
  • 网络Social cooperation;social partnership;co-operation
  1. 进行企业网络建设、开发先进的管理系统、将企业资源与过程信息数字化和标准化、开展广泛的社会合作等构成企业信息化建设的基础。

    The exploring of advanced managing system , the digitalization of enterprise resources and wide social co-operation .

  2. 并使社会拥有大量社会信任与自组织网络,增强社会合作,实现社会正义。

    And it can cultivate a society possessing great trust among its members and social web net and strengthen the social co-operation , and social justice can be achieved .

  3. 关系网模型&基于社会合作机制的多Agent协作组织方法

    The Relation Web Model-An Organizational Approach to Agent Cooperation Based on Social Mechanism

  4. 这些企业还包括了亚马逊(Amazon)和IBM。它们宣布成立一个名为人工智能造福人类和社会合作组织(PartnershiponArtificialIntelligencetoBenefitPeopleandSociety)的非盈利机构,以开展这项工作。

    The companies , which also include Amazon and IBM , announced a non-profit , called the Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society , to carry out the work .

  5. 其中包括由IBM等公司创建的人工智能造福人类和社会合作组织(PartnershiponAItoBenefitPeopleandSociety),以及涉及哈佛大学(Harvard)和麻省理工学院(MIT)的一项2700万美元计划。

    These include the Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society , established by companies including IBM , and a $ 27m effort involving Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .

  6. 被冠以人工智能造福人类和社会合作组织(PartnershiponArtificialIntelligencetoBenefitPeopleandSociety)之名,该机构承诺对围绕人工智能的问题进行研究,例如道德伦理以及寻找方法让技术更易于被理解。

    Grandly titled as the Partnership on artificial intelligence to benefit people and society , it promises to conduct research into questions that surround artificial intelligence , such as ethics , and develop ways to make the technology more understandable .

  7. 谈高校与社会合作培养人才

    On the Cooperation between Colleges and Society in Cultivating Talented Persons

  8. 论高等工程教育与社会合作的时代特征

    On the Characteristics of Cooperation Between Communities and Higher Engineering Education

  9. 稳定静态结构是以重复博弈机制为基础,通过重复博弈的长期关系克服机会主义行为,达成社会合作,促成社会分工。

    The base of stable - static structure was repeated-game .

  10. 为倡议无烟工作间建设社会合作的平台

    Building a Community Platform of Smoke Free Workplace Advocacy

  11. 《公约》的出台为国际社会合作打击腐败犯罪提供了法律基础。

    The convention provided legal basis for the international cooperation on corruption crimes .

  12. 而且,社会合作为权利的实现增加了有效性。

    Furthermore , Social cooperation increases the validity of the realization of rights .

  13. 交易费用是人类社会合作和进化的成本。

    Transaction cost is the cost of evolution and cooperation of human society .

  14. 社会合作关系是主客体关系的核心内容。

    The relationship of social cooperation is the essential content of subject object relation .

  15. 重复囚徒困境博弈中社会合作的仿真

    Social Cooperation in the Context of Iterated Prisoner 's Dilemma : A Simulation Approach

  16. 社区林业&通向林业社会合作与和谐发展之路

    Community-based Forestry : A Way to Achieve Social Cooperation and Harmonious Development of Forestry

  17. 对社会合作行为的生物学解释;

    A biological interpretation of social behavior ;

  18. 公共文化服务体系中的图书馆与社会合作实证研究

    A Questionnaire Survey of Cooperation among Library and Public Service Organizations in Public Cultural Service System

  19. 试论社会合作实践

    On the Practice of Social Cooperation

  20. 数月来,全国过渡委员会一直在与国际社会合作,为后卡扎菲时代的利比亚作准备。

    For many months , the TNC has been working with the international community to prepare for a post-Qaddafi Libya .

  21. 她说中国已经采取了自己的方式来对抗气候变化,并且支持与国际社会合作,共同努力来面对气候变化问题。

    She said China has taken its own measures to fight climate change and supports pressing ahead with international cooperation .

  22. 讨论一类社会合作网络以及一些与其拓扑结构相似的技术网络的度分布。

    This paper discusses the degree distribution of a type of social networks and some technological networks with similar topological structures .

  23. 我们相信,中国将会为这些峰会的成功,为促进国际社会合作、地区合作作出更大的贡献。

    We believe that China will make greater contribution to the success of these meetings and to promoting regional and international cooperation .

  24. 健全持久的社会合作基础:分配正义&对罗尔斯公平正义原则争论的思考

    Basis of sound and lasting social cooperation : distributive justice & Thinking about the debate on Rawls ′ s theory of justice

  25. 独立的阿拉伯国家于1945年为促进文化、经济、军事、政治和社会合作而成立的一个国际组织。

    An international organization of independent Arab states formed in 1945 to promote cultural and economic and military and political and social cooperation .

  26. 全球化是作为一种国家之间的相互依赖,一个国家如果未有参与于其他国际社会合作,单独发展起来是很难的。

    Globalisation is an interdependence among states . A single state is difficult to develop itself without jumping on the bandwagon with international community .

  27. 丹麦劳动力市场模式以其传统的价值理念、良好的社会合作机制和混合经济体制为基础。

    The Danish labor market model bases on its traditional idea , the well functioning of the social cooperation and its hybrid economic institution .

  28. 中国将坚持共同但有区别的责任原则,同国际社会合作应对气候变化。

    We will work with the rest of the international community to counter the climate challenge under the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities .

  29. 参与则意味着,与其它所有可促进商业发展的社会合作伙伴建立联系,增加慈善捐赠,并应对环境退化和贫困。

    Engagement means forging links with all the other social partners who make business possible , increasing charitable giving and tackling environmental degradation and poverty .

  30. 从我国国情出发,政府主导&社会合作型模式是当前和今后一段时期我国地方政府治理可供选择、比较恰当的一种治理模式。

    Based on our country 's situation , government-leading and community-cooperated mode may be selective and appropriate governance mode for local government presently and henceforth .