氏层次析句的自觉性,在我国语法学发展史上有着深远的现代意义。深层次忧患意识的流露与浪漫主义理想的张扬&读刘萧的小说集《忧郁村落》

    To some degree , the self-consciousness of hierarchical analysis is having the modern significance for a long time in the developing history to Chinese grammar . Revelation of Innermost Worries and Publicity of Romantic Ideals ;

  17. 中世纪法国习惯法学在法学史中占有重要地位。

    The French common laws in the Middle Ages occupies an important place in the history of French laws .

  18. 事实上,维科在批判古典自然法虚幻的同时,认为法源于各民族的习俗,是各民族特有文化精神、民族意识和习性的产物,这奠定了维科作为历史主义法学奠基人的学术史地位。

    Criticizing the illusory of natural law of the classical era , he argued that the nature of law originating from customs and ways was the common conscience and spirit of culture of each race .

  19. 本文追溯了中西法学教育的发展史,力图厘清二重性在法学教育中的作用及实践性法律教育模式出现和发展的必然性。

    By telling the history of legal education in both Chinese and the West , the article tries to estimate the impacts of dualism in legal education and the inevitability of occurrence and advent of practically oriented legal educational model .

  20. 法学教育与法律职业的脱节与分离是我国法学教育史上一直存在的突出矛盾。

    The disjointing and separation between legal education and legal profession has been the protruding contradiction in China 's legal education history .