
  • 网络The Fabian Society
  1. 论费边社的现代福利理论

    On Fabian Society ′ s modern welfare theory

  2. 以韦伯夫妇为代表的费边社更注重社会整体利益的实现,他们将注意力更多集中在解决贫困问题方面,提出要设立最低收入标准,改善社会中最贫困人口的生存状况。

    The Fabian Society , Webbs as the representatives , paid more attention to the realization of the overall interests of society . They aimed to solve poverty problem , proposing to set a ' minimum income standard ' to improve the living conditions of the poorest people in society .

  3. 肖伯纳深受一个名为费边社的英国改革团体的影响。

    A strong influence was exercised on Shaw by the Fabian society the English reformist organization .

  4. 不同于阶级斗争的途径,英国费边社倡议的是渐进的改革,强调的是理性的说服,呼吁的是教育的重要。

    As is well-known , the Fabians advocated gradual reform and stressed the importance of rational persuasion and education rather than class struggle .

  5. “属于或关于费边社成员的,主张以渐近方式而不是革命方式来传播社会主义原则。”

    " Of , relating to , or being a member of the Fabian society , which was committed to gradual rather than revolutionary means for spreading socialist principles . "

  6. 他说道:开头几页有三处错误。他指的是萧伯纳对边际生产率理论的误解。萧伯纳以为,自己能够在这一领域为读书没他多的费边社同僚提供一些指导。

    There are three mistakes in the first few pages , he said , referring to Shaw 's excursion into marginal productivity theory in which he thought he could instruct his less well-read fellow Fabians .