
  • 网络Sheshan Hill;She Shan Hill;She Mountain
  1. 佘山1.56米望远镜CCD观测与预处理的规范化

    Standardization for CCD observation and pre-process with 1.56 meter telescope at ZO-SE section , shanghai Observatory

  2. 佘山VLBI台站氢钟的辅助电子学系统改进

    Improvement of Supporting Electronics System of H-clock at Sher Shan VLBI Station

  3. 介绍了用于上海天文台VLBI系统的本地站程序,它主要控制佘山VLBI25m站的一些专用设备。

    The station command program for VLBI of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory are described .

  4. 用上海天文台佘山观测站的1.56m望远镜和CCD照相机,观测到彗-木碰撞的六次事件。

    Ix impacts are observed with the 1.56m telescope and a CCD camera system at the She Shan Station of the Shanghai Observatory .

  5. 最后采用中科院上海天文台佘山25m卡式天线作为接收天线对方向图进行观测。

    Making use of the Shao ′ s25 metres Cassegrain antenna as the receiver to observe the antenna beam pattern .

  6. 应用GPS定位取样,ASI施肥推荐等方法,对上海松江区佘山镇将凤农场规模经营的耕地土壤养分精准管理对麦子的增产效益进行研究。

    Effects of soil nutrient precision management on yield of wheat and barely in Jiang-feng Farm , Songjiang District , Shanghai were studied by using GPS for site-specific management and ASI for fertilizer recommendation .

  7. 而国内普遍使用基于PC的Windows操作系统,并将其应用于天文望远镜的控制和数据采集(例如云南天文台1米望远镜、上海天文台佘山天文观察站1.56米望远镜的控制和采集系统)。

    However , windows operating system based on personal computer are wildly used in our country and applied to the control and data collection for astronomical telescope , example for 1m telescope at Yunnan Observatory and 1.56m telescope at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory ( SHAO ) .

  8. 上海天文台的佘山VLBI、SLR和GPS站是国际上用以建立和维持地球参考系进行全球动力学研究的基准台站,联合应用这些空间测量,需要知道这三个站心间的三维相对位置。

    The VLBI , SLR and GPS stations of Shanghai Observatory are international fiducial stations used for establishing and maintaining global reference frames and for studying global geodynamics . The relative positions of these three stations are necessary in the combination use of their different techniques .

  9. 结果说明,佘山台倾斜东西分量主要受海潮负荷的影响,超过60%,甚至达到96%(O1);

    This means that the EW component of tilt is mainly influenced by ocean tide , which is more than 60 % , even reaches to 96 % for O_1.And the NS component of tilt is more influenced by the non-tidal effects than EW component .

  10. 佘山25米天线导轨问题对指向误差影响的研究

    Research on the antenna pointing error of 25m Radio Telescope

  11. 上海佘山国家旅游度假区废弃采石坑综合利用

    Comprehensive utilization of Abandoned Quarries in Shanghai National Holiday Resort

  12. 我建议他们去佘山国家公园。

    I 'd suggest they go to Sheshan State Resort .

  13. 1910至1926年间佘山目视双星测微器观测

    Micrometer observation of visual double stars during the period 1910-1926 at ZO-SE

  14. 用佘山40厘米折射望远镜测定的BD+2°348的三角视差

    Determination of the parallax of bd + 2 ° 348 with the ZO-SE 40-cm refractor

  15. 分析了佘山重力垂直梯度偏小的原因,认为这是由于山体质量分布引起的。

    Therefore it is considered that the decrement of gravity vertical gradient is caused by mountain mass distribution .

  16. 实习期满后,上海黄河佘山索菲特大酒店将为表现优异的实习生提供在我们酒店工作的机会。

    After the internship , Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Huanghe will offer the well-performed trainees real jobs in our hotel .

  17. 生产工厂设立于松江区佘山工业区,负责产品开发设计和实现。

    Our factory is located in Sheshan Industry Zone in Songjiang District and takes charge of the design and manufacture of products .

  18. 我们上海黄河佘山索菲特大酒店为所有实习生提供我们最关切的照顾,优越的福利待遇和长期发展的机会,如下。

    Our Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Huanghe is providing internship trainees our thoughtful cares , competitive benefits and long-term development opportunities as follows .

  19. 在乔木层,佘山地区广泛分布的混交林群落物种丰富度与均匀度明显高于单优势种群落,林下更新层物种丰富度明显高于乔木层。

    In the tree layer , species richness and evenness of the mixed forest are significantly higher than the single dominant species communities .

  20. 位于上海市西南部的佘山世茂深坑酒店,是在一座废弃的、面积相当于5个足球场那么大的露天矿场上建造的。

    The Sheshan Shimao Quarry Hotel in the city 's southwest is being built in an abandoned open-cast mine the size of five football fields .

  21. 介绍了松江佘山翠亭苑别墅小区地下室防水需注意的问题,以及自防水混凝土、防水涂层、细部节点等施工时的质量控制措施。

    On the basis of practical projects , the author introduces the construction techniques of pouring concrete pool for one time , and presents matters needing attention .

  22. 本文给出1981.10-1984.12期间,在上海天文台佘山站,用40厘米赤道仪观测得到的117对目视双星的结果。所用的目镜放大倍率为600倍或700倍。

    The data of 117 pairs of visual double stars are presented , which are got with the eyepiece micrometer of the 40 cm astrograph during 1981.10-1984.12 at Zo-Se .

  23. 佘山景区有蜚声中外的佘山圣母大殿,佘山天文台,天文博物馆,地震台,欢乐谷景区,月湖雕塑公园等。

    The Resort is well-known at home and abroad for Sheshan cathedral , Sheshan Observatory , Sheshan Astronomical Station , Seismological Station , Happy Valley Area and Moon-lake Sculpture Park , etc.

  24. 上海天文俞于1980年8月18&24日在佘山利用专用接收机接收该卫星信号,并加以传播延迟等修正后获得了美国海军天文台的基准时间。

    The transit satellite signal was received at Zo-Se section of Shanghai Observatory with a special receiver 18-24 , August 1980.The refrence time of USNO was derived through some corrections , such as propagation delay .

  25. 酒店位于上海最大的人工湖泊&月湖之畔,毗邻国家森林公园的上海世茂佘山艾美酒店让您备感现代与自然完美相融的浪漫气息。

    Le Meridien She Shan Shanghai located by the shore of Shanghai 's largest lake , it provides guests with a relaxed elegant ambience set amidst the natural beauty of the She Shan national tourist resort .