
  • 网络constructivism;Social Constructivism;constructivist;Social constructionism
  1. STS对人的终极关怀&从社会建构主义的角度看

    STS utmost solicitude on human : viewpoint from social constructivism

  2. Moodle是一款开源的,基于社会建构主义学习理论的课程管理系统。

    Moodle is an open source curriculum management system , which is based on the social constructivism theory .

  3. 因而SSK又被称为社会建构主义。

    So SSK is also called " Social Deconstructionalism " .

  4. 首先,从理论方面,尽管由WilliamsandBurden所提出的社会建构主义模式被广泛应用于英语教学之中,但是对泛读教学来说,它不太具体,不便于直接操作。

    First , in terms of theory , although the social constructivist model proposed by Williams and Burden has been widely applied in EFL teaching , it is not adequate for teaching English extensive reading , because it is a little too general .

  5. Moodle是基于社会建构主义教育理论的开放源码的课程管理系统,具有组织、呈现、管理和评价课程内容与教学活动的功能,帮助教师利用信息技术支持课程教学,建构促进有效教学的信息化环境。

    Moodle is an open-source course management system based on social constructivism . It works with the function to organise , present , manage and evaluate a course and its teaching procedures .

  6. 又如,王艳(2006)利用Williams和Burden的社会建构主义模式进行了商务英语教学改革;自进行教学改革以来,教学效果远远好于以前。

    Again , Wang Yan ( 2006 ) also drew on the social constructive model founded by Williams and Burden to reform her teaching of Commercial English . Wang has achieved far better results since the reform of teaching models under the direction of the social constructivist approach .

  7. 用社会建构主义模式构建基础英语教学

    Teaching Basic English on the Basis of the Social Constructivist Approach

  8. 社会建构主义视域的西方社会比较研究扫描

    Scanning on Western Social Comparison from the Perspective of Social Constructivism

  9. 社会建构主义知识论对我国在线教学设计的启示

    Inspiration of Social Constructivism Learning to Our Online Teaching Design

  10. 社会建构主义:渊源、理论与意义

    Social Constructionism : Its Origins , Theories , and Significance

  11. 社会建构主义理论指导下的英语语言学课程教学

    English Linguistics Course Teaching under the Guidance of Social Constructivism

  12. 社会建构主义模式下语言教师的角色转变

    The Changing Role of Language Teacher under Social Constructivist Model

  13. 然而,最近兴起的社会建构主义对实证主义这一主流认识论提出了全新的挑战,并由此形成社会工作认识论之论争的主线。

    Yet , the rising of social constructionism challenges this dominating epistemology .

  14. 社会建构主义对英语专业口语教学的启示

    The Implications of Social Constructivism for Oral English Teaching to English Major

  15. 将社会建构主义语义建构模式引入大学英语阅读课堂教学

    A Social Constructivist Model of Meaning Construction in ESL Reading

  16. 社会建构主义理论是由英国教育学心理学家威廉姆斯和布登提出的。

    Social constructivist theory was proposed by Williams and Burden .

  17. 社会建构主义范式下大学英语教学模式变革刍议

    The Transformation of Foreign Language Teaching Model Based on the Social Constructionism

  18. 社会建构主义视野中的科学知识观

    The Science Knowledge View in the Vision of Social Constructivism

  19. 西方两种早期教育机构的比较&社会建构主义的视角

    Compare Two Kinds of Western Early Childhood Institutions from a Social Constructivism Perspective

  20. 社会建构主义理论强调以学生为中心。

    In social constructivism , the student-center is emphasized .

  21. 基于社会建构主义的的网络学习策略设计

    Design on Network Learning Strategies Based on Social Constructivism

  22. 社会建构主义与东亚区域经济合作

    A Constructivist Study on East Asia Regional Economic Cooperation

  23. 论科学奖励评价的社会建构主义范式

    Discussion on Social Constructivism Paradigm of Science Awards Evaluation

  24. 本篇论文研究的是基于社会建构主义理论的网络教学交互理论。

    The paper studied network instruction interaction theory based on society constructivist theory .

  25. 社会建构主义的语言哲学基础

    Philosophy of Language as Foundations of Social Constructivism

  26. 从社会建构主义看科学哲学、技术哲学和社会哲学

    Philosophy of Science , Philosophy of Technology , Philosophy of Society from Social Constructivism

  27. 社会建构主义科学观研究

    On the Social Constructivist 's View of Science

  28. 社会建构主义观下的算法教学&谈算法的多样化与优化

    Arithmetic teaching under social constructivism & Algorithmic " diversification " and " optimization "

  29. 基于社会建构主义的团体合作交互模式;

    Cooperative interaction model based on society constructivist ;

  30. 从社会建构主义理论出发谈大学校园英语角

    Angle . On Campus English Corner in Colleges in the Light of Social Constructivism