
  • 网络participation;public participation
  1. 论林业项目经营决策的群众参与

    Discussion on the public participation in the management decision of forestry projects

  2. 甘肃天水群众参与武术活动的行为特征

    Behavioral Characteristics of People ′ s Participation in Wushu Activity in Gansu Province

  3. 传统的政府主导、群众参与的危机治理方式虽然有效,但是成本太高,NGO参与公共危机管理则有利于整合社会资源,弥补政府传统危机管理方式的不足。

    The traditional government-led , people involved in the crisis of governance is effective , but cost is too high , and NGO participating in public crisis management refer to conducive to the integration of social resources , to make up for the traditional lack of crisis management .

  4. 五是群众参与环节,即处理好支持与了解和引导的关系。

    The correct handling of relationships between support and understanding and guidance .

  5. 河南省城市群众参与篮球运动的现状及影响因素研究

    Masses Participate in Basketball Sports Status Study in City of Henan Province

  6. 转型期群众参与防治腐败研究

    A Study on the Masses Participation in Controlling Corruption in Period of Transformation

  7. 群众参与,是以法治腐的有力保证;

    Mass participation is an effective guarantee of the success in the fight ;

  8. 三是税收立法过程应该是一个广泛的群众参与。

    Thirdly , the taxation legislation should be an extensive action for crowds .

  9. 公民参与、群众参与与社区参与

    Citizen Participation , Mass Participation and Community Participation

  10. 二是群众参与机制。

    Second , the mechanism of mass participation .

  11. 司法公正与群众参与:陪审制度的理论分析

    Judicial Impartiality and the Public Participation : On the Theoretical Analysis of the Jury System

  12. 台湾的台南、台中和宜兰也举行了类似的仪式,吸引了大批群众参与。

    Similar ceremonies in Taiwan 's Tainan , Taichung , and Yilan also drew huge crowds .

  13. 四是考核主体呈多元化趋势、逐步建立群众参与机制。

    Lastly , public participation mechanism is gradually introduced to diversify the main body of assessment .

  14. 政府鼓励广大群众参与体育运动,培养健康的生活方式。

    The transition from athletic sports to public fitness has made sport a part of people 's daily life .

  15. 迪士尼公司最新的主题乐园于周一在香港开幕了,数万名群众参与了这场庆祝活动。

    Disney opened its latest theme park Monday in Hong Kong with tens of thousands of people joining the festivities .

  16. 实际上群众参与的事情,即使遇到困难,即使有的搞错了,他们也能忍受,很少埋怨。

    In fact , the masses are quite tolerant of difficulties and mistakes as long as they are involved in activities .

  17. 它极大地调动了广大人民群众参与选举、进行权力竞逐的积极性和创造性。

    It greatly mobilized the enthusiasm and creativity of the broad masses to participate in the elections and race for power .

  18. 湘西地区群众参与传统体育活动现状与需求趋向研究

    Research on the Current Situation and Demand Tendency for Masses Participating in Traditional Sports Activity in the Area of Western Hunan

  19. 同时,网络也成为广大群众参与政治的一个新型而有效的平台。

    At the same time , the network has become a new and effective platform for more people participating in politics .

  20. 通过文献法、调查法、比较逻辑法,对社区群众参与体育活动的动机与原因进行了探讨。

    The study was designed to advocate scientific exercises and fight against superstitious heresy , and also provided reference for organizations and institutions concerned .

  21. 竞赛规则对场地的要求不高,比较容易获得运动场地,有利于群众参与体育舞蹈运动。

    Contest Rules for less demanding venue , it is easier to get sports venues conducive to mass participation in sports dance movement . 4 .

  22. 退耕还林是中国林业建设历史上涉及面最广、政策性最强、群众参与程度最高,同时操作难度最大的生态建设工程。

    Grain-for-green project is the most tremendous and difficult ecological construction project with most farmers ' participation in the history of China 's forest construction .

  23. 这是人民群众参与国家管理的基本途径,也是保护人民权利的法定方式。

    This is a basic avenue for the mass to participate the state 's managements , and also is the legal mode of protecting their rights .

  24. 这样的制度体系已经远远不能适应广大人民群众参与司法审判的需要,也不能从根本上解决司法实践中的问题。

    Such a system has not adapted to the need of the people who are involved in the judicial , can not solve the problems fundamentally .

  25. 路径的建设不仅贯彻和落实了全民健身计划纲要,同时在很大程度上也满足了人民群众参与体育锻炼的需求。

    It not only enhances the implementation of National Sports for All Program but also satisfies the demand of the mass who take part in the physical training .

  26. 该工程是我国迄今为止政策性最强、投资最大、涉及面最广、群众参与程度最高的生态建设工程。

    The project is an ecological construction project which has the strongest policy , the largest investment , the most widely influence and the highest degree of public participation .

  27. 各地的爱国宗教团体发扬弃恶扬善的优良传统,积极动员宗教界人士和信教群众参与禁毒斗争。

    Local patriotic religious organizations actively mobilize religious believers and personages of religious circle to fight against drugs , carrying on their good tradition of shunning evil and promoting good .

  28. 但是受到传统群众参与方式的影响,社区居委会在培育社区参与时,过于突出其控制性,影响城市社区参与的良性发展。

    But affected by the traditional public participation , the residential committee is so prominent its control effect in foster community participation that influences the benign development of urban community participation .

  29. 我们可以通过完善立法,提高信息化水平,调动群众参与管理的积极性,改善税收环境等手段加强对普通发票的管理。

    We can strengthen the management of general invoices by means of perfecting legislation , boosting information level , mobilizing enthusiasm of the masses to participate in management , improving revenue surroundings .

  30. 同时,“赛、展、论、游”四大板块特色鲜明精彩纷呈,极大地调动了广大群众参与体育的热情。

    Meanwhile , the four featured themes of " Competition , Exhibition , Discussion and Sight-seeing " have aroused many people 's interests and greatly pushed forward the sport for all movement .