
  1. 去年,中国四大银行(工行、中国银行(BoC),中国农业银行(ABC)和中国建设银行(CCB))的跨境人民币交易量增加。

    Last year , all four of the big Chinese banks ( ICBC , Bank of China , Agricultural Bank and China Construction Bank ) increased the volume of cross-border renminbi transactions .

  2. 中国四大银行的预期市盈率在25倍左右。

    China 's big four banks trade on forward price earnings multiples in the mid twenties .

  3. 在中国四大银行中,中国建设银行昨天率先公布财报。

    China Construction Bank reported its results yesterday ; the first of the country 's " big four " banks to report its results .

  4. 农行成功地在全球市场暴跌、许多IPO被放弃期间完成上市发行。在中国四大国有银行中,农行是最后一家上市的。

    Agricultural Bank , the last of the China 's big four state-owned banks to go public , has managed to complete its offering during a period in which global markets have tumbled and dozens of IPOs have been scrapped .

  5. 过去12个月,中国四大国有银行中有三家赴海外上市&中国建设银行(CCB)、中国银行(BoC)和中国工商银行(ICBC),它们的股价在上市后全线上涨。

    The share prices of the China Construction Bank , the Bank of China and the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China , three of the big four lenders , all rose following their overseas listings in the past 12 months .

  6. 今天,中国四大国有银行已经基本不具备清偿能力。

    Today , the big four state banks in China are , essentially , insolvent .

  7. 中国四大国有银行控制着国内衍生品市场的绝大部分。

    China 's four largest state-owned banks control the vast majority of the onshore derivatives markets .

  8. 然后,对中国四大商业银行营销进行了实证分析,包括营销环境分析以及营销现状和问题的描述。

    The empirical analysis includes the analysis of marketing environment , the description of present situation and question .

  9. 但是中国四大国有银行加上交通银行形成金融市场的绝对垄断,怠于在中小企业融资发挥积极作用。

    But four large state-owed banks and China Bank of Communication monopolize financial market and are unwilling to provide financing service for SMEs .

  10. 在中国四大国有银行中,农行是最后上市的。该行预期最迟在6月24日确定上市价格区间。

    Agricultural Bank , the last of China 's Big Four banks to go public , is expected to strike a price range for the IPO by June 24 .

  11. 中国四大国有银行中最后一家上市的银行&中国农业银行于周四在上海挂牌上市,首日收盘微涨。

    Shares of Agricultural Bank of China ( ABC ), the last of the " Big Four " state-owned lenders to go public , rose marginally on its debut in Shanghai on Thursday .

  12. 中行和建行,中国四大商业银行中的两家,不久将率先施行员工持股计划,以此作为“员工激励机制”计划的一部分。

    Bank of China and China Construction Bank , two of China 's top four commercial banks , will initiate employee stock ownership plans in the near future as part of their employee incentive programmes .

  13. 中国的四大银行,工商银行,农业银行,中国银行,中国建设银行,相比之下,也就是与那些较小型的商业银行相比,在客户满意度方面要逊色不少。

    The four largest banks , the ICBC , the Agricultural Bank of China , Bank of China and China Construction Bank , fared worse compared with smaller commercial banks when it came to customer satisfaction .

  14. 占据共同基金销售主导地位的中国四大国有银行,对宣传长期投资兴趣索然,原因是它们可以收取前期托管费和销售费用。以国际标准衡量,这些费率非常高。

    China 's big four banks , which dominate mutual fund distribution , have very little interest in promoting long-term investing because they can pocket up-front custody and distribution fees that are unusually high by international standards .

  15. G银行作为中国四大国有商业银行之一,在经济发展中扮演了重要的角色,但与此相伴的是有较高学历和丰富工作经验的人才大量流失。

    As one of four big state-owned commercial banks in China , G-bank plays an important role in economic development in recent years , but the bank also faces tough challenge of brain drain , i.e. , high turnover rate of educated and rich experienced talent .

  16. 中国四大国有商业银行的市净率(即股价与每股帐面价值的比)目前都接近历史低点。

    China 's largest banks , known collectively as the Big Four , are trading at price to book valuations near historic lows .

  17. 20年前,中国四大国有商业银行的资产占银行业总资产的比例高达75%,如今该比例已不到50%。

    The big four state commercial banks now command less than 50 per cent of banking assets compared with 75 per cent 20 years ago .

  18. 中国四大国有商业银行今年上半年的利润降幅均超过10%。

    China 's " big four " state-owned commercial banks have all posted profit declines of more than 10 percent for the first half of this year .

  19. 中国四大国有商业银行从大一统银行体系的禁锢中挣脱出来后,在市场化、商业化的道路上已经走过了风风雨雨的二十余年。

    The Chinese four state-owned commercial banks have past through 20 years on the road of marketability and commercialization after they broke away from the old bank system .

  20. 最近几年,中国四大国有商业银行都推出了自己的电商平台,这一迹象说明银行已认识到了数据的重要性。

    In a sign that banks recognise the importance of data , China 's big four state-owned commercial lenders have each launched their own ecommerce platforms in recent years .

  21. 中国四大国有商业银行现在要求,除非外资银行在中国的机构能够提供全球总部对有关交易的合同担保,否则将拒绝与它们做交易。

    The big four state-owned commercial banks are refusing to deal with the local operations of foreign banks unless they provide contractual guarantees on the trades from their global headquarters .

  22. 摘要制度创新是当前中国四大国有商业商业银行面对全球金融竞争的必然选择。

    Institutional innovation is the inexorable choice for the big four state-owned commercial banks confronted with global financial competition .

  23. 当然,那些在中国“四大”国有银行持有少数股权的外资银行从不会抱太高期望,能在董事会得到一个席位就非常满意了。

    Certainly those with small stakes in the ' big four ' state-owned banks never expected much , being happy just to have a seat at the table .

  24. 中国银行作为四大国有银行之一,在我国金融领域具有不可替代的重要作用,始终处于银行业务的领先地位。

    The Bank of China as one of the four major state-owned banks , in the financial field in our country has the irreplaceable role , always in the leading position of bank business .

  25. 中国农业银行是中国四大银行之首,它们在全球收益最为丰厚的八大银行中都有一席之地。

    The Agricultural Bank of China is one of the big four Chinese banks , all of which are among the eight most profitable companies in the world .

  26. 该行成为首家位于欧洲国家的人民币业务清算行。中国建设银行是中国四大国有银行之一。

    It became the first yuan clearing bank in a European country .

  27. 中国银行股份有限公司(以下简称中行)作为中国四大国有商业银行之一,一度是经营中国外汇外贸业务的专业银行。

    The Bank of China Ltd. , ( hereafter called the BOC ) is one of the four state-owned commercial banks , and it has once been the specialized bank managing foreign exchange in China .