
  • 网络Maternal and Child Health Care in China;Chin Matern Child Health Care
  1. 然而,正如诸多其他各项社会经济部门一样,中国妇幼保健事业的发展也呈现严重的城乡非均衡性。

    However , just like other social economy department 's situation , China healthcare for women and children 's development also presents serious city and countryside non-equalization .

  2. 1994年,陈志昆获授宋庆龄樟树荣誉奖,以表彰其为中国妇幼保健卫生和儿童文化教育事业作出的卓越贡献。

    In1994 , Chee Kwon received the Soong Ching Ling Camphor Tree Award given to individuals with outstanding contributions to improving maternity care and children 's education and health in China .

  3. 中国城市妇幼保健服务的普遍提供&社会保险制还是事业单位制?

    The Generally Provides of Chinese City Woman and Child Health Care Service : Social Security System or Institution System ;

  4. 总体来说,中国的妇幼保健事业成就辉煌,多项妇幼保健的指标在发展中国家名列前茅。

    Generally speaking , China 's healthcare for women and children achievement is magnificent , many item target is among the best in the developing country .

  5. 旧中国没有专门的妇幼保健院,因孕期病或其他妇女病丧失生命的妇女不计其数。

    In old china , since there were no maternity and child care centers , countless women died from pregnancy complications or other gynaecological complaints .