
qún zhòng
  • the masses;crowd;general public;multitude;the common people
群众 [qún zhòng]
  • (1) [masses]

  • (2) 泛指人民大众

  • (3) 指没有加入中国共产党或共青团的人

群众[qún zhòng]
  1. 群众有无限的创造力。

    The masses have boundless creative power .

  2. 这次运动,群众发动的面很广。

    This movement has aroused the masses on a large scale .

  3. 当总统的车缓缓经过时,群众向他欢呼致意。

    The crowd cheered the President as he drove slowly by .

  4. 裁判的裁决引起群众怒吼着要暴力相向。

    The referee 's decision left the crowd baying for blood .

  5. 他们被控煽动群众暴乱。

    They were accused of inciting the crowd to violence .

  6. 讲话的目的是安抚愤怒的群众。

    The speech was designed to pacify the irate crowd .

  7. 群众爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。

    A great cheer went up from the crowd .

  8. 警方呼吁群众保持克制。

    The police appealed to the crowd for restraint .

  9. 几星期来的干旱再次引起了群众对大饥荒的恐慌。

    These weeks of drought have once again raised the spectre of widespread famine .

  10. 精英人物都会认为自己的职责就是启迪群众。

    It was an elite that believed its task was to enlighten the multitude .

  11. 他比其他任何人都更积极地鼓动那里的群众。

    He did more to rouse the crowd there than anybody else

  12. 多达2,000名群众热烈欢迎冠军。

    A tumultuous welcome from a 2,000 strong crowd greeted the champion

  13. 州长昨天访问该市时,群众纷纷举行抗议。

    The Governor faced hostile crowds when he visited the town yesterday .

  14. 军队空运转移了为躲避洪水而爬到房顶的群众。

    The army lifted people off rooftops where they had climbed to escape the flooding

  15. 正在安排专门的巴士和铁路交通服务以满足群众的需要。

    Special bus and rail services are being laid on to cater for the crowds

  16. 警察们有一种受围心态,这使得他们脱离了所服务的群众。

    Police officers had a siege mentality that isolated them from the people they served

  17. 愤怒的群众可以影响政府。

    The angry crowds could influence the government

  18. 群众性运动经常是能唤醒和振兴停滞不前的社会的一个因素。

    Mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation of stagnant societies .

  19. 评论家谴责他煽动群众。

    Critics have accused him of rabble-rousing .

  20. 有报道说这项政策的拥护者要齐聚德里召开群众集会。

    Supporters of the policy are reported to be gathering in Delhi for a mass rally .

  21. 如果我们无法让群众一直关注此事,那将一事无成。

    If we don 't keep bringing this to the attention of the people , nothing will be done

  22. 部分经费被指定用于受污染区域群众的重新安置。

    Some of the money has been earmarked to pay for the resettlement of people from contaminated areas .

  23. 在一名群众向警方举报以后,那人就在家里被逮捕了。

    The man was arrested at his home after a tip-off to police from a member of the public .

  24. 怒不可遏的群众聚集起来,抗议财政大臣胆敢动提高利率的念头。

    Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates .

  25. 小分队的警察比那些负责大片区域的警察更了解自己管片的群众。

    The team police get to know the people in their patrol areas better than cops who must cover a larger beat .

  26. 哪里不发动群众,哪里的工作就死气沉沉。

    Where the masses are not roused , work will stagnate .

  27. 这不仅是我个人的意见,也是群众的意见。

    It 's not just my opinion but the general public 's.

  28. 他和群众心连心。

    His heart is linked with the hearts of the masses .

  29. 我们离不开群众的帮助。

    We can hardly do without the help of the masses .

  30. 他总是把群众的疾苦挂在心上。

    He always has the well-being of the masses at heart .