
  1. Seminar教学对本科护生临床实践行为的影响

    Influence of Seminar teaching on clinical practice behavior of college nursing students

  2. 对于RationalClearCaseRmname操作有一个预操作激发器的一般实践行为,以确保没人能够有意地删除一个工件(un)。

    It is a common practice to put a pre-operation trigger for the Rational ClearCase Rmname operation to ensure that no one is able to delete any artifact ( un ) intentionally .

  3. 我发现最不可思议的实践行为是每天早上写半小时的随笔。

    The most incredible practice Ive found is free-writing for 30 minutes each morning .

  4. 护理本科毕业生临床实践行为表现自评量表条目的形成和筛选

    Formation and screening of items of clinical practice performance self-rating scale for undergraduate nursing students

  5. 二是受教育者的道德信念外化为自觉自愿的实践行为。

    Second , the moral faith of pedagogue is changed into the practice behavior voluntarily .

  6. [目的]研制护理本科生毕业实习临床实践行为表现自评量表。

    Objective : To work out a clinical practical performance self-rating scale for nursing undergraduates .

  7. 网虫的日常实践行为状况如何及其原因?

    How is the daily practice behavioral aspect of the net-worm and what is the reason ?

  8. 空间生产出相应的文化,以人在空间的实践行为实现对文化的消费。

    Space produces the corresponding culture .

  9. 在于人类的实践行为,而价值观对实践行为有着指导的决定作用。

    In the practice of human behavior , values plays the decisive roles and guide to practice .

  10. 它包括政治意识形态、政治法律制度和政治实践行为三个主要部分。

    It included politics ideology , political law system and political practice behavior those three main parts .

  11. 教育思想是教育实践行为的沉淀,也是理解与指导教育实践行为的依据。

    Education theory is the sediment of practical education behaviors , is the means which comprehends and directs education practical behaviors .

  12. 相对于央视媒体对主持人的策划重视,反观地方众多电视媒体的实践行为却差强人意。

    Relative to the host of CCTV media attention , with the local planning practice of many TV media behavior but inferior .

  13. 这包括“不端行为标准”,用于评估欺骗、伪造和剽窃是如何接受调查和惩罚的,以及机构是如何鼓励良好实践行为的。

    These include'misconduct metrics'to assess how fraud , fabrication and plagiarism are investigated and punished , and how institutions encourage good practice .

  14. 企业理念生态系统包含企业理念的来源、企业理念实践者和企业实践行为。

    Ecology system contains the source of business concept , the practitioner of business concept , and it 's behaviors of practice .

  15. 将其中某些部分予以制度化,或形成硬性指标,成为期望中反复性的实践行为则是现实实践的导向需求。

    Some parts will be institutionalized , or the formation of hard targets , expected recurrent practice behavior is a real practice-oriented needs .

  16. 法律需要在这方面加以解释与细化,以指导税收工作中的实践行为。

    The law needs to explain this respect and to give detailed contents so it can guide the practice of the tax work .

  17. 这种变化也直接影响着作家的的创作心理,折射出他们价值理念、思维方式、实践行为的变化轨迹。

    This change has a direct impact on writers'writing psychology and reflects the change of their value concept , thinking method and practical behavior .

  18. 本文的前几章为了确定公墓规划中的各种要素较全面地审察了殡葬这一实践行为。

    In the former parts , a comprehensive review of burial practice is carried out in order to determine the elements involved in cemetery planning .

  19. 文化是特定的人类共同体在社会实践行为过程中,主观意识的状况和水平之群体性的反映样态。

    " The culture " is the specific human community in the social practice behavior process , subjective consciousness condition and level community 's of reflection .

  20. 不良法制实践行为对人们法律意识和法制观念的消极影响等。

    And the popularization of law should pay more attention research of the negative effects of bad acts in practices on citizens ' legal sense and awareness .

  21. 胡塞尔主要把“境域”理解为理论直观行为的背景,海德格尔则把“境域”理解为日常实践行为的前提。

    Husserl understood Horizont mainly as the background of the action of theoretical intuition , and Heidegger regarded it as the precondition of practical ones in everyday life .

  22. 论述了医疗实践行为异化的实质,在此基础上剖析了医疗行为功利主义的根本所在,并对医疗实践观念的伦理学评价标准进行了深入的论证。

    This article discuss substance about strange of Medical practice and analyse basic cause of function doctrine of Medical practice . Then , demonstrate ethical norm Medical practice view .

  23. 贯彻以人类的整体利益和长远利益为出发点的现代人类中心主义,最终得化为每个公民的实践行为。

    Modern humanism regards the whole interests and mutual benefits of human being as its beginning point , finally has to be turned into the practical action of every citizen .

  24. 基础教育数学新课程实施的成效虽然与多种因素有关,但取决定性作用的是数学教师的专业素质和实践行为。

    Although the effect of the implementation of new math curricula in fundamental education involves various factors , the decisive factor is the math teachers professional quality and their practice .

  25. 主要从自然观、人类实践行为、人的消费观念及价值取向进行全面论述,揭示当代火灾形成的直接原因、社会因素和思想根源。

    It discloses the causes of fire accidents , together with social factors and the people 's ideas from the natural view , human practice , and consumption and value orientation .

  26. [结论]形成的护理本科生毕业实习临床实践行为表现自评量表条目有较好的敏感性、独立性和代表性,达到了编制的要求。

    Conclusion : The items of formed clinical practical performance self-rating scale for nursing undergraduate have better sensitivity , independence and representation , which can meet to the needs of workout .

  27. 人与自然对立的社会实践行为,导致了全球的生态危机,进而威胁到了人类的生存与发展。

    The society practice action of the mankind and natural environment contradictory has led to the ecology crisis of the whole world , and then having threatened the existence and development of the mankind .

  28. 通过对这两种传统的分析和比较,力图对现代城市规划的目的及其作用方式作出进一步的探索,并为规划实践行为提供思想意义上的参考。

    After analyzing and comparing these two traditions , the article tried to study the intentions and functions of the modern urban planning , and provide some references for the practice of urban planning .

  29. 本文从社会伦理和实践行为两个方面,探讨了人与人公平的基本原理和行为标度,提出了衡量社会公平的理论模型和实践准则。

    This article discusses the basic principle and behavioral standard of personal equality from the points of view of social ethics and practical behavior , puts forward theoretical model and practical standard for judgement of social equality .

  30. 临床实习是护理本科生认知、情感、动作技能领域处于较高水平的学习过程,其临床实践行为是评价护理教育质量和临床教学水平的重要指标。

    Clinical practice is the high level learning process of cognition , sentiment and techniques of bachelor of science in nursing . The clinical behavior is an important target for nursing education quality and clinical teaching evaluation .