
  • 网络CBO;community organization;CBOs;community organizing
  1. 基于Ontology的P2P电子商务平台的社区组织

    Community Organization in P2P E-commerce Platform Based on Ontology

  2. 先锋救护车公司推出的服务与社区组织布鲁克林华人联合会(UnitedChineseAssociationofBrooklyn)合作,后者正在帮助宣传这项服务。

    The Midwood Ambulance service has teamed up with the United Chinese Association of Brooklyn , a community organization , which is helping spread the word about the service .

  3. 通过与最终用户和社区组织更密切地合作,中国的ICT公司正在确保它的迅速扩张的ICT网络提供真正的发展收益。

    By working more closely with end-users and community organisations , Chinese ICT companies are ensuring that its rapidly expanding ICT networks deliver real developmental benefits .

  4. 沃尔福威茨在会见Punjab省DhokTabarak村的居民时,还直接了解了社区组织和妇女参与发展决策的价值。

    Wolfowitz also received a direct lesson in the value of community organization and women 's participation in development decisions when he met residents of Dhok Tabarak village in Punjab province .

  5. DADIRINURO:“我们种有土豆、西红柿、甘蓝、生菜、卷心菜、洋葱、葱……”该社区组织在农贸市场出售部分产品,现在已购买了冰柜。

    DADIRI NURO : " We have potatoes , we have tomatoes , we have kale , lettuce , cabbage , onion , The community group sells some of its produce at a farmers market and has now bought storage freezers .

  6. 虚拟社区组织公民行为影响因素研究

    Study on the Influences of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Virtual Community

  7. 社区组织是城市社区建设的关键。

    Community organization is a key to the urban community construction .

  8. 基层社区组织权威生成的制度空间研究

    Research on the Institutional Space How Grass-roots Community Organizations ' Authorities Generate

  9. 管治与我国城市社区组织的制度创新

    Governance and Institutional Innovation of Urban Community Organization in China

  10. 中国城市社区组织结构的演变与重构

    On the Evolvement and the Restructure of Urban Community Organizations in China

  11. 创新阶段&社区组织与政府互动关系的构建;

    The innovation stage - construction of the interactive relationship ;

  12. 转型过程中的社区组织管理与服务

    The Community Organization Administration and Service in the Transformation Process

  13. 社区组织角色、职能定位与和谐社区建设

    The Role of Community Organization The Function of Community Organization

  14. 社区组织建设的研究方法探讨

    Probe into the Research Method of Constructing Community Organization

  15. 健全社区组织管理机构,大力培养社会体育指导员。

    Sound community management organization , vigorously develop social sports instructor . 3 .

  16. 我开始给全国各地的社区组织写信。

    I started to write letters to community organizations all across the country .

  17. 转型社会中的社区组织建设&深圳市社区组织个案调查

    Community organization building in transforming society & Case survey for community organization in Shenzhen

  18. 社区组织体制中居民自治的国际经验分析

    An Analysis on the International Experience of Residents Autonomy in the Community Organization System

  19. 当代中国城市社区组织管理体制:模式分析与改革探索

    The Administrative System of Urban Community Building in Current China : Pattern and Reform

  20. 计划将充分发挥地方政府和社区组织的作用。

    It plans to make strong use of local government bodies and community organizations .

  21. 美国校园社区组织每年都会在学生中间开展调查,以找到他们的兴趣所在。

    American Campus Communities surveys students each year to find out what they like .

  22. 社区组织体制创新刍议

    On the Creation of Community Organization System

  23. 政府职能转变背景下的社区组织与政府互动关系研究

    Research on Interactive Relationship between Community Organization and Government under the Background of Transforming Governmental Functions

  24. 社区组织与社区发展&甘肃城市社区社会工作方法的应用

    Community Organization and Its Development & Applying social work methods to the city communities of Gansu

  25. 社区组织宗教共同基金会;

    Inter-religious foundation for community organization ;

  26. 这一项目由纽约市健康与医院系统(医院综合保健系统)与全市社区组织合作推出。

    New York City Health and Hospitals has community organizations throughout the city to launch the program .

  27. 城市社区组织的治理结构效应分析&基于经济社会协调发展的视角

    Governance Structure Effect of City Community Organization-Form the Perspective of the Coordinated Development of Society and Economy

  28. 由此,以社区组织建设为平台促进社区居民参与社区建设成为社区管理者的选择。

    Thus the community managers choose community organization as the platform for resident to participate in community life .

  29. 这是决策者、卫生官员、基层积极分子和社区组织期待已久的事。

    It has been eagerly awaited by policy-makers , health officials , grassroot activists and their community-based organizations .

  30. 四川大地震后,单位、社区组织的捐款,王琼一次都没落下。

    Sichuan after the earthquake , units , community organizations , donations , Wang Qiong time no fall .