
  • 网络General Linguistics;general linguistic
  1. 对普通语言学的发展有着重要的作用;

    Has contributions to make to the development of general linguistics ;

  2. 一百年来中国的普通语言学的道路

    The Road of China 's General Linguistics for a Hundred Years

  3. 无论是现代语言学之父Saussure的《普通语言学教程》还是Chomsky的代表作《句法结构》,其研究对象都是语言系统本身而非语言的应用。

    From Course in General Linguistic of Saussure and Syntactic Structure of Chomsky , the goal of linguistic research is the language system rather than the application of language .

  4. 当代的普通语言学(20世纪60年代至今)&普通语言学的发展期。

    Contemporary ( 1960s - ) - development of General Linguistics .

  5. 索绪尔的比喻及其普通语言学理论

    Understanding sat Saussure 's Theory of General Linguistics through His Analogies

  6. 索绪尔《普通语言学教程》中的语言符号学思想

    Saussure ′ s Thoughts on Linguistic Semiotics in Course in General Linguistics

  7. 作为整体而言的语言研究经常被成为普通语言学。

    The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics .

  8. 现代的普通语言学(19世纪末20世纪60年代)普通语言学的成型期;

    Modern ( late 19 th century-1960s ) - establishment of General Linguistics ;

  9. 近代普通语言学(19世纪)&普通语言学的奠基期;

    Near modern ( the 19 th century ) - foundation of General Linguistics ;

  10. 认真学习普通语言学对我们学习英语是有帮助的。

    A careful study of linguistics will be helpful to our study of English .

  11. d对普通语言学、理论语言学和对比语言学的研究不无稗益。

    D Beneficial to the research in general linguistics , theoretical linguistics and contrastive linguistics .

  12. 中国学者以往的研究,通常是从普通语言学的角度,对科技英语翻译进行探索。

    Normally Chinese scholars explore the translation of EST from the perspective of general linguistics .

  13. 普通语言学将歧义结构分为语音歧义、词汇歧义和语法歧义。

    General linguistics usually divides ambiguity into phonetic ambiguity , lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity .

  14. 时间观与语言研究&索绪尔《普通语言学教程》时间观述评

    Conception of Time and Linguistic Study

  15. 这三个阶段互相联系,浑然一体,共同代表了哈利斯普通语言学研究的学术成果。

    Closely related to each other , the three stages together represent Harris'contribution to general Linguistics .

  16. 普通语言学述略

    A Sketch of General Linguistics

  17. 实际上,这三者的关系就是普通语言学观点演变的基础。

    Such interrelations , in essence , are reflections of the evolution of the general linguistic perspectives .

  18. 不可动摇的语言符号任意性原则&再读索绪尔《普通语言学教程》

    Arbitrariness As an Unbreakable Principle of the Linguistic Sign : Rereading Saussure s Course in General Linguistics ;

  19. 从索绪尔理和当代普通语言学的发展,语言学研究经历了从分离主义到整合主义的阶段。

    From the development of Saussure 's theory and modern linguistics , linguistics experienced from divisionism to combinationism .

  20. 汉语言的文字拼音化为何行不通&普通语言学原理的阐释

    Why Is Alphabetic System of Writing of Chinese Language Not Feasible & An Explanation of General Linguistics ' Principles

  21. 主讲课程:语言测试,普通语言学,研究方法和综合英语。

    She mainly teaches the following courses : Language Testing , General Linguistics , Research Methodology and Comprehensive English .

  22. 索绪尔《普通语言学教程》的哲学阐释普通高中英语词汇学习策略教学研究

    The Philosophical Perspectives of Course in General Linguistics by Saussure ; The Learning Strategies of Vocabulary for High School Students

  23. 普通语言学是相对于具体语言学、从宏观上研究语言一般规律的科学。

    Macroscopic Contemporary Linguistics General Linguistics , relative to Specific Linguistics , is a science which studies the general laws of language .

  24. 《普通语言学教程》中索绪尔对历史比较语言学的回顾和反思是结构主义语言理论得以产生的前提和基础。

    Linguists have given an accurate and theoretic study of the general language , which has helped the prosperous development of general linguistics .

  25. 本文的论述结合了普通语言学、汉语修辞学与认知修辞学等学科的知识,借鉴了统计学的相关方法。

    The thesis combines knowledge of general linguistics , rhetoric of Chinese , cognitive rhetoric and receiving rhetoric , absorbing some methods of statistical linguistics .

  26. 本文试图回答“为什么我们说系统功能语言学是一个普通语言学理论?”这个问题。

    The aim of this paper is to answer the question of " Why do we say that Systemic Functional Linguistics is a general linguistics theory ?" .

  27. 体范畴是普通语言学的重要研究领域,是语言学研究中的热点和难点问题之一。

    The category of Aspect is an important field of general linguistic research , and it is one of the hottest and most difficult fields in linguistics .

  28. 本文以普通语言学原理为理论背景,从结构形态、语义关系、话语功能三个层面分析考察了短语结构的受限搭配。

    Based on the principles of general linguistics , the dissertation studies restricted combinations in phrase structures from the perspectives of structural form , semantic relationship and discourse function .

  29. 从理论和语言运用上分析阐述索绪尔提出的任意性原则,指出该原则的适用性:不仅揭示语言符号的性质,同时对普通语言学建设起了促进作用。

    On the basis of theory research and language application , this paper sets out to analyze and paraphrase the principle of arbitrariness of semiotics put forward by Saussure .

  30. 从音系学角度对汉语中英源借词进行系统的研究不仅在汉语语言学领域具有重大意义,而且在普通语言学方面也是非常重要的。

    A systematic study of loanwords in Chinese from the phonological perspective has a great significance not only in Chinese linguistic studies but also in general linguistic point of view .