
  • 网络Published in China;China Publishing Journal
  1. 目前进口图书需要经由中国出版集团(ChinaPublishingGroup)在华发行。

    Imports currently have to go through the China Publishing Group , another government monopoly that also runs bookstores in China .

  2. 准备上市的第二家公司,是进出口代理商中国出版对外贸易总公司(chinanationalpublishingindustrytradingcorp)。

    The second company earmarked for listing is China National Publishing Industry Trading Corp , an import and export agent .

  3. CIS战略与中国出版产业发展研究

    On the Strategy of CIS and the Development of Publishing Industry in China

  4. 中国出版集团(ChinaPublishingGroup)正计划进行重组,并将旗下部分子公司上市。中国通过该国有集团控制外国媒体和图书的进口及发行。

    China National Publishing , the state-owned group through which the country controls the import and distribution of foreign media and books , is planning to restructure and list some of its subsidiaries .

  5. 目前,他正在酝酿一本中英文双语的书籍《职业DNA:破解职业成功重塑未来的密码》,这本书将在中国出版。

    His upcoming book , Your CareerDNA : Breaking the Code for Career Success and Reinventing Your Future , is currently being considered for publication in English and Chinese in China .

  6. 而另一方面,随着我国加入WTO以来,国外传媒集团纷纷进军中国出版市场,这对我们的出版产业来说无疑是雪上加霜。

    On the other hand , with China 's entrance into WTO , foreign media groups continuously joined in our publishing market , which further threatened our publishing enterprises .

  7. 其中包括中国出版业的市场现状、中国出版业具备的两个特征以及在研究WTO对中国出版业的影响的过程中需要考虑的因素。

    Ltd. , including status-quo and two characteristics of Chinese publishing companies as well as the factors which should be considered in the study of the impact of WTO on publishing companies in China .

  8. 3G技术的逐渐成熟,使得手机出版似乎是水到渠成的事情,但是上升到制度和合法性的高度,手机出版也给中国出版管理体制带来了新的问题。

    When 3G technology gradually gains its maturity , the mobile publishing seems to be an affair that happens without extra effort . But rise to a higher degree of system and legitimacy , it also brings some new problems for the publishing management system of China .

  9. 问题与对策:中国出版业国际版权贸易

    International Copyright Trade of China 's Press : Problems and Countermeasures

  10. 中国出版走向国际化和实施图书走出去战略的思考

    On Internationalization of Chinese Publishing and " Going out " Strategies

  11. 中国出版业与世界出版业的双向互动

    The Interaction between Chinese Publishing Industry and International Publishing Industry

  12. 文中以广东省出版集团为案例,简要考查了中国出版集团的组织架构状况。

    This part is illustrated with a case of Guangdong Publishing Group .

  13. 中国出版业存在的问题及治理策略

    Problems Existing in the Press Industry and Tactics for Administration

  14. 进入21世纪,中国出版产业在制度创新、体制变革等方面取得了实质性的进展。

    The Chinese publication industry has made material progress in system innovation .

  15. 面向21世纪的中国出版业:机遇与挑战

    China 's Publisher Facing 21st Century : Chance and Challenge

  16. 论中国出版业提升整体竞争力的必要性

    On the Necessity of Raising the Overall Competitiveness for China 's Publishing Industrialization

  17. 试论入世形势下的中国出版业改革

    Discourse the Reform of the China Publishing under the Situation of Joining WTO

  18. 中国出版文化体系建构

    Study on Constructing the System of Chinese Publishing Culture

  19. 文中以上海世纪出版集团的业务重组为案例,具体分析了集成管理在中国出版集团中的实践情况。

    This part is illustrated with a case of Shanghai Century Publishing Group .

  20. 本土化与国际化是中国出版业走向世界的两翼。

    Nationalization and internationalization are " two wings " of Chinese publishing industry .

  21. 当前中国出版的课本的基本状况是怎样的?这些课本是否符合多元文化教育的要求?这是本篇论文试图回答的主要问题。

    How about textbooks circulated in China investigated from the angle of multicultural education ?

  22. 中国出版业无形资产管理研究

    Intangible Assets Management of Publishing Industry in China

  23. 中国出版业走出去发展战略初探

    The Research of China Publishing Industry International Development

  24. 中国出版产业化的内涵及其发展构想

    The Connotation and Suggestion for Chinese Publishing Industrialization

  25. 20年来中国出版法制建设的加强与发展

    On the Augmentation and the Development of Chinese Publication Legal System Building in New Times

  26. 中国出版体制改革研究

    A Study on Chinese Publishing System Reform

  27. 产、学、研携手:加快中国出版教育发展的路径选择

    Integrating Production , Studying and Research : An Alternative for Propelling China 's Publishing Education

  28. 近年来中国出版圣经的数量减少了20%。

    The number of Bibles printed in China was reduced by20 % in recent years .

  29. MBO:中国出版企业改革的新思路

    MBO : Publishing Industry ; Enterprise Reformation

  30. 中国出版物流建设研究

    The Logistics Construction Study of China Publishing