
  • 网络social right
  1. 作为社会权的环境权,它的主体应是人类社会。

    As social rights , the subject of environmental rights should be human society .

  2. 宪法社会权及其司法救济&比较法的视角

    The Constitutional Social Rights & Its Judicial Remedies : from the Perspective of Comparative Law

  3. 自然灾害行政给付制度是保障公民自由权和社会权的必要环节。

    Administrative supply of natural disaster protects civil liberties and rights of social .

  4. 城市化进程中农民工社会权性质的受教育权初探

    On the Right of Education as a Social Nature Right for the Migrant Workers in the Process of Urbanization

  5. 近代出现了社会权的理论和立法实践,社会权得以初步形成;

    In modern age there appeared the theories and lawmaking practice concerning social rights , and social rights formed initially .

  6. 社会权实现的国家义务&以社会权的双重性质理论为视角

    The National Duties to implement the Social Rights & In Point of the Theory of the Dual Characters of Social Rights

  7. 该章首先论证了环境权变迁所经历的自由权、社会权、生态权三个时代,从而揭示环境权的特质;

    Chapter 3 Environmental right situated between social right and ecological right : the basis of the rights in cyclic society .

  8. 社会权是否可以交由司法判断,这在各国理论界都存在种种争议。

    Whether social right can be left by the courts ' judgment , it is a puzzled problem in modern theory .

  9. 一是宪法明确规定社会权,并视之为主观权利予以直接司法救济;

    First , social rights are specified by the Constitution and are deemed as positive rights to which judicial remedies may be directly applied .

  10. 现在每年的考生已达数百万,考试的影响范围广,社会权重大,风险性高。

    It becomes a high-stake test with millions of candidates every year , a wide range of influence , and the heavy social weight .

  11. 大学教育属于非义务教育,大学生的教育权具有选择性,还具有自由权和社会权的双重法律特征。

    The right to higher education is uncompulsory , which has quality of select and also manifests the double law characteristics of freedom and society .

  12. 社会权权泽于民家国福祉福祉参享为福利而问责。

    Social rights , rights for the people , welfare among the people and the state , participatory welfare , responsible government for the Society .

  13. 通过宪法史的考察与法释义学的阐释,可推导出劳动权兼具自由权与社会权双重性格。

    By means of tracing back to its history and interpreting the constitutional norm , the double qualities of the right of labor can be interfered .

  14. 同时亦具有社会权属性,要求国家积极作为,建立教育制度,完善教育法规,为受教育者提供教育条件。

    It requires that government should establish an education system , perfect educational laws and regulations , and create favorable conditions for people to receive education .

  15. 公平竞争权作为一项具有社会权性质的私权,在我国现阶段其正处于由应然权利向实然权利的过渡阶段。

    Fair competition right is a special private right . In the present of our country , it is in the stage from natural right to legal right .

  16. 受教育权作为公民自由权的同时,又是一项社会权,必须接受国家、社会、法律的监督与规制,国家也有保护公民受教育权的义务。

    As liberty right and social right , the right to education must receive the supervision and guidance from the state , the society , laws and regulations .

  17. 社会权对国家不仅产生政治和道德约束力,也产生与自由权同样的法律约束力,并在一定范围和程度内产生可由司法裁决的法律效力。

    Social rights , like liberal rights , constrain the government in politics and moral as well as in law , and lead to judicial protection in some areas and to certain extent .

  18. 同时,国家补充责任的背后也有着深刻的法理基础,包括:委托&代理理论,公共利益原理与公民的社会权。

    Meanwhile , the supplementary responsibility of the government has a profound legal basis , including : " principal-agent " theory , the principle of public interest and social rights of the citizens .

  19. 这种混乱现象造成社会权学术交流困难和社会权实现受阻,也是社会权一直不能获得与自由权同等法律地位的重要原因。

    The confusion has aroused great difficulties in learning communication and obstacles to realization of social rights , which is mainly why social rights haven 't bad also same status as liberal rights .

  20. 社会权应为公民依法享有的要求国家对其物质和文化生活积极促成及提供相应服务的权利。

    Social rights should be those that are legally guaranteed by citizens , and by winch states are required to cause and provide corresponding services so citizens on their material and spiritual lives .

  21. 而作为自由权的劳动权与作为社会权的劳动权存在着一定的张力,为此需要在个案中权衡与考量以解决二者之间的冲突。

    However , tension exists between the labor right as a freedom right and the labor right as a social right , so the contradiction needs to be solved through balances and measurements in concrete cases .

  22. 今天的受教育权是初始的受教育义务经自由权形态到社会权形态再到发展权形态历次演变的结果。

    The current right to education is the result of all previous evolution from the " formation of freedom right ", to the " formation of social right ", and to the " formation of development right " .

  23. 本文即从法律权利发展的路径着手,证明社会权已成为一项独立的权利,成为在法学理论上与公权、私权相并列而存在的又一种新的权利类型。

    Starting from the development path of legal rights , this thesis proves that social right has become an independent right , a new type of right that co-exists with public right and private right in law theory .

  24. 从社会权的产生、发展、分类入手,明确了社会权问题是宪法问题,因此,弱势群体社会权的保障有必要写入宪法。

    From the approach to the emergence , development , classification of social rights , the author clears that the social rights problem is a constitutional question , therefore , insurance of vulnerable groups ' social rights needs to be written into Constitution .

  25. 社会权,是我国现行宪法所保障的公民基本权利的重要权利类型之一,它与公民的个人自由权、平等权等权利,共同构成了我国宪法所确立的公民基本权利体系。

    Social rights , is guaranteed by the Constitution of the existing " basic civil rights ," one of the important types of rights , it is individual freedom and civil rights , equal rights and other rights , the Constitution constitute the fundamental rights of citizens established system .

  26. 社会有权要求人人遵守法律。

    Society has a right to expect obedience of the law .

  27. 关于法治社会警察权的几点思考

    On some considerations about police rights of rule of law society

  28. 第二章探讨了社会保障权的定位。

    Chapter II probes into the fixed position of social security right .

  29. 放活基层政府,给农村社会自治权。

    Free grassroots government , endowing rural society autonomy right .

  30. 两性社会保障权的法理公平并不等于事实公平。

    Legal fairness of social security rights does not mean real fairness .