
fǎ dìnɡ yì wù
  • legal obligation;legal duty
  1. 行政补偿的性质是行政主体的法定义务。

    Character of compensation of administrative license is a legal duty of administrative subject .

  2. 权力机构若要执行它为无家可归者提供住所的法定义务,就需要政府支持。

    If the authority is to discharge its legal duty to house the homeless , it needs government support .

  3. 我们有向议会报告的法定义务。

    We had a statutory duty to report to Parliament .

  4. 承运人的法定义务与除外责任的关系问题上,UNCITRAL会议已通过多种方案的形式试图对这一理论疑点给予明确。

    To solve the theoretic problem about the relationship between carrier 's obligations and exceptions , the UNCITRAL working group had made efforts to work out several blue prints .

  5. 是合同义务还是侵权法上的法定义务?

    Is it the obligation of contract or tort law ?

  6. 其二,不履行由于先行为造成的法定义务。

    Second , do not perform due to the resulting legal obligations .

  7. 本章还花了很大篇幅对保险代位求偿权行使的法律保护进行了研究,明确指出被保险人应协助保险人行使代位求偿权的法定义务;论债权人代位权客体扩张及行使范围

    Research on the object of subrogation right and its range

  8. 被告未履行他的法定义务。

    The defendant is in breach of his statutory duty .

  9. 离婚经济帮助属于法定义务,是由前婚姻行为产生的法律义务。

    Financial assistance is a statutory obligation which derives from former marriage .

  10. 监控发牌规定和法定义务和交易所上市规则的合规性。

    Monitoring compliance with licensing requirements and legal obligations and exchange listing rules .

  11. 零售商有为他们提供符合要求的货品的法定义务。

    Retailers have a statutory duty to provide goods suitable for their purpose .

  12. 既不存在法定义务,也不申请费为完成这一形式。

    There is neither application fee nor legal obligation for completing this form .

  13. 此后,文章探讨了税务行政强制的法律基础:法律的强制属性、法定义务必须遵守原则以及税收的公益性、强制性、无偿性。

    After that the thesis probe into the foundation of tax administrative compulsory .

  14. 发起人如果违反法定义务或约定义务,必须承担法律责任。

    Promoters must burden the liability if they breach legal obligations or promissory obligations .

  15. 注意义务是医护人员在医疗服务过程中的一种法定义务。

    The duty of care is a legal obligation in the medical treatment service .

  16. 该部分着重论述了注册资产评估师的法律特征和法定义务。

    This part focused on the legal characteristics and legal obligations of registered valuer .

  17. 其属于法定义务。

    It belongs to the statutory obligations .

  18. 先合同义务因法律的直接规定而产生,是一种法定义务。

    Pre-contract obligation evolves directly from regulations .

  19. 获益是其法定义务之来源,合同则规定了其约定义务。

    Benefit is the source of legal obligation and contract is the source of contractual obligation .

  20. 同时,对于期间的起算点,可以从公司内部人违反法定义务并取得收益时开始计算。

    Meanwhile , the starting point of the period can be calculated from gain the profit .

  21. 勤勉义务是公司董事、监事及高级管理人员所应承担的法定义务。

    Duty of diligence is one of the legal obligations of directors , supervisors and senior managers .

  22. 第二部分论证证人义务作为法定义务的正当性。

    The second part is on the legitimacy of the burden of witness as a legal obligation .

  23. 第一章界定了经营者安全保障义务的概念,并探讨了其法律性质,指出经营者安全保障义务是以法定义务为原则,约定义务为例外;

    The first part defines the conception of operators ' safety guarantee obligation and discusses its legal nature .

  24. 签发提单是承运人的法定义务之一。

    THE INVISIBLE MAN Insurance of the bill of landing is one of the carriers ' legal obligations .

  25. 以义务形式保护弱势群体的利益,法定义务成为外在的契约规范。

    To protect interests of the weak by means of legal obligations which become the out contract regulations .

  26. 安全保障义务以法定义务为主,约定义务为辅;

    The obligation of safety insurance is emphasized on the legal duty , and the contractual duty is assistant .

  27. 作为侵权行为的过失是对注意这一法定义务的违反,从而使原告遭受损失。

    Negligence as a tort is the breach of a legal duty to take care which results in damage .

  28. 享有知情同意权是法律赋予患者的权利,医方履行告知义务是法定义务。

    Informed consent right was a legal right to patients and the obligation was a legal duty to doctors .

  29. 一是股东与公司之间基于公司法规定的法定义务。

    The other is the legal obligation on the basis of the company law between the shareholder and company .

  30. 其四,将经营者对服务场所安全保障义务界定为法定义务可以克服将之界定为附随义务的局限。

    Fourthly , it could overcome some shortcoming in the theory that the obligation of safety is collateral obligation .