
shí huà shí shuō
  • speak frankly;not beat about the bush;not mince matters;talk straight;speak truthful statement truthfully;true
实话实说 [shí huà shí shuō]
  • [not beat about the bush;speak truthful statement truthfully] 用直捷了当的方法讲出真实情况

实话实说[shí huà shí shuō]
  1. 实话实说吧,他是个骗子。

    To put it plainly , he 's a crook .

  2. 他明智地决定实话实说。

    He wisely decided to tell the truth .

  3. 我无法向父母实话实说,我觉得这门课程很难。

    I couldn 't admit to my parents that I was finding the course difficult .

  4. 实话实说让男人觉得难为情。

    Men find it embarrassing to be honest .

  5. 莱昂内尔,你就把自己看到的告诉警察,实话实说。

    Lionel , you just tell the cops what you saw ; stick to your story .

  6. 我宁肯实话实说也不愿意给予他们不切实际的期望。

    I would rather be honest with people than tell them that there is going to be some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow .

  7. 也许我们中的大多数人都没有那么吹毛求疵,但当我们实话实说的时候,我们也可以对世界进行非常尖锐的批评。

    Perhaps most of us aren 't as extreme at fault-finding , but when we 're honest , we can be sharply critical of the world .

  8. 迪斯说,1990年9月26日胡德从埃尔帕索县刑事司法中心保释出来后,他曾经警告过胡德“詹妮弗会让他背黑锅”。可是,胡德说他详细詹妮弗会“实话实说”。

    Dees said he talked to Hood out of the El Paso County Criminal Justice Center on Sept. 26 , 1990 , and warned him " that he was being thrown under the bus by Jennifer Reali . " But he said Hood believed Reali " was going to tell the truth . "

  9. 实话实说,那之后我跟Dan的关系在某种程度上就恶化了,因为我发现下一封邮件是这样写的:

    I 'll be honest , then my relationship with Dan deteriorated somewhat , because the next email I got was this :

  10. 《大卫•格芬实话实说》(DavidGeffenUnplugged)这篇报道还原了这位美国娱乐界大亨的真实面貌。

    " David Geffen unplugged " is a revealing portrait of an American entertainment icon .

  11. :实话实说,我对Facebook的内部指标和统计数据以及该公司如何运作、产生收入的种种来源真的不是很清楚。

    Mr. Koum : To be fair to Mark , I don 't understand a whole lot about Facebook 's internal metrics and statistics and how the company works and different ways to generate revenue .

  12. 最终的结果是它们选用了maemo平台,这个平台在整个社区中获得了良好的声誉(实话实说)。

    The result was the maemo platform , which is enjoying particularly good reception in the community ( no pun intended ) .

  13. KD:实话实说,我是不喜欢这样的事情发生的,但我了解帕金斯,我不会因此责怪他,也不会因此感到沮丧,他是我的兄弟,永远不变。

    KD : I wouldn 't have liked that to happen . But I know Perk . I didn 't hold it against him . It wasn 't like I was upset . That 's my brother . That 's always going to be my brother .

  14. 我习惯对人实话实说。

    It is my custom always to tell the absolute truth .

  15. 李四:我只是实话实说罢了。

    Lisa : Well , I was just speaking the truth .

  16. 我还是实话实说吧。

    Uh , I 'm just gonna tell you the truth .

  17. 最重要的是,你现在必须对我实话实说。

    Above all , you should be honest with me right now .

  18. 坦城地和某人说;实话实说。

    Talk frankly with ; lay it on the line .

  19. 你永远都不要害怕实话实说。

    You should never be afraid to speak your mind .

  20. 他鼓励了解他的人实话实说。

    He encouraged the people he knew to speak honestly .

  21. 我觉得我就是在实话实说。

    I was under the impression that 's what I was doing .

  22. 那我就不能实话实说了?

    So I 'm not supposed to tell the truth ?

  23. 为什么他们不能实话实说?

    Why can they not all just tell the truth ?

  24. 实话实说,冷战有什么危害?

    Also honestly what harm is a cold war going to do ?

  25. 你说得对,但是他的全心投入和实话实说是值得尊敬的!

    Yeah , but his commitment and telling the truth are honorable !

  26. 看,我必须和你们实话实说。

    Look , I have to be honest with ya .

  27. 想要我实话实说吗

    You want me to give it to you straight ?

  28. 但是,我还是实话实说地告诉她我是一名外科医生。

    So I just tell her I was a surgeon .

  29. 我现在需要你对我实话实说。

    And I need you to be really straight with me now .

  30. 自我介绍要用英文,实话实说,充分表达好自己的爱好和要求。

    Fully introduce your hobbies , requirements and preference in the profile .