
shè huì dì ɡuó zhǔ yì
  • social imperialism
  1. 特别是近代社会,帝国主义的入侵和封建主义的束缚,严重阻碍了中国经济与社会的发展,使中国陷入了半殖民地半封建的深渊。

    Thus , China sink into the semicolonial and semifeudal society .

  2. 打到资本主义社会的帝国主义时期,仗就打得特别广大和特别残酷。

    In the imperialist epoch of capitalist society , wars are waged on a particularly extensive scale and with a peculiar ruthlessness .

  3. 在《达洛卫夫人》中,伍尔夫通过运用不同的空间元素,表达了她对父权中心体制、资本主义社会以及帝国主义政策的批判和反思。

    In Mrs. Dalloway , by the manipulation of different spaces , Woolf criticizes the patriarchal ideology , capitalized society as well as the imperial policy .

  4. 中国近代民族资本企业诞生于半殖民地半封建社会,受到帝国主义和封建官僚主义的双重压迫,在夹缝中求生存。

    The Chinese modern national capital enterprise is born in the semi colonial and semi feudal society .