
  • 网络Chinese Writers Association
  1. 系中国作家协会会员,国家一级作家。

    He is a member of Chinese Writers Association , and is awarded as National First-class Writer .

  2. 这是英国驻华使馆和中国作家协会联合举办的项目,目的在于鼓励人们更多地学习文学。

    The project is being run by the British Embassy and the Chinese Writers Association to encourage people to learn more about literature .

  3. 系中国作家协会会员,世界诗人协会(WCP)会员,安徽大学兼职教授,滁州学院客座教授。

    He is a member of China Writers'Association , of World Congress of Poets ( WCP ), and a guest professor of Anhui University and College of Chuzhou .

  4. 中国作家协会会员、诗人。

    As a poet and a member of China Writers'Association , Mr.

  5. 中国作家协会会员,上海作家协会理事。

    He is a member of China Writers'Association and syndic of Shanghai Writers'Association .

  6. 为中国作家协会和国际笔会(北京中心)成员。

    He is now member of China Writers'Association and PEN ( Beijing Center ) .

  7. 系中国作家协会会员、高级编辑。

    He is of the rank of senior editor , a member of China Writers Association .

  8. 2005年加入中国作家协会。

    Join China writers'association in2005 .

  9. 系中国作家协会会员、陕西省诗歌委员会委员。

    Member of Association Of Chinese Writers , . Committeeman of The Poetry Committee Of Shannxi Province .

  10. 中国作家协会组织表示,据他们所知,其中包括570名作家的中文作品。

    Chinese writers ' associations have said that to their knowledge this includes Chinese works by 570 authors .

  11. 毕业于厦门大学。为中国作家协会会员。

    A graduate of Xiamen University , he is a member of both Chinese Writers'Association and Chinese Musicians'Association .

  12. 《诗刊》是中国作家协会的机关刊物,也是中国当代最权威的诗歌刊物。

    Poem , the organ publishing of Chinese Writers ' Association , is the poem magazine with most authority .

  13. 现为中国作家协会全委委员、河北省作协诗歌艺术委员会主任。

    He is one of the committee members of China Writers'Association , director of Poetry Art Committee of Hebei Writers'Association .

  14. 中国作家协会会员、中国摄影家协会会员、中国散文诗学会理事、中国诗歌学会理事。

    Member of China Writers'Association , China Photographers'Association , Councilor of China Prosaic Poetry Society , and China Poetry Society .

  15. 中国作家协会少数民族会员的比例已超过10%,人数近600人。

    Nearly 600 writers belonging to ethnic minorities are members of the Chinese Writers ' Association , constituting more than 10 percent .

  16. 建国后,曾任中国作家协会书记处书记,《诗刊》主编;

    After the establishment of New China , he was secretary at the Secretariat of Chinese Writers'Association , editor-in-chief of The Poetry Journal ;

  17. 历任中国作家协会民族委员会委员,中国少数民族作家学会理事。

    He has successively served as a member of the Nationalities Committee of Chinese Writers Association , a director of China Minority Writers Association .

  18. 原任作家出版社常务副总编辑,中国作家协会会员。作品以小说为多。热爱诗词,但不拘定法。

    As a member of Chinese Writers'Association , he mostly writes fictions He also loves poetry , yet does not stick to fixed regulations .

  19. 现为中国作家协会会员、中国诗歌学会理事、国际华文诗人笔会理事。

    She is now the member of Writers Community of China , the director of Poem Academy of China and of International Chinese Poet Community .

  20. 现为中国作家协会会员,并担任中国诗歌学会理事等多个全国性学术团体的职务。

    At present he is a member of China Writeers'Association and a syndic of china Poetry Academy and some other positions of some nationwide learned societies .

  21. 系中国作家协会会员、贵州省作家协会理事、遵义市作家协会副主席。

    He is a member of Chinese Writers Association , director of Guizhou Province Writers Association , and vice chairman of Writers Association of Zunyi City .

  22. 苏州吴江人,供职于中国作家协会现代文学馆,专治诗歌、评论与翻译。

    Originally named Xu Weifeng , born in Suzhou , China in1969.He serves for National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature as a professional poet , critic and translator .

  23. 2011年11月,莫言受聘请为青岛科技大学客座教授。2011年11月24日下午,中国作家协会第八届全国委员会第一次全体会议投票选出中国作协第八届全委会副主席,莫言当选副主席。

    Mo was appointed guest professor at the Qingdao University of Technology and was also selected to act as vice-chairman of the Chinese Writers ' Association on November 2011 .

  24. 系中国作家协会会员,历任北京作家协会诗歌散文创作委员会主任、北京出版社编审、中国音乐学院特约研究员等职。

    He has been the Director of Poetry and Essay Writing Committee of Beijing Writers Association , senior editor of Beijing Publishing House , and special researcher of China Music Academy .

  25. 上海教育系统高级职称评委、中国作家协会会员、上海文联委员、中国电视评论学会副秘书长、中国教育电视协会常务理事。

    Senior title of professional judge , member of Shanghai author association , member of Shanghai literacy and art association , the vice secretary of China TV comment association , routine member of China Education TV association .

  26. 棉棉控告谷歌之际,中国两家作家协会组织与谷歌就已扫描的作家作品进行的谈判陷入了僵局。

    The Chinese case against Google comes as talks between the company and two Chinese writers ' associations over works by authors already scanned by Google are in deadlock .

  27. 统计显示,中国自治区民族人民有59种民族歌舞团体和526个艺术表演团体。各少数民族都有自己的书写方式,并在中国作家协会中全国有600多个民族作家,占成员总数的11.1%。

    Statistics show that China has 59 ethnic song and dance troupes and 526 art performance groups in the autonomous regions for ethnic peoples . All minority nationalities have their own writers , and in the Chinese Writers ' Association there are over 600 ethnic writers , accounting for 11.1 percent of its total membership .