
fǎ lǜ shè huì xué
  • sociology of law;legal sociology
  1. 德国法律社会学的先驱是马克斯·韦伯。

    A pioneer of legal sociology in Germany was Max Weber .

  2. 社会学法学或者法律社会学具有一部连绵不断的发展历史。

    Sociological Law or Legal Sociology has a continuous developing history .

  3. 德国法律社会学的先驱之一是马克思韦伯。

    A pioneer in legal sociology in Germany was Max Weber .

  4. 论习惯法与国家制定法的冲突与融合&基于法律社会学的视角

    A Sociological Study of the Relation between Custom Law and Statute

  5. 法律社会学是他的社会学的一个重要组成部分。

    Legal sociology is an important part of his sociology .

  6. 法律社会学活法理论评析

    A Legal and Sociological Study of the Living Law

  7. 法律社会学将法律现象视为社会因素的有机组成部分,着重研究法律的功能与实效。

    Sociology of law regards the law as an integral part of society .

  8. 活法理论是法律社会学的方法。

    The theory of " living law " is the method of legal sociology .

  9. 韦伯;比较法律社会学;中国法律传统;多值逻辑。

    Max Weber ; comparative legal sociology ; Chinese legal tradition ; many-valued logic .

  10. 法律社会学研究的进路

    Two Ways in Study of Sociology of Law

  11. 二元户籍制度研究&一个法律社会学的分析

    Study on the Dualistic Household Register Institution & An Analysis of Sociology of Law

  12. 第一,其研究一般较为封闭,较少运用法律社会学方法。

    First , its research seals up generally , few utilization sociology of law method .

  13. 法律社会学在中国的发展

    The Development of Legal Sociology in China

  14. 欧洲法律社会学协会

    Institute of Sociology of Law for Europe

  15. 法律社会学从诞生时就受到社会学理论和社会学研究方法的巨大影响。

    Sociology of Law was greatly influenced by sociological theory and research methods from its birth .

  16. 对中国农村法制建设发展的法律社会学研究

    The sociology of law research on the development of legal construction in rural areas of China

  17. 法律社会学是一门新兴学科,近年来得以蓬勃发展。

    The sociology of law is a newly rising course and is booming in recent years .

  18. 农地流转合同形式制度的运行与构建&以法律社会学为视角

    The Operation and Creation of the Farm Land Transfer Contract Institution & Views on the Sociology of Law

  19. 在《经济与社会》这部著作中,韦伯比较充分地阐述了他的法律社会学思想。

    In his work Economy and Society , Weber expounds his legal sociological ideas in a relatively detailed way .

  20. 罢工、罢工权、罢工立法&以法律社会学为视角的研究

    Strike , Right to Strike and the Legislation on Strike & Research from the Point of View of Legal Sociology

  21. 法律社会学具有双重身份,它不仅是社会学的组成部分,而且也是法学的一个分支。

    The legal sociology has the dual-identities that are not only the section of sociology but also the branch of jurisprudence .

  22. 为了生活使用暴力与暴力对生活的毁灭&暴力性私力救济发生的结构性原因之法律社会学考察

    To Use Violence for Life and to Destroy Life with Violence & A Legal-sociological Study on Structural Factors of Violent Self-help

  23. 这些理论视角大致包括:哲学、法哲学、法律社会学、文化人类学、法律功能主义等等。

    These theories include : philosophy , philosophy of law , legal sociology , cultural anthropology , law functionalism and so on .

  24. 法律社会学关于居民守法行为原因的解释有两个经典范式,即工具主义范式和规范内化范式。

    There are two classical paradigms about reasons of people 's obedience to law , which are instrumentalist approach and normative approach .

  25. 因此,从法律社会学的角度来研究中国农民的法律意识,具有极为重要的研究意义。

    Therefore , it is very significant to conduct researches on Chinese farmers ' legal consciousness with the view of Sociology of Law .

  26. 虽然欧美法律社会学有许多共同特点,但两者之间的差异也是不言而喻的。

    Although there are some identical characteristics in the sociology of law in Europe and United States , they do have some differences .

  27. 本文尝试着将卢曼的法律社会学的系统论导入礼法关系的分析架构中。

    This article is to apply Luhmann 's systematic theory of legal society to the analytical structure of the relationship between manners and laws .

  28. 司法权威是一个内涵丰富、蕴深厚的概念范畴,是法律社会学研究领域的一个重要课题。

    Judicatory authority is a concept with rich connotation and deep root , and is an important subject in the field of legal sociology .

  29. 欧美法律社会学的历史演进及不同特点美德立法监督制度比较

    Historical Development and Characteristics of Sociology of Law in Europe and United States A Comparative Study of Legislative Systems in the United States and Germany

  30. 法律社会学的研究范式既要受到学术共同体思维进路的影响,更要受到社会变迁的制约。

    Not only the thinking pattern of academic community but also the social change has deep effects on the study paradigm of sociology of Law .