
  • 网络China Executive Leadership Academy;china executive leadership academy pudong
  1. 中国浦东干部学院空间钢结构施工技术

    Construction Technology of Space Steel Structure for China Pudong Cadre College

  2. 中国浦东干部学院工程设计

    The Design of the Pudong Cadre College of China Project

  3. 中国浦东干部学院是培养中国高素质管理人才的教育基地。

    Pudong Cadre College of China is an educational base that trains Chinese high-qualified people of management .

  4. 中国浦东干部学院

    China Pudong Cadre College

  5. 文章从学院规划、建筑设计、室内装饰等方面介绍了中国浦东干部学院的设计特点。

    This paper makes an introduction to the col-lege features in terms of college planning , architectural de-sign and internal decoration .