
qún xì
  • formation
群系[qún xì]
  1. 同样的状况可能影响了Ekhingol群系与未分化早泥盆世岩石。

    The same events might have affected the rocks of the Ekhingol formation and the undifferentiated Lower Devonian .

  2. 不同草原群系植物种多样性的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Plant Species Diversity in Different Steppe Formation

  3. Moss和Tensley早期的研究是以群系作为单位。

    Early work of Moss and Tansley used the formation as a unit .

  4. 本文研究了满足条件N的局部群系集合的代数性质,同时对于这类群类,给出了极小非-群的结构。

    In this paper we investigate algebraic properties of the set of local formations which satisfy N , and for such formation we give the structure of minimal non group .

  5. 运用3S技术和野外数据作出了植被类型图,并对该流域植被进行了分类,该流域共有7个植被型,14个植被亚型,31个群系,植被类型多样性丰富。

    There are 7 vegetation types , 14 vegetation subtypes , 31 formations . The diversity of vegetation is relatively rich .

  6. 利用[1]中定义的π-局部群系Fπ,得到了有限π-可解群的Fπ-覆盖子群的一些结果。

    In this paper , we obtain some results of F π - covering subgroups of a finite π - solvable group by using the concept of π - local formation in .

  7. 采用样方法取样,依据重要值指标运用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)法,将山西中条山中段植被群系分成16个群丛。

    62 samples collected in Midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains were classified into 16 associations by Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) .

  8. 具体表现在:(1)土壤表层(0-30cm)的机械组成对植物群系的影响显著。

    The mechanical composition of the soil surface ( 0-30cm ) a significant impact on the plant formations .

  9. 设F是包含超可解群系U的饱和群系,N是群G的可解的正规子群且G/N∈F,如果N的每个Sylow子群的极大子群在G中完全条件置换,则G∈F。

    Let F be a saturated formation containing U.Suppose that G is group with a solvable normal subgroup N such that G / N ∈ F. If every maximal subgroup of Sylow subgroups of N is completely c-permutable in G , then G ∈ F.

  10. 运用群系理论讨论Sylow子群的极大子群和Sylow子群的二次极大子群,以及极小子群对有限群结构的影响。

    The C-supplement condition on the maximal subgroup or the second maximal subgroup of Sylow subgroup and the minimal subgroup of G are used to study the structure of G by the theory of formations . The following results are obtained .

  11. DCCA二维排序的结果与TWINSPAN分类结果较为一致,TWINSPAN分类所得到的14个群系在DCCA二维排序图上均有其相应的分布范围,但不同的森林植物群落间没有显著的分界界线。

    The gathered groups of plant plots in the space of DCCA ordination are consistent with the result of TWINSPAN , all the 14 formations resulted from TWINSPAN have their corresponding distribution in the two-dimensional sorted map DCCA , but there are no obvious boundaries between different plant communities .

  12. 该区植被主要有5个群系纲:工针叶林,Ⅱ落叶阔叶林;

    There are 5 main Formation classes of vegetation : ⅰ .

  13. 森林植被四个植被型,34个群系。

    And the forests include 4 vegetation-types , 34 formations .

  14. 植被类型有52个群系。

    Moreover , there are 52 Formations of vegetation type .

  15. 然而,呼吸道疾病中微生物群系的研究仍是个相对未知的领域。

    But research on the microbiome in respiratory disease is relatively uncharted terrain .

  16. 群系的极小反例结构分析

    The Analysis of the Structure of the Minimum Order Counterexample of a Formation

  17. 关于π-局部群系的几个结果

    On Some Results of π - Local Formation

  18. 桂东北常绿阔叶林主要群系的比较研究

    Comparative studies on the main formations of the evergreen broadleaved forests in northeastern Guangxi

  19. 主要植被类型有8个群系纲,包括27个群系和30多个群丛,顶极群落是常绿阔叶林。

    There are 8 main formation classes , 27 Formations and about 30 Associations .

  20. 海南红树林群系及分子生物技术在其研究中的应用

    The formation and the applications of molecular biotechnology on mangrove plants in Hainan Province

  21. 自然植被类型多样化,含7个植被型,15个群系。

    The vegetation forms is various , including 7 vegetation types and 15 formations .

  22. 群系可以按其优势物种的特征划分为一些次级的群落类型。

    Formations are often divided into subordinate community types characterized by their dominant species .

  23. 若干群系的一类新的刻划方法

    A new method of characterizing some formations

  24. 关于P-局部群系的临界性问题

    On p - local formation critical problem

  25. 群系中火成碎屑物的存在表明了火山酌的形成年代。

    Periods of volcanism are indicated by the presence of pyroclastic material in the formation .

  26. 分流向生物群系的数据输入。

    Shunt all data feeds to biomed .

  27. 自然植被分为4个植被型、10个群系和10个群丛。

    The natural vegetation consists of 4 vegetation types , 10 formations and 10 associations .

  28. 结果表明:群系最大盖度与土壤盐分、地下水理化特征相关。

    Results showed : the plant covering was correlated to the salt soil and ground water .

  29. 结果为:1.通道县境内植被可分为7个类型,包括约27个群系;

    There are 7 types of vegetation in the county , including almost 27 formation types .

  30. 秋茄群系;我国旱生植物的形态解剖学研究

    Avicennia marina ( 2 ) Form . A Review on the Phytotomy Research of Xerophytes in China